The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 873 The World Is a Layer Cake

Chapter 873 The World Is a Millefeuille (Part [-])

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo didn't notify anyone when they arrived in Japan, so they didn't cause much commotion.

There are also two pillar generals in Japan. Ling Huohuo didn't know if he would meet them, and he didn't say hello to each other, but that didn't matter, anyway, they couldn't beat him.

Strong and willful!
After arriving in Japan, Ling Huohuo did not take Ling Huohuo directly to the location marked in the information, but wandered around Tokyo.

First, I went to Akihabara to let Ling Zhuo experience the maid coffee, and then I had a good time in Tokyo.

until night.

Tokyo is still bustling at night.

Japan is also hosting the "Lost World" carnival, and there is only one month left for the finals.

Coming to Tokyo again, Ling Huohuo also felt a lot of emotion.

After a stroll, Ling Huohuo passed a private hospital with Ling Zhuo, who was holding a pile of food.

At this time, the private hospital was closed and it was pitch black.

"What did you think of when you saw that hospital?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Yeqin sick building!" Ling Zhuo said without hesitation.

Ling Huohuo hit Ling Zhuo on the head.

"Can you think of something serious?"

"But in a place like Japan, when you first come to the ramp, you can't be serious at all." Ling Zhuo felt aggrieved.

Apart from geography books, Ling Zhuo's understanding of Japan is all kinds of small pieces.

Ling Huohuo sighed.

"I even took you to the maid cafe to purify your soul. I didn't expect you to be so unbearable!"


rely on me?
"What, boss, is there a problem with that hospital?" Ling Zhuo asked, thinking of something.

"I still think, you're not too stupid." Ling Huohuo shrugged, and then walked towards the dark personal hospital.

However, when Ling Huohuo walked to the door with Ling Zhuo, Ling Huohuo stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter, boss?" Ling Zhuo asked curiously.



"The thing I felt left."

"Where did you go?"

"How do I know?" Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

However, Ling Huohuo also sighed a little psychologically, the other party did have a trick, and he was able to block his own perception.

"Okay, go back."


Ling Zhuo hurriedly followed.

However, halfway through, Ling Huohuo turned again.

"What's the matter, boss?" Ling Zhuo asked.

"What do you think of the school over there?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Prison School!"

"..." Ling Huohuo.

Well, the kid is hopeless.

Ling Huohuo led Ling Zhuo to the closed school.

"Sakakino Academy?"

This name... is amazing.

When you come to Sakakino Academy, of course you have to go to the rooftop to see it.

The first step is to enter the academy.

However, to Ling Zhuo's surprise, no one came to stop Ling Huohuo and him until they climbed over the wall and entered the academy, as if there were no guards nearby.

"Don't look for it anymore, this academy is already occupied by people." Ling Huohuo said.

"Other people's territory?" Ling Zhuo didn't know, so although Ling Zhuo's strength has improved rapidly, after all, he has not been in contact with extraordinary people for a long time, so he doesn't understand many things, and his means are very limited.

"There has been a barrier set up here. The place we entered is probably similar to the inner world of the real Sakakino Academy. No matter what we do here, it will not affect the real world."

"What is the inner world?" Ling Zhuo was like a curious baby.

"Although the world is a whole, the whole world is more like a thousand-layer cake, which is made up of countless spaces superimposed. The world we live in is generally called the surface world, which is the most stable layer of the world. Different world levels It can only be entered through different means, and even some strange creatures live in some layers, but most of them are harmful to the surface world. The world opened with a special enchantment is called the inner world, the inner world and the surface layer The world is exactly the same, but there is no life born, and even if it is destroyed, it can be slowly repaired. Only when the surface world changes, the inner world will change." Ling Huohuo explained.

For the composition of the world, Ling Huohuo didn't understand it so clearly at the beginning, but since he transformed into the Void Clan, he was able to penetrate the space and see it for himself, and he also had the memory of the Void Sage, which made Ling Huohuo understand the composition of the world. With a clearer understanding.

As for the level represented by the void, it is outside the layered cake-like world, starting from the outermost layer of the world, it is all void!

The void belongs to the definition on the spatial level, not a specific location.

"Doesn't that mean that as long as you enter this enchantment, you can enter the inner space? Ordinary people will not be involved?"

"I don't rule out the possibility of ordinary people being involved, but the reason why we can get in so easily is because I just opened a hole in this enchantment, so we can come in."

"When?" Ling Zhuo was startled.

"When climbing over the wall."

"Then now..."

"That mouth has been healed. Even if you go back the same way, you are still in the inner world and cannot return to the outer world at all." Speaking of this, Ling Huohuo stopped and looked at Ling Zhuo, " You'd better not get separated from me, you don't have the means to leave the inner world, it's very dangerous to be alone, after all, the inner world is not an independent space, many people can come in."

Ling Zhuo nodded hastily.

"Boss, why are we here?" Ling Zhuo asked curiously.

"A school is covered by an enchantment, aren't you curious?"

Ling Zhuo thought about it.

"You mean, the X organization built its base in the inner world?"

"Your idea is very good, but it's impossible. At most, come over and do some experiments."


"We are all creatures of the surface world, and we cannot stay in other worlds for a long time, otherwise we will be assimilated, or even die, but on the contrary, the invasion of the surface world by creatures of other worlds will make the surface world gradually Honkai, therefore, all other world-level creatures appearing in the surface world will be wiped out, and the main job in Japan is Onmyoji.”

While explaining to Ling Zhuo, Ling Huohuo led Ling Zhuo to the central teaching building.

Suddenly, Ling Zhuo noticed a figure at the door of the teaching building, and his expression tightened.

However, Ling Huohuo pushed the figure aside regardless.

"Get out of the way."


After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo pushed open the door of the teaching building and walked in with Ling Zhuo.

"What was that just now?" Ling Zhuo asked curiously.

"Creatures from other levels who strayed into the inner world went back after a while. The inner world is the only way to enter the outer world. Now there are creatures from other levels appearing, which should be the connection between the inner world and other worlds. There's a hole in the location."

As he spoke, Ling Huohuo suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Therefore, it is very likely that creatures from other worlds want to invade the surface world, but are blocked by humans in the inner world."

(End of this chapter)

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