Chapter 878 Come down, you (one more)
When Ling Huohuo cleaned up the underground base and came to the ground, the battle above was over.

Hundreds of ghosts in the void spread around, and Toyotomi Hideya and Rogier also got rid of the haunted state of the void ghosts, and stood beside Ling Huohuo's body.

After a great battle, all the filth disappeared, but none of the ghosts of the void was harmed!
Ling Huohuo nodded to the ghosts in the void.

Most of the ghosts in the void disappeared, only Toyotomi Xiuya remained by Ling Huohuo's side.

Rogier, Hongshuang and others also rushed back to the studio.

The speed of the Void Clan's rush was not blown out, Ling Huohuo had a single thought, and all the Void Ghosts rushed to Ling Huohuo's side within half a minute.

The surroundings of Fuye gradually recovered and returned to the original appearance of Fuye, but the traces left on the ground proved that a great war took place here.

The onmyojis all stood in the distance and watched Ling Huohuo silently. They didn't know what to do or how to contact Ling Huohuo.

"Zoyan!" Sadako spoke out sadly.

Sadako's voice caught everyone's attention.

I saw that at this time Zuo Yan had fallen into the arms of Yan Mo, and Yan Mo was holding Zuo Yan and Sadako, who was kneeling on one side, had a burst of grief on his face, and Sadako's tears could not be kept.

The joy of narrow escape was diluted again.

The onmyojis all recognized Zuo Yan, and they all fell silent.

Although Zuo Yan didn't succeed in using Taishan Mansion's priest, his spirit was touching.

It may be because he didn't fully use the Taishan Mansion Monarch Sacrifice, Zuo Yan hasn't completely died yet, and he still has this breath, but his vitality is rapidly passing away.

However, Zuo Yan had a relaxed smile on his face.

"I survived, I survived... that's good..."

Zuo Yan murmured.

Some emotional women in Onmyoji couldn't help shedding tears, and even the men's eyes were red.

Ling Huohuo also led Toyotomi Xiuya towards Zuoyan, and the Onmyojis consciously stepped aside.

Zuo Yan raised his head hard and looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Ling Jun, long time no see, but I will say goodbye soon."

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"The Balrog..." Zuo Yan said suddenly.

"Huh? Tell me." The Balrog looked at Zuo Yan seriously.

"Why are you holding me?" Zuo Yan said melancholy.

The Balrog didn't understand what it meant.

"Your chest is so hard." Zuoyan sighed, seeing the fullness of Sadako's chest and couldn't help but yearn for it.

I have never been in love in my life, and Naozi who has never rubbed a girl, I am still a bit unwilling to just go like this, but...

"It's so cold." Zuo Yan shrank his neck, then gradually closed his eyes, leaning his head on the Balrog's chest.

"Zoyan!" The Balrog cried sadly.

However, Ling Huohuo raised his head in surprise, his eyes lit up slightly.

I saw a white figure invisible to ordinary people is gradually rising into the sky, and a golden light in the sky is guiding this soul.

Ling Huohuo recognized that Bai Ying was Zuo Yan's soul.

And that golden light... actually has the aura of fate!
"What is this scenario?"

However, although Ling Huohuo didn't understand it very well, he felt that he could save people, so Ling Huohuo raised his hand.

"Come down you!"

Zuo Yan was shrouded in a golden light while he was in a daze, and then he regained his sobriety.

Zuo Yan looked at his white body.

"Is this my soul? It seems that I am dead."

Zuo Yan looked at the crowd below, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, but he knew that he was separated from his partners forever.

"The soul of an onmyoji has undergone special treatment. It will not turn into a ghost. It should be an ordinary wandering soul. I don't know if I can be reincarnated. Although there are many reincarnated people in the onmyoji, no one is sure whether to reincarnate. It really exists, but even if you can't reincarnate, your situation can't be worse."

At this time, Zuo Yan suddenly noticed the golden light above his head, and then he saw a golden door appear in front of him.

"Fuck, this... the gate of merit!"

Zuo Yan was shocked. The Gate of Merit also existed in legends, and this was the first time he had encountered it.

It is said that a person with great merit will encounter the gate of merit after death, and the gate of merit will give this person great rewards.

Zuo Yan couldn't help getting excited, he sacrificed his life to save people.

Then, Zuo Yan was led to the door of merit by the golden light.

Soon, Zuo Yan also understood the rewards that the Gate of Merit can give.

About four weeks.

The first is reincarnation, and you can still keep your own memory!But it takes a little memory awakening.

The second is to reincarnate in the kingdom of heaven and live happily in the kingdom of heaven.

It was only then that Zuo Yan discovered that the Gate of Merit had businesses in other worlds.

The third is to enter the world where the soul lives, a place called the world of corpses and souls.

Zuo Yan was speechless for a while, did he really think he hadn't seen "Reaper"?

The last one is to travel to other worlds. Although it is somewhat repetitive with the first one, it is essentially different.

Zuo Yan hesitated for a while, and finally felt that it would be safer to go to heaven, maybe he could find a wife.

However, just when Zuo Yan was about to choose, there was a loud shout in his ear——

"Come down you!"

Then Zuo Yan felt his body sank, and then fell rapidly, getting farther and farther away from the gate of merit.

Zuo Yan stretched out his eyes in despair.

"Do not!!!"


"Do not!!!"

Seeing Zuo Yan who suddenly sat up and screamed in despair, the expressions of the onmyojis froze.

"Fraud corpse?"

"Sit up in shock during the death-sickness, no one knows it's litchi...cough cough."

"So wet, so wet."

"Slightly understand."

But Ling Huohuo left silently, hiding his achievements and fame.

Although Zuo Yan was saved, Ling Huohuo felt that he had done something wrong just now.

Zuo Yan suddenly came back to life, and the Onmyoji were taken aback at first, but after confirming that Zuo Yan was fine, the atmosphere among the Onmyoji relaxed.

Although the principle is not well understood, some people guessed that Zuo Yan was kicked back because he was interrupted from using Taishan Palace Monarch Sacrifice, at least he was still alive, right?
"Brother Zuoyan, what are you doing with the knife? Don't be overthinking it!" Balrog said.

"You let me go, the door may still be there when I go back now! Ah!!!" Zuo Yan.

"What door? How can there be a door? It's over, Brother Zuoyan's brain is broken, everyone tie him up quickly." Sadako.

"Let go of me!" Zuo Yan said.

"Brother Zuoyan is going to bite his tongue and kill himself, quickly take off his socks and block his mouth!" Balrog said.

"No, no, no..." Zuo Yan.

"Brother Zuoyan, don't worry, even if your brain is broken, I will support you forever!" Sadako.


"Huh? Why is Brother Zuoyan crying? Could it be that he wept with joy when he knew that Sadako was going to raise him?" Sadako.



Looking at the noisy crowd, Ling Huohuo smiled and took Ling Zhuo away.

Toyotomi Xiuya stayed, she and her sister hadn't seen each other for a long time, so Ling Huohuo didn't bother their sisters anymore.

"Xu, how is the data investigation of the underground base going?"

"All the analysis has been completed. This is just a testing ground, not of much value, but I found some interesting information. I believe you will like it."

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

(End of this chapter)

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