Chapter 872 Organization X (Part [-])
The meeting is presided over by eight pillar kings.

There are four main things in this meeting. The first thing is to announce the responsibilities and benefits of the pillar generals.

Although Ling Huohuo is not interested in this, many people like it very much.

At the same time, various rules related to pillar kings and pillar generals were announced.

The first thing took a lot of time.

Then there's the second thing, which is also more complicated.

After this meeting the Pillar King and Pillar Generals will be assigned the first task.

There is a mysterious organization hidden in the depths of this world, and the power of this organization spreads all over the world.

Hearing this, Ling Huohuo regained his energy, because this description made Ling Huohuo think of the mysterious organization that he had fought against. So far, Ling Huohuo has had a lot of contact with this organization, not only black Moon Iron Cavalry, as well as the captain and his party that I met in the underground palace, and the alchemist Ling Huohuo that I met in New York also suspected that they were related to this organization.

Therefore, let Ling Huohuo sit up slightly and listen to King Jinzhizhu continue talking about that organization.

The Demon King Army found out about this organization, and then handed over the organization to the Pillar King and Pillar Generals, and rewards will be given according to the final credit, and all proceeds will belong to the individual.

At the same time, some information about the organization's base was released.

Because this organization always changes its name, the Demon King Army named this organization "X".

The task of the Demon Army is to fight against this mysterious organization.

As for the third thing, all the Zhujiang's residences have been divided into 88 districts. After this meeting, Zhujiang must go to his own residence to garrison. If he wants to change the residence, the Zhujiang will negotiate with each other. It is also possible to challenge, and if the challenge is successful, you can snatch other people's resident and let others go to your own resident.

Although Zhu will not be restricted to his residence, he must stay at his residence at least six months a year.

As for the last thing, the extraordinary is about to hold the first Pillar King Cup Competition. Except for the pillar king and the pillar general, all extraordinary people under the age of 30 can participate. Opportunity for the post!

Although you can usually challenge the Pillar General or Pillar King, but if you want to challenge, whether you can find the other party or whether the other party accepts the challenge is still a problem, and the mandatory challenge allows you to challenge anytime, anywhere!
To participate in this competition, each pillar general station needs to hold a regional competition first, and the winner can participate in the final.

The Pillar King Cup is held every four years.

That's right, the format of this competition is still so familiar, and the game of the Demon King Army basically follows this routine.

For superhumans over the age of 30, there will be a kingly competition. Participants can compete on the same stage. The devil army will arrange the competition. The winner can have the opportunity to challenge the pillar king.

The winner of the Pillar King Cup Competition can also participate in the King Dao Competition.

The Wang Dao Competition is held one year after the Pillar King Cup Competition.

Then the meeting broke up.

Ling Huohuo took Ling Zhuo to meet Yi Yi.

"Next we will go back to Zhonghai City and prepare to move. What are your plans?" Yi Yi asked.

His residence is in northern China, which also includes his hometown, so he has no resistance to moving.

"My residence includes Zhonghai City." Ling Huohuo said.

"My residence is relatively close to the boss's residence, so don't worry." Ling Zhuo said.

At this time Ling Zhuo was a little excited, even if his strength was excluded, Ling Zhuo could be considered a big boss at this time.

Moreover, Ling Zhuo's own strength is also steadily rising, and with the assistance of the social turtle, Ling Zhuo's strength is improving by leaps and bounds.

This also strengthened Ling Zhuo's idea of ​​hugging Ling Huohuo's thigh tightly, maybe he could be a pillar king by then.

Of course, the premise is that Ling Huohuo has this idea.

"I'm going to attack that mysterious organization next." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

Yi Yi looked a little surprised, but didn't say much.

"Okay, you pay attention to safety, anyway, I don't want to wade into this muddy water."

"Then I wish you all the best." Ling Huohuo said.

When Yi Yi left, Ling Huohuo looked at Ling Zhuo.

"what's your plan?"

"What plan?" Ling Zhuo looked puzzled instead.

"Now that you are a pillar general, and the power has been handed down, don't you have any ideas?" Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

Ling Zhuo thought about it seriously.

"Well, first find a good-looking girlfriend."

"Hehe, don't talk about a good-looking girlfriend, now you can be a young model in the clubhouse every day." Ling Huohuo said.

"No, Kidney can't hold on. What's more, if you don't practice hard, you may be kicked out of this position. I can't always rely on you, boss." Ling Zhuo smiled embarrassedly.

Ling Huohuo nodded, it's okay, Ling Zhuo hasn't floated yet.

"To be honest, I used to think that it was enough to live a stable life. Now that I have this opportunity, I can at least provide a better life for my family." Ling Zhuo said seriously.

"You plan to tell your family everything?" Ling Huohuo asked.

However, Ling Zhuo shook his head.

"The world of extraordinary people is too dangerous, just help in the dark. My parents are both in Zhonghai City, and they are still on your territory, big brother."

Ling Huohuo rubbed Ling Zhuo's head and smiled.

"Since you are going to spend a lot of time in the world of superhumans, then study hard during this time and grow up quickly. It's just right, this time you go out with me to explore things about the X organization and see the world of superhumans." Ling Huohuo said.

"En." Ling Zhuo nodded seriously.


The Demon King Army treats the pillar generals and pillar kings very well, and there are various welfare configurations.

For example, when traveling, as long as the place is determined, the Demon King Army can send someone to deliver it to the designated place.

The destination chosen by Ling Huohuo this time is Japan.

In Japan, there was something about Organization X, and it was painted with a red rating.

Japan is not far from Zhonghai City, and it can be regarded as the closest place to Zhonghai City for the situation related to X organization.

In fact, like Yi Yi, there are not many pillar generals or pillar kings who want to join the X organization.

It is not easy to have an organization all over the world, and the Demon King Army still wants to use them as weapons.

Fortunately, the Demon King Army did not force it, everything was voluntary.

Sitting on the special plane, Ling Huohuo looked down at the Japanese island.

Looking at the island country, Ling Huohuo nodded.

With the red danger level, there must be a strong man of the ninth level. If there is a fight, Japan may sink.

Ling Huohuo didn't expect that the organization that struggled to catch him had already developed to this extent.

And Ling Zhuo was also curiously lying on the window looking down at the Japanese island.

"Boss, this is my first time in Japan." Ling Zhuo said.

"Then what do you know about Japan?" Ling Huohuo asked.



“Tokyo is hot!”


(End of this chapter)

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