Chapter 882 Bra? (one more)
"You will know everything when you should know it. Next, let's talk about the sealed Zeus." Abe Seimei said.

"By the way, tell me what Zeus is going to do?" Ling Huohuo asked Abe Qingming.

Abe Seimei smiled, opened the fan again, and shook it inscrutablely.

"In your impression, what kind of person is Zeus?" Abe Seimei asked.

"Hmm... big stallion, old whore." Ling Zhuo said after thinking for a while.

Ling Huohuo also nodded.

After going out to whore, he bumped into the God of Creation, had a conflict, and was finally sealed, resulting in the destruction of the entire pantheon. Zeus is worthy of the name of a whore!

Abe Seimei nodded with a smile.


"What's the problem?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"The seal cannot seal Zeus forever, and the law of cause and effect, that person cannot seal Zeus forever, and Zeus will be released in the end, but Zeus does not belong to this era. An ancient god hastily appeared in this world. This world It will only become more chaotic and accelerate the demise of this world, therefore, we must find a way to allow Zeus to appear in this era reasonably."

Abe Seimei closed the fan with a snap, and then Abe Seimei looked at Ling Huohuo.

"And that method is the reason for my existence, and the owner of this small world, you, Ling Huohuo, is the key."

"Is there any danger?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Yes." Abe Seimei asked.


Ling Huohuo got up and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, listen to me." Abe Seimei suddenly rushed to Ling Huohuo and hugged Ling Huohuo's leg.

"Actually, the danger is not as great as you imagined. If you successfully subdue Zeus, you will not only get a god as a helper, but also have the opportunity to gain the power of the entire Greek god system!"

Ling Huohuo stopped in her tracks, then looked down at Abe Seimei.

"Do you think I need it?"


Abe Seimei's breath stagnates.

Don't look at what Abe Seimei said so well, but Ling Huohuo's psychology is very clear. Whether it is Zeus or the entire Greek god system, although it sounds very high, it is actually useless.

To deal with those ordinary people, Ling Huohuo has no use for those gods.

As for Ling Huohuo's biggest enemy, the Demon King's Army, to put it bluntly, the gods of the entire Greek pantheon faced the Demon King's Army just like ordinary people faced Ling Huohuo.

It doesn't matter if it's high or low, and it doesn't help Ling Huohuo's own strength too much. In addition, it will take Ling Huohuo's effort to subdue the entire god system. too much interest.

The only thing that interests Ling Huohuo is the resources and various items placed behind the twelve golden doors inherited from the Greek gods.

As for the divine power and divinity of the gods of the Greek gods, Ling Huohuo already has the divinity and divine power of his ancestor Brahma, and does not need the Greek gods.

Xiao Yunyun also brought back a golden door, but Ling Huohuo did not open it easily. Recently, there are many things in the real world. Only when things in the real world stabilize, Ling Huohuo will start to explore the situation behind the golden door.

Speaking of the Golden Gate, the hair-eaters have been following the pair of sisters with divinities similar to those on the Golden Gate, but so far nothing has been discovered.

However, Abe Seimei still held Ling Huohuo firmly.

"You are ruthless, you are cold, you... poof~"

Ling Huohuo stepped on Abe Seimei's face without mercy.

"One more... one more thing..." Abe Seimei held up a finger.

Ling Huohuo looked at Abe Seimei and raised his foot.

"That person said back then that if someone can take Zeus, he can owe a favor to the person who took Zeus. As long as it doesn't violate morality, he can help him once."

A shot by Chuangshi Shen?
This value is enough, Chuangshi Shen's shot this time can be used as the ultimate ultimate means!

However, Ling Huohuo frowned.

"Why do you have to release Zeus?"

Seeing that Ling Huohuo had no intention of leaving, Abe Seimei got up, patted his clothes, and returned to his elegant appearance again.

"This matter is actually not complicated..."

Abe Seimei looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Ordinary people pay attention to the cause of things, but gods talk about the cycle of cause and effect. That person sealed Zeus back then is the cause, and finding a good home for Zeus is the effect. If this cause and effect cannot be resolved, it will be that person who is unlucky in the end, and now he has become a god. I am still with that person, if that person is unlucky, I will definitely be unlucky, although God will not die easily, but just because he is not dead, the unlucky things he encounters will be even more... Well, you know."

Abe Seimei said.

Ling Huohuo curled his lips, it turned out that it was because of his mistakes back then.

However, for the sake of the favor of Chuangshi God, it is worth Ling Huohuo to subdue Zeus. After subduing Zeus, it is okay to leave him alone soon?

It is really impossible to send him to attack the Demon King Army.

"Then what do I need to do?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"It's simple, that person has already made arrangements, you just need to appear in that position, and you will be able to subdue Zeus from now on."

"Where is that location?"

"Come with me."

Abe Seimei stood up, waved his hand, and the surrounding scenes changed again.

When Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo saw the surrounding situation clearly, their expressions changed.

It became... a little weird.

I saw that a pitch-black figure was bound to a chair, and what was tied with the rope was—a tortoise shell bundle!

The bound figure was completely black, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman, or what it looked like.

"What is that? Is that Zeus?" Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth. Isn't this seal too casual?

"That's right, that figure is Zeus."

Abe Seimei walked towards Zeus with Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo.

"Actually, what's outside is just a form. This layer of darkness is the real seal. Being sealed inside, you can't feel the flow of time, and you can't feel the existence of space. When you're in nothingness, only God can be sealed inside. You won't die when you die," Abe Seimei said.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, the seal sounded so strong.

"Then how to remove the seal?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Release? No." Abe Seimei shook his head, "We can't lift the seal, and the fluctuations caused by lifting the seal cannot be tolerated by this space, so we can only use more gentle means."

"Gentler means?"

"That's the calling!"

With that said, Abe Seimei took out an item from his sleeve, and stuffed it into Ling Huohuo's hand.

Immediately afterwards, a huge magic circle lit up on the ground.

"Go, go and summon." Abe Seimei pointed to the magic circle.

Ling Huohuo glanced at the items in his hand.

This turned out to be a...


 Two more wait a minute

(End of this chapter)

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