The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 874 Disaster in the wild

Chapter 874
When Ling Huohuo took Ling Zhuo two more steps in the teaching building, the scene changed again.

The pitch-black teaching building disappeared, and they were already standing in a golden world, with mysterious lines on the ground and golden dots of light floating in the air.

In the distance, a battle is taking place. From a distance, a person is fighting against a group of huge snake-shaped creatures.

"This is..." Ling Zhuo looked around curiously.

"This is another mezzanine world that breaks the inner world." Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Huohuo sensed that the laws of this mezzanine world are not much different from those of the surface world.

"Let's go and have a look."

Ling Huohuo led Ling Zhuo to the direction of the battle in the distance.

"If you didn't follow me, it would be difficult for ordinary people to come here without the right means, even if they were at the ninth level." Ling Huohuo explained.

Ling Zhuo nodded half understanding.

"There's someone over there!" Ling Zhuo said suddenly.

Ling Huohuo also followed Ling Zhuo's line of sight. In that direction, several girls in school uniforms were carefully watching the battle.

"They seem to be ordinary people." Ling Zhuo said.

"Then it seems that ordinary people have been involved." Ling Huohuo said.

"Go and see."

When Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo walked towards the girls, the girls also noticed Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo, and their expressions became tense, looking a little wary.

"Who are you?" A girl asked in Japanese.

"Ordinary people." Ling Huohuo also replied in Japanese.

Then the four girls showed a look of "you're kidding me".

Ling Zhuo scratched his head.

"If you have time to go back and learn the language, you may have to travel around the world in the future, not to mention that now that your soul has been sublimated, your memory and learning ability will be greatly improved." Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo said.

"So I don't have to read the subtitles anymore?"


"Huaxia people?" The four girls looked at each other a few times, then took a few steps back cautiously.

After entering this place by mistake, they felt very insecure and wary of every person and creature they encountered.

Ling Huohuo didn't care about the attitudes of the girls, but put his hands in his pockets and continued to ask in Japanese.

"What is this place? How did you get in here?"

Hearing Ling Huohuo's question, although the girls were a little wary, they hesitated and opened their mouths.

"We were originally on campus, and then we came here. We don't know where this place is." A girl said.

"On campus? What are you doing on campus so late?" Ling Huohuo asked.

The four girls hesitated, but did not give an answer.

"What's the situation over there?" Ling Huohuo asked, pointing to the fighting area in the distance.

"Those snakes wanted to attack us, but they were stopped by the man who appeared suddenly, and then... we couldn't leave, so we could only watch here." Another girl replied.

Ling Huohuo nodded, he already understood the situation, and the four girls really didn't know anything, that is to say, they were completely involved.

Ling Huohuo began to observe the battle in the distance. Those snake-like creatures were not living creatures, but a strange collection of consciousness.

As for the person fighting with her, the aura on her body is the same as that on those snake-like creatures, but it doesn't feel evil, and the opponent's body also has a human aura.

It should be a human being with some kind of power.

The relationship between the two parties should be old enemies.

Ultraman fights little monsters, and Onmyoji fights monsters. The so-called old enemies are like this. They have similar powers, but one represents goodness, and the other represents evil, fighting each other.

"Boss, are we going to help?" Ling Zhuo asked.

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, then nodded.

Ling Zhuo smiled.

"let me."

Ling Huohuo shrugged and didn't say much.

The reason why he agreed with Ling Zhuo to help was because the enemy was not considered strong.

Ling Zhuo stood up and slapped the ground with one hand, a huge stream of water suddenly appeared, sweeping towards the snake-like creature in the distance.

The four girls hurriedly retreated a large distance.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes and began to think.

"Perhaps it is also a good choice to look for Organization X in disguise through the interlayer world."

With Ling Zhuo joining, the originally evenly matched battle soon came to an end.

After a while, Ling Zhuo helped the man defeat the snake-shaped monster.

Then Ling Huohuo took Ling Zhuo and left without caring about the others.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't directly bring Ling Zhuo back to the surface world, but shuttled through the mezzanine world.

Ling Zhuo was overwhelmed by the changes in the world layer by layer.

"Boss, where are we going?"

"Go to a mezzanine world that is closest to the inner world and has traces of human activities."


"I think the person we are looking for is there!" Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Huohuo's intuition has always been accurate.


Disaster wild.

A ruin-like world inhabited by filth, this is one of the mezzanine worlds closest to the inner world, and it has many characteristics similar to the inner world.

Human beings strayed into the wild will become food for monsters called filth, and onmyoji can travel between humans and the wild through spells at will, and onmyoji are also tasked with eliminating pollution and protecting the world.

When Ling Huohuo just stepped into this interlayer world, his eyes suddenly looked in one direction, and a smile appeared on his face.

"found it!"


Somewhere in the wilderness, a large group of filth is besieging several Onmyoji at this time.

"Broken Demon, I can't do it." Zuo Yan fell into the arms of the Balrog Wu Shou.

"Sadako, I'm counting on you."

However, facing Zuo Yan's "last words", Yanmo Wushou mercilessly threw Zuo Yan aside.

"Don't talk, you said that last time, the last time, the last time, and it wasn't me who resisted the damage in the end, and you were forced to pretend in the end?" Balrog threw two spells, and the attack came. Blocking the filth, and at the same time protecting Sadako behind her.

Zuo Yan spat out blood and smiled wryly.

"To be honest this time, I really can't do it. I don't have any strength at all."

Yanmo Wu looked at Zuo Yan with both hands, and frowned.

"Really? Are you really not setting the stage for pretending?" The Balrog asked doubtfully, covering his hands.

Sadako shook her head sadly after trying to heal Zuoyan.

The Balrog Wushou fell silent.

"How long can I live?"

"Five minutes...about." Sadako said.

The aura of Yanmo Wushou suddenly exploded, and his eyes instantly turned red.

"Then let him live for 5 minutes!"

"Balrog Roar!"


A large area of ​​filth was instantly cleared away.

(End of this chapter)

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