The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 883 What if Zeus can have children?

Chapter 883 What if Zeus can have children? (two more)
"What is this?" Ling Huohuo shook the things on his hands.

"This is the summoning medium." Abe Seimei explained.

"Then are you sure you took it right? Isn't this your private collection?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

Ling Zhuo also saw clearly what Ling Huohuo was holding, and his expression was a little ambiguous.

Abe Seimei glanced at it, then nodded.

"That's right, it's this one. This is the summoning medium made by that person himself, using Zeus's clothes."

"Eh..." Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth. Since Abe Seimei said so, Ling Huohuo could only believe him.

So, Ling Huohuo walked towards the magic circle with the Bra in his hand, and stood in the center of the magic circle, facing the opposite of the figure tied to the chair.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo felt a magical force enter his body, and finally gathered in his left arm.

Ling Huohuo opened his sleeve and found that his left arm was covered with cool red lines.

"This is the coat of arms of the master, and it is also the basis for you to subdue Zeus."

Abe Seimei explained in a timely manner.

"This is the summoning formation created by that person based on a root system, which is enough to summon god-level characters, and with the medium, he can also formulate and summon the person he wants to summon. At the same time, that person also uses the system's imperial The main coat of arms was added and changed."

"The master's coat of arms can forcibly command the servants, and it can also strengthen the strength of the servants according to the power of the law. The original master's coat of arms can only issue three orders, but this strengthened master's coat of arms can make the servants stronger. You ordered three thousand times, and at the same time, each coat of arms corresponds to a law of the Dao, even after using it, the pattern will not disappear, and you can comprehend the Dao based on the remaining traces, which can be regarded as some compensation from that person for you."

Ling Huohuo looked at the cool coat of arms covering almost his entire arm, and suddenly felt that his arm was a bit heavy.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo also felt that at this time, he already knew the command rules between the coat of arms and the followers.

"Okay, calm down, the summoning is about to start, you have to pay attention, even if the other party is summoned, it is your servant in name, but after all, the other party is a god, and it is not that there is no resistance. You, don't forget that you still have the master's crest." Abe Seimei finally reminded.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

The magic circle seems to have been prepared, and the light is shining brightly.

A vast sound surrounded everyone's ears.

It is impossible for Ling Huohuo himself to summon the true god. Fortunately, that person has already arranged everything. It only needs Ling Huohuo to stand there. Even the spell for summoning has been arranged by that person.

"Be full, be full..."

Ling Huohuo felt the Bra in his hand gradually disappear, narrowed his eyes, and became alert.

Ling Huohuo was not guarding against that person or what Abe Seimei was going to do.

There are multiple reasons why Ling Huohuo chose to trust Abe Seimei so easily. On the one hand, he did not feel the breath of life in Abe Seimei, which proved that Abe Seimei was not alive.

There is also the aspect of Ling Huohuo's intuition. Although Ling Huohuo's awakened seventh sense can't let Ling Huohuo predict the future, it can let Ling Huohuo predict good and bad. In addition, Ling Huohuo has been able to completely control this power. Ling Huohuo can completely follow his feeling with confidence, and Ling Huohuo's feeling tells him that what Abe Seimei said is true.

Then there is the last reason, which is why Ling Huohuo is fearless.

There will be a battle between Ling Huohuo and Mo in the future, and now there is no shadow of Mo, how could he die here?
Although fate put a layer of shackles on Ling Huohuo, it also gave Ling Huohuo a layer of protection. This is probably equivalent to knowing the date of death, and before the date of death, no matter how hard you try to die, you will not die. of.

Finally, the light of the magic circle reached the top, and the summoning was successful!
A figure enveloped by lightning appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

Tall figure, flamboyant blond wavy hair, only a golden Bra on the upper body sets off two huge, lower abdomen and navel are exposed outside, only a triangle covers the key point of the lower body, and a translucent gold-edged gauze skirt surrounds Around the waist, the beauty in the back is faintly visible, the slender legs are smooth and white, and a pair of jade feet step on the thunder, full of majesty.

The figure has gorgeous gold decorations on its wrists, and holds a weapon that looks like lightning.

There is an undisguised arrogance on the face without the slightest blemish!
This is Zeus!


"Why is it a woman?"

Ling Huohuo still remembers the person Zeus met when he went to whoring, don't tell me it was such a stunner who went whoring.

The figure glanced at Ling Huohuo and the others, then looked down at his own body, his face changed suddenly, and then he didn't care whether there was anyone around, rubbing his chest with both hands, and reaching into the triangle with the other. While exploring, his expression changed drastically.

"The one above is true, and the one below..."

With anger on his face, the figure looked squarely at the people below for the first time.

"Mortal, where is my bird?"

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Ling Zhuo: "..."

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo suddenly believed that this was Zeus, only the old whore would take that thing so seriously, even though it is a man who attaches great importance to his own thing, but the one who just came out of the seal It seems that Zeus is the only one who doesn't ask about the situation at the first time, but directly asks about his own bird.

Weird enough.

Ling Huohuo looked at Abe Seimei, hoping for an explanation from Abe Seimei.

"Because it was summoned, so there are many places that can be manipulated, such as the shape. The person said that Zeus didn't control that thing back then, which dragged down the entire god system. In order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, not to drag down Yu Lord, that person helped destroy that thing, and directly turned Zeus' sex, isn't sissy very popular in your era?"

Saying that, Abe Seimei winked at Ling Huohuo.

"Zeus is completely feminine at this time, she has everything a woman should have, even if it is to have children~"

have a baby...

Ling Huohuo fell silent.

Let’s not talk about who Zeus will have a baby with, let Zeus, who has no daughters and loves, and who has grown up with a woman’s belly to give birth to a baby, this evil taste is really...

"Mortal, court death!" Zeus was furious, raised the thunderbolt in his hand, aimed at Ling Huohuo, and was about to shoot.

Ling Huohuo also raised his left hand and made a fist.

"In the name of the command spell, you are not allowed to hurt me!"

Zeus's attack stopped, and Zeus found that she really couldn't attack Ling Huohuo, which made Zeus's face not very good.

But Ling Huohuo nodded in satisfaction, the Command Seal is really powerful.

At this time, Zeus aimed his attack at Ling Zhuo.

"In the name of the command spell, you are not allowed to hurt my relatives and friends!"

Relatives and friends and myself are divided into two levels, and one Command Seal cannot be used to implement commands, or in other words, as long as the command involves Ling Huohuo himself, only one Command Seal can be used alone.

Zeus found that she couldn't attack Ling Zhuo anymore, which broke Zeus's mind a bit. When did I, Zeus, suffer such insult?
However, the hero didn't suffer the immediate loss, so he withdrew first!

"In the name of the Command Seal, you cannot escape."

Zeus's footsteps were fixed in place, and then Zeus' expression twisted with anger.

"I TM..."

"In the name of Command Seals, you can't curse people!"

Zeus: "..."

Ling Huohuo looked at Zeus who was standing there honestly, glaring at him, and looked at the sky with a smile on his face.

"In the name of the Command Seal, call me Papa."


Zeus cried.

(End of this chapter)

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