The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 871 He is going to be hacked to death

Chapter 871 He's About to Be Hacked to Death (Part [-])

When Eisfeldt received the information that Ling Huohuo was taunting at the airport, he felt bored and threw the information into the trash can.

When I was pretending to be aggressive outside with the devil, Ling Huohuo's ancestor was still a sperm.

Forcing this kind of thing, if you pretend too much, it will fade away when you look at it.

In Eisfeldt's view, in the heavens and worlds, being an ordinary demon is the happiest.

Eisfeld has never liked strength, he has no concept of strength, and he never wants to have such a strong strength in his life, strong strength makes him very painful!He has never used his strength!The happiest thing in his life is when he beats someone when he has no strength.

The thing he regrets the most is joining the ordinary force of the Demon King Army and becoming a Demon General, but he has nothing but the title of Demon General, even among his colleagues, he is so ordinary.

After he retires, he will go back to his hometown in the Demon Realm to herd cattle and be an ordinary demon.


To be honest, the treatment of the pillar generals by the Demon King Army is still very good.

However, this time I came for a meeting, and there was not much cutscenes. Soon, Ling Huohuo was led and found his seat.

In the center of the ornate building is the meeting place, with seating arranged in a circle.

The venue is still gorgeous, with fabulous food at every table, it doesn't feel like a venue at all except for the seating arrangements.

Eight extremely dazzling high chairs are placed on top of the center of the venue.

On the back of the chair, different patterns are engraved.

What surprised Ling Huohuo was that these patterns corresponded to the eight origins.

Although the chairs below are also very gorgeous, they obviously feel a class lower than the eight chairs above, and there are exactly 88 chairs below.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo sat in their seats respectively, they were not next to each other.

There is a bracelet on the table.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Ling Huohuo put on the bracelet.

"At this time, with the identity bracelet, you don't have to come to the headquarters again for meetings in the future. You can use the bracelet to enter a space for meetings, and you can also use the bracelet to contact other people. The bracelet has some other functions that you need to discover by yourself." the waiter explained.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"By the way, I hope you take good care of your bracelet. Once your bracelet is taken away by others, you will lose your status as a pillar general unless you plunder other people's bracelets." The waiter continued.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows.

"That means there are only 88 bracelets, right?"

"That's right, there are only 88 Pillar General bracelets, and there are eight corresponding Pillar King bracelets."

"What if it's lost? Will you replace it?" Ling Huohuo asked.


This question really stumped the waiter, the point is that no one thought that someone would lose something.

Please, you are such a strong person, so don't lose everything!
Looking at the waiter who couldn't answer, Ling Huohuo waved his hand and told the waiter to leave, then Ling Huohuo took out his phone boredly, his eyes lit up.

“There is WIFI here!”

When Ling Huohuo saw a girl-like Zhujiang who was also playing with a mobile phone beside him, he asked, "Are you black, old iron?"



As people continued to arrive, the venue became crowded and noisy.

Soon, 88 pillars will be in place.

To be honest, according to other people, two words appeared in Ling Huohuo's heart - monsters, ghosts and snakes, in various poses and with different expressions!
In short, there are all kinds of people, and there is also a person with chicken feathers on his head.

These pillars will all come from different parts of the world and will naturally look different.

There were only 88 pillar generals in the venue, but the followers of the pillar generals did not come in, and then the attendants also retreated, and the gate was tightly closed.

Sensing that the meeting might have started, everyone fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, eight powerful imposing rewards followed.

Everyone looked at the eight seats above.

Eight figures appeared on the seat, it was the Eight Pillar King!
Ling Huohuo saw Yi Han.

After not seeing him for a while, Yi Han's aura became more condensed, and it also reached the eighth level.

Although Yi Han is the only eighth-rank among the Eight Pillar Kings, he looks easy to bully, but many people have already tested it with blood lessons, and Yi Han is more difficult to deal with than others!

Not weaker than other pillar kings.

The title of Pillar of Water King is well deserved.

But is this really the case?

When Ling Huohuo was watching Yi Han, Yi Han also saw Ling Huohuo, but then his eyes trembled.

He found that he still couldn't see through Ling Huohuo's strength, and the deeper his understanding of the artifact in his hand, the more he could feel a power in Ling Huohuo that made his heart palpitate. Growing, becoming clearer.

In the end, Yi Han could only nod politely to Ling Huohuo, and then looked away.

The eight people on the eight seats are the eight pillar kings, and the eight pillar kings correspond to eight attributes.

The Pillar of Water King is Yi Han holding a gourd. He has a deep breath and looks easy to get along with.

The Pillar of Fire King is a red-haired European and American man, with a burst of aura, not angry but arrogant.

The Golden Pillar King is a white man with a sharp breath and a haughty expression.

The King of Pillars of Wood is a slim woman wearing a long skirt, with flower garlands on her head and wrists, her body is full of vitality, her chest is also full of vitality, ahem, the woman has a smile on her face.

The Pillar of Earth King is a black man with a steady breath and looks ordinary.

The Pillar of Time King covered his face, so he couldn't see the other person's appearance, not even the gender.

But Ling Huohuo could feel the vicissitudes and youthfulness intertwined in each other's body.

Ling Huohuo didn't investigate too much, he just felt that he could hack him to death.

The King of Pillars of the Sky has a weird style, he looks out of tune, with a curious smile on his face, looking around, looking around, he is not stable at all.

But Ling Huohuo could feel the power of space in the opponent's breath, well, this one can also be hacked to death.

As for the last Pillar of Life and Death King, Ling Huohuo took a closer look at it. After all, the source of life and death lies in himself.

But seeing this made Ling Huohuo a little surprised.

The Pillar of Life and Death King is a majestic looking man with a mysterious aura and a very high profile.

But Ling Huohuo always felt that there was a strange sense of discord between this Pillar of Life and Death King and other Pillar Kings. There is this sense of disobedience, as if he is not a whole with other pillar kings.

Ling Huohuo had a premonition that the King of Life and Death Pillar was about to be hacked to death.

Ling Huohuo's hunch was always accurate.

At this moment, King Jin Zhizhu stood up suddenly.

"The first general meeting officially begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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