Chapter 881 Misfortune (Second Update)

Ling Huohuo had heard the name of the Creator God before, and he was the number one god, so it was strange that he had to say the other party's name directly.

Could it be that the Creator God sealed a certain god in the small world?

What if Abe Seimei was hacked to death?
Ling Huohuo was a little confused.

Abe Seimei played himself to death!
Ling Huohuo was very skeptical, that's how Abe Seimei played himself to death back then.

Ling Zhuo was still dazed.

"Ahem..." Suddenly, there was a coughing sound, and Abe Seimei appeared intact opposite Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo.

"It's strange, it's really strange. The opponent's scourge was clearly inaccurate eight out of ten times. Why is it so accurate this time?" Abe Seimei said suspiciously.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo looked at each other, are you playing with probability?

"Don't worry, I'm just a memory, I won't die." Abe Seimei patted his chest.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. He was too dazzled to strike people back then, so is it better now?" Abe Seimei continued to mutter.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo just quietly watched Abe Qingming pretending to be aggressive.

However, having said that, does Abe Seimei know the God of Creation?Why is it a very familiar look?

"Mr. Abe Seimei, do you...know that person?" Ling Huohuo pointed to the top of his head.

But Abe Seimei shook his head quickly.

"Impossible, don't know, don't spread rumors!"

"I don't know the kind of guy who defaults on whoring wages, gambles, and always eats the king's meal. I have definitely never eaten with him, gambled with him, or whored with him!"


Well, this explanation is very thorough.

And Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo also cooperated tacitly with Abe Seimei's performance, pretending not to hear.

"What happened to the sealed god?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Guess who is the sealed god?" Abe Seimei made a fool of himself.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuohe shook their heads.

"You may not believe it, the sealed god is called Zeus!"

Both Zeus Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo knew that he was the father god of Greece and the native god of this world, and Ling Huohuo also knew that the Greek gods had fallen and left twelve golden gates as his inheritance.

However, what Ling Huohuo did not expect was that Zeus was actually sealed here!
Ling Huohuo had carried the small world with him for such a long time, but he didn't notice it at all.

"Then why was Zeus sealed here?" Ling Zhuo asked curiously.

"It's a very complicated thing to say. At the beginning, that guy and Zeus met in a brothel in Greece..."

"Wait, is there a brothel in Greece?" Ling Zhuo interrupted.

"That's what I said. It's a place like a brothel. No one cares if you call it a brothel. Didn't I just make it easier for you to understand?"

"Oh, then you can continue." Ling Zhuo nodded.

"Unfortunately, both of them fell in love with the top card there, and then they fought. In the end, Zeus was sealed here. Then, because of the lack of the father god in Greece, the entire pantheon began to collapse. The reincarnation of reincarnation, the sleeping Sleeping, dying, dying, and then gone." Abe Seimei shrugged, and the old god shook his head responsibly.

"So, with a knife on Sezi's head, Zeus lost his entire god system just because of whoring."

Ling Zhuo suddenly felt that his knowledge of God had been greatly refreshed.

"Then why do you know so clearly?" Ling Huohuo asked suddenly.

"Because it's the brothel I took that person to, cough cough cough..." Abe Seimei coughed.

"You really know that person." Ling Huohuo looked at Abe Qingming.

Abe Seimei stopped pretending and shrugged.

"I do know, otherwise how could I become a god when I was alive? With a good thigh hug, becoming a god is a matter of minutes." Abe Seimei said.

"Sure enough, you didn't die. I remember that it is very difficult for a god to die!" Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes, and it was indeed difficult for a god to die.

Don't look at his ancestor Zongfan, but Ling Huohuo always feels that he still has a chance to meet him, and the same is true for Abe Seimei, who also gave Ling Huohuo the illusion that the other party is not dead.

Abe Seimei showed a mocking smile, as if a high-ranked player looked down on a low-ranked buddy.

"Although you are very strong, you have not yet reached my level, and you still don't understand some things." Seimei Abe shook his head.

"Death is only relative!"

Abe Seimei spoke slowly.

"My cognition of myself is indeed dead. I have exhausted my own life. For those ordinary people, I am also dead. Isn't there still someone who is considered to be my reincarnation? But from another On the one hand, I am not dead, here is my memory, there is still my soul in the Hall of Valor, when I became a god, I left behind a god's feathered robe, and even outside this world, there is another person called As the god of Abe Seimei, in countless worlds and parallel worlds, there are also countless existences called Abe Seimei."

Abe Seimei looked at Ling Huohuo.

"In fact, the lifespan of gods is not long, and there are even superhumans who have a long lifespan. Specifically, it is only a hundred years. The reason why gods exist is because they already have their own place in this world and beyond this world. , as long as you have this position, there will be tens of thousands of existences that will appear in your model. After the god dies, the god will survive in another form, immortal and immortal. If you want to really kill the god, It is only possible to eliminate the traces of this god in thousands of worlds, but even that person cannot do it, unless all the worlds self-destruct, but who can be sure that there are no worlds other than all the worlds?"

Both Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo fell silent.

"Even a god can't tell everything. When he realized the three thousand ways, he also realized the three thousand and one way. He had to go out to take care of himself and calm down the shock. So, do you understand?"

"Then will I die if I become a god? At that time, I will still be me?" Ling Huohuo fell into thinking.

"Death is inevitable. God is a perfect living body. If a life has never died, how can it dare to say that it is perfect?" Seimei Abe said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo felt that what Abe Qingming said made sense, but they were speechless.

"As for your second question, you don't need to worry at all."

"Death is relative, and living is also relative. You will know what's going on after you really take that step. Things after becoming a god can't be explained in two simple sentences. Only when you really stand in that position , you know what the scenery at that location is like.”

Both Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo nodded.


"Do you want to know about the sealed fresh Zeus?"


What the hell is this tone of looking for someone to take over?

(End of this chapter)

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