The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 879 Chrysanthemum 1 tight feeling

Chapter 879 The feeling of a tight chrysanthemum (two more)
The biggest gain from the investigation of the underground base in Fuye is not about the information about Fuye or the information about other strongholds of the X organization, but about a person.

This person's name is - Seimei Abe!
Ling Huohuo is no stranger to the name Abe Seimei.

It should be said that Ling Huohuo's fortune was helped by this person.

The sealed gate and the small world were written by Abe Seimei, and the monsters inside were also sealed by Abe Seimei, which created Ling Huohuo's original Hyakki Yakura!

The Sealed Gate is connected to Yuyi obtained in Sakura City, and Ling Huohuo summoned the Sealed Gate to his side through Yuyi.

Yuyi is said to be the legacy of a god. Although Ling Huohuo was weak at that time, he could not feel the power of a god, and he always thought that the so-called god was the kind of parallel god that often appeared in Japan, the existence of 800 million gods .

However, now it seems that it is different.

I still remember that even Walliver hinted that he planned Yuyi!
It is definitely not easy to make Hualiver desire something.

The divinity of a real god may very well exist in Yuyi!
And this divinity probably came from Abe Seimei!
In this way, that is to say, Abe Seimei's strength is far greater than his own estimation, and Abe Seimei was also an existence outside the universe when he was at his peak!

This trip to the wilderness has also verified this point. The information obtained from the underground base shows that the corpse is Abe Seimei, and Abe Seimei's corpse really has divinity!
The reason why Ling Huohuo felt that Abe Seimei's divinity was familiar to him was because the aura of the sealed gate and the small world inside was similar to Abe Seimei's divinity!
Although Yuyi is gone, the divinity inside has also disappeared. Specifically, it was swallowed and fused by Ling Huohuo's own blood. Ling Huohuo's ancestor is also a god, and the blood is still from the dragon formed by the earth veins. Digesting Yuyi is not. Too much difficulty.

However, the disappearance of Yuyi does not mean that Ling Huohuo has broken the clue.

Ling Huohuo summoned the sealed door in an area of ​​Fuye.

Now Ling Huohuo can no longer use the Sealing Gate, and even the storage has its own empty space. However, because the Sealing Gate and Ling Huohuo's soul are connected to each other, there is no place to press and release, so Ling Huo I have always carried the fire with me, so I take it out when I have nothing to do to remember my youth.

It was a time of smashing people with doors.

At this time, Ling Huohuo touched the grimace on the sealed door with some emotion.

Then Ling Huohuo showed Abe Seimei's divinity.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, the eyes of the grimace on the sealed door were fixed on Abe Seimei's divinity.

Ling Huohuo tried to bring Abe Seimei's divinity close to the grimace on the sealing gate, but unexpectedly, this group of divinity successfully merged into the sealing gate, and then the sealing gate trembled violently, stained with a layer of gold.

Ling Huohuo took two steps back.

The contents of the sealed gate have been emptied by Ling Huohuo, and even those sealed seventh- and eighth-level monsters have been released and subdued by Ling Huohuo.

Now the sealed door is empty.

Ling Huohuo quietly waited for the changes in the Sealed Gate.

Finally, the changes in the Sealed Gate stopped.

What appeared in front of Ling Huohuo again was a golden ornate door.

And the evil spirit on the door... well, it's still so hideous, but it's also turned golden.

However, at this time, the face of the evil ghost became lively, as if it had come to life.

Immediately afterwards, the face of the evil spirit began to break free and gradually detached from the door. Finally, a huge ghost face floated in the air, and only a chain was connected to the door.

The golden grimace looked at Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo also looked at the golden grimace.

Then, the golden grimace spoke.

"Are you longing for Nako?"

Ling Huohuo was startled, and then nodded honestly.

"The answer is correct."


Ling Huohuo and the changed Ling Zhuo looked at each other.

What is this?
Then the golden face returned to the door, stiffened again, and then, as before, the golden face split open in the middle and opened the door.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo looked towards the door. To Ling Huohuo's surprise, the space behind the door had changed drastically.

It is no longer a bare and weird hill, but a small courtyard with beautiful scenery.

There are ancient Japanese tatami buildings in the small courtyard, and there is a pond in the center of the courtyard, and a beautiful cherry tree grows in the pond.

On the other side of the door, the wind is sunny and the scenery is beautiful, just like a fairyland on earth.

Ling Huohuo walked into the door with Ling Zhuo.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo turned around abruptly after entering the door. Behind them was no longer the sealed door, but a wooden door surrounded by fenced courtyards.

Outside the yard is a vast landscape, everything is full of vitality, and Ling Huohuo can even see flying birds.

"This is……"

"Here is my memory."

A clear voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ears.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo looked around, and at some point, a figure appeared in the yard, sitting cross-legged in front of a table with tea sets and some snacks on it.

And that figure, wearing a blue onmyoji costume, a high onmyoji hat on his head, and a folding fan in his hand, was looking at Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo with a smile.

When Ling Huohuo saw the other person's appearance clearly, the pupils of his eyes shrank. It was a handsome face, and Ling Huohuo was very familiar with it—Abe Seimei!
"Abe Seimei!"

Ling Huohuo said.

Abe Seimei nodded.

"That's right, the official handsome guy!"

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo's expressions froze, why do you think this Abe Seimei is so skinny?
"I'm just a memory, not a living one. I have all the memories of my life, and I can communicate with other people, how about it? Is it dick?" Abe Seimei winked at Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo didn't know what to say.

"Come and sit down. Although my memory will not fade easily, it has a time limit." Abe Seimei said.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo sat opposite Abe Seimei.

"Actually, I want to ask, why does Seimei Abe speak Chinese?" Ling Zhuo asked.

Ling Huohuo was also very curious. Abe Seimei seemed to have expected that he and others would come, and as an ancient person, he could speak Mandarin very well.

"That's a good question." Abe Seimei tapped his hand with the fan in his hand, with a smile on his face.

"Because I'm awesome!"


Ling Huohuo suddenly wanted to beat up Abe Seimei.

"Cough cough." Abe Seimei coughed twice, "Okay, I'm not kidding anymore, the reason why I know you are coming is because I have seen the future and know the situation of future generations."

Ling Huohuo's pupils shrank, and he poured himself a cup of tea, trying to calm down.

"Can you see the future?"

Can see the future, this is really a dick!
However, it should be a dick!

"It's not me specifically. I learned about the future with the help of others." Seimei Abe said with a smile.

"Who?" Ling Huohuo asked directly.

"I don't know what the other party's name is. I only know that the other party claims to be 'after the autumn wind, all the flowers are gone, only the chrysanthemums are bursting all over the mountain, which has left countless people who have stumbled deep in their memories, and they are moved to tears. People call it the chrysanthemum in full bloom', and... "Abe Seimei's expression suddenly became a little strange, "The other party said that you still have a PY deal with Mr. Ling, but you haven't done it yet."

Ling Huohuo:? ? ?

What's the situation with this tight feeling?
(End of this chapter)

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