The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 868 Are you still holding a shield?

Chapter 868 Are you still holding a shield? (one more)
Ling Huohuo's first victory was easy.

After Qingyue Wuying came out of the game cabin, she still looked at Ling Huohuo as if she hadn't recovered, which was a bit unbelievable.

After shaking hands with the stiff Qingyue Wuying, Ling Huohuo temporarily left the scene.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, Yi Yi and Ling Xian'er ended the first battle very quickly, and the three of them left together.

The first day of fighting did not make any waves.

At the same time, players in several other regions were also engaged in the first day of personal battles in full swing.

When I get busy, I always feel that time flies by.

It didn't feel any better, but on the second day, Ling Huohuo reluctantly got up from Xiao Yunyun's bed, washed it briefly, put on his clothes and went to the competition.

In the preparation room, Yi Yi and Ling Xian'er clearly felt that Ling Huohuo's mental state was not as good as the day before.

"Are you okay?" Yi Yi asked concerned.

Ling Xian'er also looked at Ling Huohuo worriedly.

Ling Huohuo took a puff of cigarette silently, looking at the sky and waiting.

"There is no plowed land, only exhausted oxen."

Yi Yi: "..."

Ling Xian'er: "..."

The serious looking Xiao Yunyun appeared in Ling Xian'er's mind.

I didn't expect Xiao Yunyun to be this kind of person.

Ling Xian'er's face turned red.

Soon, today's battle list came down.

Fortunately, the three of Ling Huohuo did not meet together.

Ling Huohuo logs into the game.

This time Ling Huohuo's opponent was a shield warrior man.

In summary, shield fighters have three characteristics-thick blood, high defense, and slow movement.

Abbreviated as MT, commonly known as blood cow, the station is generally the front row.

Shield warriors are not weak in attack. Shield warriors' attacks are all powerful attacks. Although the attack speed is slower, once they are hit on the body, they don't feel good.

As an opponent, it is a very disgusting profession.

Shield Warrior looks very composed.

The shield fighters who can go this far are not simple characters, so Ling Huohuo is also a little more serious.

The room for this battle is a closed metal room, and the range of movement is not large.

Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes. If he didn't have a good plan, then this battle would only be an anxious battle, and it would be difficult to win easily.

The battle begins!
With a light wave of the staff in Ling Huohuo's hand, an aura enveloped the shield warrior on the opposite side.

The body of the shield warrior who was about to put on a defensive stance froze.

Taking advantage of this time, Ling Huohuo released several skills, and countless strange tentacles surrounded the shield warrior and rubbed it in the center.

"Touch of the Void!"

"Void Mire!"

A purple quagmire-like hole opened on the ground, and the shield warrior fell in. The shield warrior, who had nowhere to rely, fell into the quagmire as soon as he used his skills to break free from the touch of the void, and then the touch of the void entangled him again. The body of the shield warrior.

Taking advantage of the time when the shield warrior was restrained, Ling Huohuo began to release his powerful skills one by one.

Although it took a long time to read the article, it was also difficult for the shield warrior to break free from the quagmire of void.

Void Touch and Void Mire are two control skills that are very difficult to break free.

Ling Huohuo frightened the opponent with his own aura at first, and prepared the touch of the void during this time, and let the touch of the void successfully control the shield warrior, and then released the void while the shield warrior was breaking free from the touch of the void Mire, control the shield warrior again, and then the two control skills of touch of the void and void quagmire start to control the shield warrior at the same time, making it difficult for the shield warrior to break free for a while, providing a good output environment for Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo knows that although he is strong, the attack power of other attacks other than magic skills is still weak. He cannot guarantee to break the shield warrior's defense, nor can he judge whether his damage can keep up with the opponent's blood recovery speed.

If the opponent successfully defends, he will definitely be dragged into the opponent's rhythm. Although he can't lose, winning is not easy.

In short, cannot be brought into the opponent's rhythm.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo chose to take control first, and then use powerful skills to hit fixed targets.

Although the Touch of the Void and the Mire of the Void cannot control the Shield Warrior all the time, after all, the opponent definitely has means to control them, but now the battle rhythm has fallen into Ling Huohuo's hands, and Ling Huohuo will be able to easily deal with the Shield Warrior a lot of.

Sure enough, the Shield Warrior broke free after two rounds of attacks.

However, the shield warrior lost less than a quarter of his blood volume, and the shield warrior's blood volume was still recovering.

"I'm the man who killed the third-ranked thief and the second-ranked assassin. How could I be knocked down by mere restraint!" the shield warrior shouted proudly.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows.

According to the battle just now, it can be judged that the shield warrior's magic resistance and physical resistance are not low, and it is indeed very possible to kill assassins and thieves.

This kind of profession with relatively low technical content and the ability to stand still is really disgusting.

What's more disgusting than him is that the other party can not only stand up, but also master the skill of standing up!
Because of the authenticity of "The Lost World", many combat skills in reality can actually be used, such as unloading skills.


Huoxiu with me, right?

Ling Huohuo charged forward with his short blade in hand.

The shield warrior watched Ling Huohuo rushing up, his eyes lit up.

Melee?I like it!

Ping Pong Pong...

After some blows, Ling Huohuo did not break through the shield warrior's defense, and the shield warrior's HP was about to be full again.

The audience outside the arena was a little surprised by the battle at this time.

Is Ling Huohuo going to stop here?

Then Ling Huohuo withdrew from everyone's eyes, away from the shield warrior.

"Huh?" Shield Warrior raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you continue?"

A humble smile appeared on the shield warrior's seemingly calm face.

Every blood cow has a dirty heart and a cheap personality.

"You didn't pay attention to the battle between me and Yi Dao at first sight." Ling Huohuo said.

"What?" The shield warrior was taken aback.

"Have you ever heard of hanging beating?"


Then, countless small magic circles lit up from the large shield and body of the shield warrior.

"not good!"

The shield warrior's expression changed.

However, it was too late.

The rays of light composed of countless energies shot around, connected to the ceiling and walls of the metal room, and dropped the shield warrior.

Ling Huohuo raised the staff in his hand.

"Void... whip!"

Large and small whip-like tentacles appeared from the ground, and began to draw towards the shield warrior in mid-air one by one.

And Ling Huohuo also began to increase the output of magic power, maintaining the void whip, and at the same time enhancing the power of the void whip.

Aren't you bloody?Then let's have fun!
"Ah~oh yeah~Ya Butterfly~Skui~Yiku~Yiku~"

A cry of ecstasy came from the mouth of the shield warrior.

"Are you still holding the shield?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, ah~"

After a while, Ling Huohuo disappeared from the arena with the bloodless Shield Warrior.

Ling Huohuo also touched the sweat on his forehead.

As expected of a blood bull, in order to increase the power of the attack, his magic power was almost bottomed out, and this was the only way to grind the opponent to death.

Ling Huohuo tidied up her robe.

He has already qualified for the finals.

"But it's over for me, put your hips on your hips for a while~"

(End of this chapter)

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