The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 875: Snap Fingers in the Void

Chapter 875
The sudden eruption of the Balrog Wushou made the surrounding Onmyoji and Filth stunned for a short while.

"Huh? Breakthrough?" Toyotomi Hideyoshi looked at the Balrog covering his hands in surprise, "I didn't expect it to be that child, unfortunately, now is not the time."

In the current situation, even if it is a breakthrough in strength, it can only live for a while, even if it is myself...

"Master Fengdu Yasha..." A short-haired girl appeared behind Toyotomi Hideyoshi, looking dusty.

"Sakura." Toyotomi Hidetaka's eyes became sharp.

"Yes!" The short-haired girl looked serious.

"If the battle line collapses completely, I will choose to burn my life and open the door of disaster, but it can only be opened for two breaths. You must seize the escape!"

"My lord!" The short-haired girl's complexion changed.

"You don't have the right to refuse, now, it's only one person who can go out!" Toyotomi Hideyoshi said with a heavy tone.

The short-haired girl was silent.

Being deceived into the wilderness, encountering an ambush, and the passage back to the real world is also sealed, without support, facing the constant filth, the Onmyoji side is really powerless!
On the side of Onmyoji, there are quite a few active figures, including not only two divine generals, a king of fasting, but also the prophesied Double Xingzi, the legendary reincarnated person of Seimei, and a rookie in Onmyoji, but compared to the original A steady stream of filth, but not enough to watch.

If all these people are lost here, it will be a huge blow to the power of Onmyoji. In a short period of time, Onmyoji's top combat power and new seedlings will be disrupted.

However, there is nothing they can do!
Today's filth is more dangerous than ever.

The Balrog crazily exploded with its own power.

For a time, he was in the limelight on the battlefield.

However, although such an explosion is powerful for a while, it will only perish faster, but no one said anything, because can they survive without an explosion?
Time passed slowly, probably because everyone who hadn't taken Onmyoji for a long time finally changed in the filth.

A powerful aura suddenly emerged from the filthy rear.

The expressions of the onmyojis who felt this breath changed.

"Ninth level... filth!!!"

A huge figure appeared from behind the filth, and rushed to where the Onmyojis were, trampling to death and swallowing countless filth of the same kind along the way.

The expressions of the Onmyojis changed.

"One more minute!" The Balrog roared and was about to rush towards the huge filth, however, a hand grabbed the Balrog's arm firmly from behind.

Balrog turned around and found that at some point, Zuo Yan, who was physically broken, was standing behind him, while Sadako was blocking the filth that rushed up.

"You..." The Balrog's expression changed.

"You are still responsible for protecting Sadako. Next, leave it to me. Believe me, there will always be life."

"But your strength..."

"I still have this life!" Zuo Yan said with a smile.

Thinking of something, Balrog's expression changed.

"If you use that trick, your soul will..."

Zuo Yan smiled and waved his hand.

"No way, who made this time just right for me to act aggressively!"

At this time, Zuo Yan's body had already shone with light.

Balrog clenched his fists and closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look directly at Zuo Yan.

And there were tears on the face of Sadako who faced the filth.

Zuo Yan walked past Balrog and patted Balrog on the shoulder with a relaxed expression on his face.

"Live on, you are my lovely juniors."

The light on Zuo Yan's body became stronger and stronger, and Zuo Yan also walked past the Balrog, the smile on his face disappeared, he became serious, and...crazy!
When the light was on, Zuo Yan's aura also became mysterious, and he became the focus of the audience in a blink of an eye.

Toyotomi Hideling also noticed Zuo Yan's situation, and her face changed.

"Taishan Mansion Junsi! Unexpectedly, someone actually succeeded in practicing this trick!" Toyotomi Xiuling looked at Zuo Yan in surprise. At this time, all the onmyoji gathered together and looked at Zuo Yan in surprise.

And the name of "Taishan Mansion Monarch Sacrifice" gradually spread among yin and yang.

Taishanfu Junsi is a sacrificial move inherited from China. It is said that in China, the original version has the ability to resurrect the dead, but in Japan, this move was reversed and turned into a move that can take away the enemy.

The same thing is that the price is also huge, as the price, the used soul will be collected by Lord Taishan, and there will never be a day of detachment, and it is even more impossible to reincarnate.

However, no one has successfully practiced this trick for a long time, and they didn't expect to see someone using it here.

After knowing the situation of this move, everyone looked at Zuo Yan with respect.

Regardless of whether he can get out alive today, Zuo Yan, who sacrificed himself, will become everyone's hero!
Some onmyoji even took off their hats and bowed slightly to Zuo Yan's distant figure.

The moods of Toyotomi Hideling and the short-haired girl behind her also became heavy.

Suddenly, laughter came from behind Toyotomi Hiderei.

"I didn't expect to see you for a while, but you became a person who needs other people to sacrifice their lives to save you. You are really useless."

Toyotomi Hideling and the short-haired girl hurriedly turned their heads, and the others glared at the person who spoke.

But when he saw the appearance of the visitor clearly, his face changed drastically.


"Long time no see, my useless sister."


Zuo Yan faced the ninth level of filth without fear!
The Balrog turned around suddenly, opened his eyes wide, looked at Zuo Yan's back, and wanted to say something, but all he could do was choke up.

Sadako didn't know when she came to Balrog's side, and she looked at Zuoyan's back with the same sad expression.

Zuo Yan took a deep breath, and when his aura reached its peak, he spoke slowly.

"Mount Tai... Lord of the Mansion..."

Then Zuo Yan couldn't continue.



The terrifying ninth-level filth split open in the middle, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zuo Yan was a little skeptical about life, why did you rush to the street before you released your ultimate move?Are you kidding me?
Is it too late to go back now?
However, Zuo Yan's expression changed again immediately after, because a figure appeared in the place of filth and death.

Gorgeous gown with condensed demonic aura, flamboyant expression.

"Yo, old iron Zuoyan, I'm not late, am I?" Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

Figures emerged beside Ling Huohuo, and their auras were connected with Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked at the top of a mountain in the distance.

"Next, it's time for night travel!"

A demonic aura filled the air, and the power of the void seemed to cover the entire world, and everyone and filth were drawn into a strange space.

Ling Huohuo touched the top of Rogier's head who appeared beside him, and rubbed it gently, with a smile on his face.

"I really didn't expect it. If I didn't happen to meet it, I really didn't expect the X organization to make so many horrible things~ But, let's clean up this defective product first."

Then, Ling Huohuo raised his other hand and snapped his fingers.

Without any special effects, the filth of the audience disappeared in an instant.

"From now on, this move will be called Void Snap Finger."

(End of this chapter)

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