The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 884 Heavy Chapter Sakura City

Chapter 884 Returning to Sakura City (Part [-])
"Father, let's grab a cup, they can let you..."

On the way, a blond stunner with a conservative western face asked a black-haired Asian man wearing glasses in front of him.

"Don't grab it, get out!"

The man interrupted the woman roughly, without even looking at the woman.


The woman clenched her fists, but could only stare at the man angrily.

Ling Huohuo ignored the scorching gaze behind him, and looked at Yingshi. He hadn't been to Yingshi for several years.

As for the blond stunner behind Ling Huohuo, it was naturally Zeus, the father god of the Greek pantheon who was sexually transformed by a certain existence.

No, it should be called Zhou Zi now.

Luo Jier has it, and now there is another Yu Zhou, and they all call themselves father, Ling Huohuo's mind is very comfortable.

After some attempts, Zhou Zi found that the struggle was ineffective, so he could only accept his fate, but his clothes were surprisingly conservative.

When Zeus was a man, it was no problem to show a little Lulu muscle, but now that she has become like this, she is embarrassed to show her body again, it is really... too shameful!

And Zhou Zi also gradually understood his situation, and even had an insight into the so-called root cause and some of the things in it.

For example, the cup that can fulfill any wish of a person.

Then, Zhou Zi was ready to grab the cup.

As for the purpose, of course it is for my own bird!
For this reason, Zhou Zi even lowered the lower limit, preparing to seduce Ling Huohuo, and Zhou Zi also confirmed that the lower layer of membrane is still there, maybe it is more attractive to Ling Huohuo.

And Ling Huohuo's answer was also very simple - get out!

Ling Zhuo has already returned to China, while Ling Huohuo brought Zhou Zi to Yingshi.

The reason why I came to Sakura City was because of Abe Seimei's last request.

Abe Seimei said that he buried a box under the cherry blossom tree in the shrine of Sakurai Mountain in Sakura City, which contained his own power.

Abe Seimei hoped that Ling Huohuo would take a look, not to let that power be used by evil people, and if possible, find a good home for this power.

Ling Huohuo felt that Abe Seimei's doing this had the same effect as "please help me destroy the hard disk in my case after I die".

You are so worried, then what did you leave that power for?

Fortunately, Abe Seimei gave an explanation.

Back then, in order to prevent the small world from being taken away by the bad guys, that power was for future generations to deal with the enemy, and it would not appear until the sealed door was taken away, but now, the small world is in the hands of Ling Huohuo, so you have to worry about it That power was taken by the bad guys.

As for why he didn't directly take away the small world and that power, Abe Seimei said that when he left, he shed a layer of skin (hagoromo), how could he bring so many things with him?

Moreover, this world can't accommodate gods, Abe Seimei must leave, and there are many things that cannot be taken away.

So Abe Seimei's things back then were either sealed, or handed over to future generations to be in charge of guarding, and even part of his power was reincarnated.

When Abe Seimei left this world, he walked almost naked, taking away only the twelve generals around him back then.

Sakura City is holding a comic exhibition again, but Ling Huohuo has no idea of ​​participating.

Things are wrong.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, he found those people from the third floor of NG at the comic exhibition, and they came to participate in the comic exhibition again.

Ling Huohuo just glanced at them from a distance, making sure that they were doing well, and then Ling Huohuo left.

Even if we go to meet each other, so what?

The greatest blessing is to be safe and sound.

Compared with other cities, Sakura City is a very stable city...


There was an exclamation from the front.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, well, Yingshi also has its own little chaos.

A primary school student, an uncle and a girl who looked like a high school student rushed into the scene of the crime.

"Excuse me, I'm a detective..."

The uncle squeezed into the crowd with elementary school students and girls.

Ling Huohuo shook his head, left, and walked towards Yingjing Mountain.

The shrine on Sakurai Mountain still has many people coming and going today.

Ling Huohuo felt it for a while, and was a little surprised to find that the cherry blossom trees at the shrine on Sakurai Mountain... Fuck, who cut down all the cherry blossom trees?

Looking at those cherry blossom trees that are obviously just planted, it is impossible to look at the cherry blossom trees of Abe Seimei's era.

Later, after inquiring, Ling Huohuo found out that the Sakurai Shrine caught fire a few years ago, and all the trees were burned. These cherry blossom trees were all newly planted.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo could only look for the trees one by one, and carefully perceive the situation underground at the Sakurai Shrine.

However, after looking around, I found nothing.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" A witch came over and asked Ling Huohuo. After all, Ling Huohuo had been around the shrine for a while, and if he was interested, he could already find out that something was wrong with Ling Huohuo.

Looking at the witch, Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows in surprise.

This witch...he has seen it before!

This witch is a friend of Lingnu, a member of the NG studio back then, and she seems to be called Kazama Rei.

After NG was acquired by Future Club, Ling Nu will be in Japan. Although Ling Huohuo hasn't seen her for a while, Ling Nu will return to NG every year to visit everyone.

Compared with the youthfulness a few years ago, Kazama Rei is now more mature, and the eyebrows also make people feel that Kazama Rei can already be alone.

Ling Huohuo couldn't help feeling a little emotional, but obviously, Kazama Ren didn't recognize Ling Huohuo.

At this time, Feng Jianlian found Ling Huohuo staring at him, and couldn't help but took two steps back.

And Zhou Zi looked at Ling Huohuo with contempt.

"Oh, man."

However, Zhou Zi began to look at Kazama Lian immediately, does Ling Huohuo like this?

Ling Huohuo blinked his eyes.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something, and I accidentally lost my mind."

At this time, a shikigami in armor came over.

"Hei Jia, what's the matter with grandpa?" Kazama asked Kai Jia, Hei Jia is one of the strongest shikigami of her grandfather, and it will not appear easily, now that Hei Jia appears, there must be something important .

Hei Jia nodded politely to Feng Jianlian, and then looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Respected Master Zhujiang, my master invites you to go and talk."

"Pillar General!" Kazama Lian covered her mouth in shock, and looked at Ling Huohuo in disbelief.

The pillar general represents one of the peak combat powers in this world. I didn't expect that the ordinary-looking man in front of me turned out to be a pillar general!
Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then asked.

"Who is your master?"

"Pillar General, Wind River Valley!" Hei Jia said.

Wind Valley?

Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes. He had an impression of this person. Although Kazama Kawatani lives in Japan, he is not a representative of Japan. That is to say, Kazama Kazuya does not belong to Japan, nor is it the only One of the pillars, but represents personal power, that is to say, Kazama River Valley is a pillar without national affiliation.

Rei Kazama felt like she was going crazy.

I work so hard so that one day I can be alone, and then help my grandfather, so that my grandfather can retire safely, but... when did my grandfather become a pillar?

And it's not one of the only two pillar generals in Japan.

The most important thing is that my granddaughter didn't even know about it!
Are you afraid that you are not a fake granddaughter?

(End of this chapter)

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