The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 867 Said that the habit of Sao Zhang seems to be irreversible

Chapter 867 The Habit of Gossip I Can't Get Rid of (Part [-])
For one-on-one competition, forty people are divided into twenty arenas.

The map of the arena is not small, the size of a football field, and the interior is a simulated environment.

Ling Huohuo's battlefield environment is the water surface!
Stepping on the water, Ling Huohuo looked at the screen that appeared beside him, showing his opponent this time.

"Name: Qingyue Wuying, level..."

A figure appeared not far from Ling Huohuo.

The other party was a beautiful woman holding a sword, with a proud look, she was also looking at Ling Huohuo at this time. When she saw Ling Huohuo, the woman's eyes narrowed slightly, and then she let out a cold snort.


For this cold snort, Ling Huohuo was a little confused.

At this time, the countdown time began.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6…

It is impossible for Ling Huohuo to beat Sap in the open environment, so he can only fight head-on.

Qingyue Wuying drew out her own weapon, a gorgeous looking long sword.

But Ling Huohuo could feel the difficulty of this sword.

Who said that beauty and strength cannot coexist?
When the countdown counted down, the woman let out a drink and rushed towards Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo just silently raised the sword staff in his hand.

The two sides fought together in a blink of an eye.

Outside the arena, the audience watched the magnificent battle between Ling Huohuo and Qingyue Wuying. The two sides did not use any skills, but were simply competing in swordsmanship, which seemed very enjoyable.

And Qingyue Wuying's teammates off the court also smiled when they saw this scene.

A woman wearing glasses pushed her own glasses.

"Ling Huohuo's strength is very strange, but there is no denying that the opponent's strength is very strong, and there are almost no weaknesses. Strong attacks are not enough, so if you want to defeat the opponent, you must use some off-court methods..."

The woman squinted her eyes, as if she had a winning ticket.

"Competing swordsmanship with Qingyue is your biggest mistake!"


"Competing swordsmanship with Ling Huohuo is your biggest mistake!"

The same words came out of Xiao Yunyun's mouth.

What did Ling Huohuo rely on to make a fortune? Could it be that there is no battery B digital?

Although Ling Huohuo didn't go further in the way of swordsmanship, the improvement of Ling Huohuo's strength has also greatly improved his way of swordsmanship.

Although there was no doubt about Ling Huohuo's victory, Xiao Yunyun was very happy to see this farce.

in the field.

Qingyue Wuying's sword speed became faster and faster.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows in surprise, because he felt the sword intent!

Ling Huohuo didn't expect that the other party's real world comprehension could be used in the game.

Although Ling Huohuo can also do it, but the opponent uses sword intent, which makes Ling Huohuo feel very interesting.

Ling Huohuo felt it, Qingyue Wuying's sword intent was still very immature, but the means used had basically taken shape.

This is probably like setting off small firecrackers in front of an anti-aircraft gun.

Since the other party wanted to compete in swordsmanship, Ling Huohuo calmed down and had a good time with the other party.

But soon Ling Huohuo felt boring.

I didn't come to practice with you!
At this time, Qingyue Wuying suddenly spoke.

"Ling Huohuo, I know you. I always thought that you had the strength you have today because of your profession and equipment, but I didn't expect you to have such a skill in swordsmanship! I apologize for my underestimation of your thoughts before. "

There was a look of approval in Qingyue Wuying's eyes.

Ling Huohuo:? ? ?

Is it really okay to talk to yourself like this?

Suddenly the long sword in Qingyue Wuying's hand stood upright, and her expression became serious.

"Next, I will use my real strength!" Qingyue Wuying said.

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that he should also say something.

"The road to perdition is shorter than you can imagine!"

The corner of Ling Huohuo's mouth twitched, it's over, I've been talking too much recently.

Qingyue Wuying's expression changed, she was a little angry, and then she thrust out the long sword abruptly.

"Look at the sword!"

There is a sword intent attached to the long sword, bringing up a sword shadow.

Ling Huohuo also held the sword staff and went up to meet him.

"What!?" Qingyue Wuying's expression changed, because Ling Huohuo's sword actually hit the tip of her sword!
Not only stopped Qingyue Wuying's sword, but also completely dissipated the power attached to the sword.

What to do at this time?
Qingyue Wuying suddenly had a bad feeling.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't give Qingyue Wuying a chance to react, and he also handed out a sword, as if it was extremely slow, but it seemed to be extremely fast.

Qingyue Wuying's complexion changed, and she hurriedly defended, but it was still too late, Ling Huohuo's sword directly hit Qingyue Wuying's throat.


Qingyue Wuying was hit by Ling Huohuo's sword and flew into the distance, rolling on the ground.

But Qingyue Wuying got up immediately after landing, looking at Ling Huohuo in disbelief.

"Why? What kind of sword technique is that?"

Qingyue Wuying's expression collapsed a bit.

Qingyue Wuying felt that if the sword just now was in the real world, she would definitely be dead and be instantly killed by the opponent!

Although in the game, he would not be instantly killed by such a normal attack without any skills, but the feeling of being killed is real!
Therefore, Qingyue Wuying subconsciously chose to use the overlord body.

As for the power transmitted from that sword just now, Qingyue Wuying could feel that even if this move couldn't instantly kill her, she would definitely not feel better.

Feeling the strange sensation on her neck, Qingyue Wuying retched for a while.

Ling Huohuo used the sword staff in his hand to hold a chic sword flower.

"Splash ink!"

Ling Huohuo's footsteps moved lightly, attacking Qingyue Wuying.

"Splash ink?"

Qingyue Wuying recited a sentence silently, and then saw Ling Huohuo attacking, and hurried to fight.

Ling Huohuo's swordsmanship has become extremely chic, lifting lightness as if it is heavy, lifting weights as lightness, constantly changing, just a few fights, Qingyue Wuying's face changes again and again.

Qingyue Wuying felt that she could no longer defend against Ling Huohuo's general attack.

"Heavenly Sword Wuhen!" Qingyue Wuying immediately used her skills.

But Ling Huohuo shook the sword staff in his hand.

Figures pass by.

Qingyue Wuying's body kept using movements.

Ling Huohuo stood behind Qingyue Wuying holding his sword and staff.

Qingyue Wuying's blood volume is emptied!
Winner, big guy passing by!
Seeing this scene, the audience was in an uproar.

What the hell just happened?
Ling Huohuo slowly put away the sword staff, and he also used a spatial sword intent to attach to the sword staff just now, but he didn't expect that such an attack could kill Qingyue Wuying in an instant.

There was nothing too unexpected about Qingyue Wuying's death Ling Huohuo, the only surprise was that Qingyue Wuying's blood volume was inexplicably thin.

"Killing is a bad habit, but I can't seem to quit."

Ling Huohuo's face froze, he just wanted to say a scene, but why this sentence?
It's over, I may not be able to quit the bad habit of talking coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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