The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 869 The first time I saw you...

Chapter 869 The first time I saw you... (two more)

As for the subsequent rankings, Sailing Huohuo did not go to participate, but took everyone in the studio out for a celebration banquet.

The final will be held a month later.

Ling Huohuo planned to take advantage of this time to practice leveling in the game, relax, and continue making villains with Xiao Yunyun.

However, things will not always go as smoothly as expected.

In the room, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were wrapped in quilts, looking at the girl who entered through the broken window, their faces were bewildered.

Isn't it just to open a room in a hotel?
Ling Huohuo stretched his neck and asked.


"No!" The girl in armor replied indifferently.

This girl, Ling Huohuo, knew her. She came from the same church power as Lynch, and she was also one of the paladins like Lynch. If nothing else happened, she was the only woman among the paladins.

Ling Huohuo also had a face-to-face meeting with the other party.

"Kill it!" Xiao Yunyun's magic power began to surge, and the killing intent in his eyes was fully revealed.

"Wait, let's see the situation first." Ling Huohuo hugged Xiao Yunyun into his arms, and the two of them were still curled up under the quilt.

If it weren't for this armored girl who knew Lin Qi, Ling Huohuo didn't have to wait for Xiao Yunyun, he would have drawn his sword and cut people now.

Of course, if it was a man who came in, Ling Huohuo wouldn't care if the other party knew Lynch or not, he would cut it first and then talk.

However, to Ling Huohuo's surprise, the girl suddenly attacked her.

A long sword with a chain was pulled out by the girl from nowhere and pointed at Ling Huohuo.

"Where did you hide Lynch?"

There was a dangerous gleam in the girl's eyes.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were dumbfounded again.

The quilt slipped off.

The holy light emerged, and coded without pause.

In the end, although Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun felt a little upset, they brought the girl back to the studio and handed her over to Lynch.


This was the first sentence Lynch said when he saw the girl.

"Get out first!"

At this time, Lynch saw the girl's second sentence.

However, before Lynch teleported away, a barrier of sealed teleportation enveloped the studio, and then Lynch knelt down to the girl.

Everyone looked at Lynch and the girl curiously, not knowing what was going on.

Why did Lynch run away as soon as he saw the girl, and why did the girl seem to be prepared for the barrier?
Then, under everyone's gaze, the girl didn't seem to be affected at all.

A gentle smile appeared on his expressionless face.

The girl squatted in front of Lynch who was kneeling on the ground.

A short knife was pulled out by the girl, and Ling Huohuo was very curious about how the girl pulled out the knife so imposingly.

Lynch swallowed, shivering, and looked at Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning for help.

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning frowned and thought about it for a while, then smiled frantically.


Lynch felt that his heart was so cold, what kind of bad friend was this?
The girl rubbed Lynch's face with the dagger in her hand.


Lynch swallowed.

"Brother Lynch~" the girl called softly.

To be honest, this sound was not only Ling Huohuo, but even the girls in the studio felt that their bodies were numb.

"Here!" Lynch shouted nervously.

"Why are you avoiding me?" the girl asked in a waxy voice.

Lynch squinted at the dagger stuck to his face.

Why do you think I'm avoiding you?
But Lynch knew that he must not say that at this time, it would kill someone!
"You weren't like this when you were young~" The girl seemed to be lost in memories, her eyes were hazy, but the dagger in her hand was still sliding across Lynch's face.

"We have baby relatives since childhood..." Speaking of this, the girl's face flushed, a little shy.

"That, my dad and your dad said it when they were drunk, didn't they all say it as a joke afterwards?" Lynch explained in a low voice.

But the girl who was clearly in memory did not hear Lynch's explanation.

Everyone else pricked up their ears.

Things get interesting!
"When I was 16 years old, I will give you the most perfect version of myself..." the girl continued.

What the hell!

Big news!
Everyone looked at Lynch in surprise, as if they were meeting Lynch for the first time.

"Nothing~" Lynch smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah." The girl nodded, "Before that, you said that you joined the church and decided to serve the Lord for life and never get close to women!"

Lynch smiled awkwardly.

"Then I followed you into the church and decided to serve the Lord for life! Follow in your footsteps," the girl said.

"Then you became a Paladin candidate because of your good performance."

"I also became a candidate for the paladin because I followed in your footsteps."

Lynch waved his hand.

"No, no, no, no, no, the candidates for the paladins are selected based on their talent, it has nothing to do with performance, it's just that your talent is just enough." Lynch said.

But the girl didn't seem to hear it.

"Later, you became a paladin, and I became a paladin too!"

As she spoke, the girl looked into Lynch's eyes.

"Do you love me?" The girl suddenly asked a question.

"Um... I don't love you!" Lynch said with a sad face.

"What?" The girl suddenly looked excited, "You love me!"


Everyone was speechless for a while.

They were sure they didn't hear a single word of Lynch's words, why did it change into a sentence when it came out of the girl's mouth?
"I'm afraid it's not selective deafness!" Xiao Yunyun curled her lips, she still cared about the girl disturbing her and Ling Huohuo before.

Regardless of the others, the girl stroked Lynch's cheek with the other hand.

"To be honest, Brother Lynch, I already thought of the name of our fifth child when I first saw you..."

Ling Huohuo and his friends were shocked.

So 6?

Girl why are you so good?

"We... uh~"

The girl rolled her eyes and fainted in Lynch's arms. Lynch hurriedly hugged the girl, and then threw the short knife in the girl's hand with the other hand.

Behind the girl, Ling Huohuo calmly withdrew her hand.

"Old Tie, thank you, I'll slip first~"

Lynch was about to get up.

"Wait a minute!" Ding Ning suddenly stopped Lynch.

"We have a general understanding of the situation. Why did you reject him? Don't use the excuse of serving the Lord to prevaricate us. I know that when you were in college, your computer had a T..."

"Ahem." Lynch coughed hastily, "It's not that I want to refuse, have seen it too, I can't accept her appearance." Lynch said with a crying face.

"I don't want to be rough on her, so I can only hide."

"That is to say, you are still interested in others?" Ding Ning raised his eyebrows.

"This..." Lynch's eyes were a little erratic, "Is it a childhood sweetheart after all, there is always a little..."

"Okay, I see." Ding Ning clapped his hands and smiled.

"Instead of avoiding it, it's better to try to accept it."


"Don't worry, I will help her get rid of this problem!"

Ding Ning smiled.

Isn't it sick and delicate?

Then Ding Ning looked at Lynch.

"Accept the transformation!"


"Sickness can't be cured, but if you are transformed into a look suitable for her, the disease will disappear when you no longer think it is a problem."


What I said seems to make sense, but why do I always feel that something is wrong with this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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