Chapter 885 Sudden Move (Part [-])
After meeting with Kazama Kagawa, Ling Huohuo left, because Ling Huohuo learned that Abe Seimei's power had been obtained by Kazama Kawagu, which is why Kazama Kagawa could become a pillar general, and Kazama Kagawa also Unlike someone who is treacherous and evil, Ling Huohuo is not going to make trouble for Fengjianhegu either.

Although Ling Huohuo could feel that Kazama Hegu was hiding something from him, Ling Huohuo didn't intend to ask more.

The affairs in Japan are temporarily over. Although there are still some matters related to the X organization that have not been resolved, Ling Huohuo does not intend to continue to intervene.

Originally, Ling Huohuo planned to fight the X organization in Japan, but after the incident of Abe Seimei, Ling Huohuo was in no mood.

Because Ling Huohuo realized that instead of competing with the X organization, it is better to go back and think about how to improve his strength. After all, there is still a "devil" waiting for him, and he has to prepare to become a god in the future.

Ling Huohuo understands that with the current growth rate of his own strength, plus the strength he will improve again after fighting the "demon" in the future, at that time, he may really become a god.

Or in other words, Shatter the Void!
Some things are better prepared in advance, don't be like Abe Seimei because he left in a hurry and didn't clean up many things.

Ling Huohuo sat on the personal plane provided by the Demon King's Army, looked at Zhou Zi sitting on the side with a bad face, and smiled.

It can be said that ever since he was about to leave Japan and had no hope of grabbing the cup, Zhou Zi had this expression.

By the way, maybe because of the appearance of Zhou Zi, the war for grabbing the cup seems to have been advanced, because Ling Huohuo got the information that other servants are coming.

But this has nothing to do with myself.

By the way, Zhou Zi's occupation is a spearman, the lucky one is E, even if he is blessed with divinity and divine power, he is still E.

In fact, the fact that Zhou Zi met that person when he went to prostitution back then already explained a lot of problems, such as Zhou Zi's unexpected lucky value.

Letting a god with such a low luck value be his father god, Ling Huohuo felt that even if Zhou Zi was not sealed, the Greek gods would not last long.

It can be said that Zhou Zi, a single god, lowered the luck value of the entire god system.

But Zhou Zi's strength is real, even stronger than those gods in the Lost Land!

Moreover, having played against that person also raised Zhou Zi's evaluation a lot.

Zhou Zi's appearance is still a blonde stunner.

It can be said that Zhou Zi is perfect except for the lucky value that people criticize.

It is also because of this that recently, the more Ling Huohuo looks at Zhou Zi, the more pleasing to his eyes.

But Zhou Zi couldn't help trembling his brows when he was watched by Ling Huohuo. Could it be that Ling Huohuo is really going to attack him?But……

"Dad, what's the matter?" Zhou Zi couldn't hold back, looked at Ling Huohuo and asked, maybe because he called too much, now Zhou Zi called "Dad" very easily.

Ling Huohuo smiled like an old father.

"My daughter is getting older, and I feel a little emotional." Ling Huohuo said.



Lao Tzu was not born by you, you are a chicken feather with emotion!
Zhou Zi roared in his heart, but it was only limited to roaring in his heart, because under the effect of the command spell, Zhou Zi could not scold Ling Huohuo.

Each of the three thousand Command Spells that that person arranged for Ling Huohuo was very powerful, which also allowed Ling Huohuo to clearly arrange Zhou Zi.

"As long as you are happy." Zhou Zi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yes." Ling Huohuo snapped his fingers suddenly, then pulled out a beautifully packaged box from the space, and handed it to Zhou Zi.

Zhou Zi opened his eyes suspiciously, and looked at the box in Ling Huohuo's hand.

"What is this?" Zhou Zi asked curiously.

"open to take a look."

Zhou Zi took the box, opened it, and found a pair of exquisite red high-heeled shoes that looked like crystals.

"This is……"

"These are high heels. Every girl should have her own pair of high heels." Ling Huohuo stroked Zhou Zi's blond hair and said with a gentle smile.

Sensing Ling Huohuo's tenderness, Zhou Zi's expression also softened, and he was a little lost in thought looking at the high heels in his hand.

At this moment, Ling Huohuo stood up.

"I'm going to find something to eat, you can change it to see if it fits."

After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo left the cabin.

After watching Ling Huohuo leave, Zhou Zi looked at the high-heeled shoes in the box, then took out the high-heeled shoes in the box, and looked at them in his hand.

"Then try...wait!"

Zhou Zi's expression froze.

Then he stood up suddenly angrily, and slammed the high heels in his hand to the ground.

CNM, Lao Tzu is a male god! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


The plane landed at the airport in Zhonghai City.

Ling Huohuo walked out of the airport with an angry Zhou Zi.

At this time, the sun had already set in the west, and the sky was getting dark.

Ling Huohuo didn't intend to go to other places, but took Zhou Zi back to the studio directly.

However, when Ling Huohuo stood in the empty studio with Zhou Zi, his smile froze.

"Huh? Where are they?"

"There is a piece of paper on the table." Zhou Zi reminded.

Then Ling Huohuo walked over, picked up the piece of paper, and saw that it said——

Already moved, call for emergency, Tel: 152********

When the boss of my studio is not at home, you moved the studio. Is this really okay?

Fortunately, the studio just moved, not disappeared. After Ling Huohuo called, he quickly confirmed the new location of the studio.

As for why the studio moved, it was all due to the division of the territory of the Pillar Generals of the Demon King Army.

Ling Zhuo also reported from his own station.

After the division of the garrisons, the Demon King Army built garrisons for each pillar general free of charge, and also arranged some manpower to help those pillar generals who had no power manage the garrisons or do some chores.

I have to say that the service of Demon King Army is very good, and the work efficiency is also very fast.

Before Ling Huohuo came back, his residence was built with the help of the Demon King Army.

The matter of building the residence was discussed during the meeting. Some pillar generals chose to build it themselves, while some pillar generals chose to let the Demon King Army help build it. Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo were one of them.

With Zhou Zi, soon, Ling Huohuo came to his residence, which is the new residence of the studio.

This is a [-]-story skyscraper with a beautiful appearance, each floor has different functions, and the decoration is also very high-end. It can be said that this residence is completely high-standard.

Even if the studio is completely copied, it can only occupy a small part of it.

Yaotian Moren's studio is on the first floor, which is very convenient for the staff of the studio to enter and exit. As for the remaining 99 floors, except for the top floor where Ling Huohuo lived, the rest of the floors are still vacant.

When Ling Huohuo walked into the new residence of Yaotian Moren Studio, the smile on his face froze again.

"Can anyone explain why it's a nursery?"

At this time, the entire Yaotian Moren studio was painted into a cartoon look, and various toys were placed everywhere on the ground. On the side, Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya were taking care of a baby.

It was Ling Huohuo's only younger sister—Ling Xue.

(End of this chapter)

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