The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 886 Real men go up to the first floor

Chapter 886
Ling's father and Ling's mother disappeared again, but this time they gave Ling Huohuo and his brothers time to leave, and they would be back in about half a month, and during this time, Ling Xue was handed over to Ling Huo Fire comes and goes, as to why it's not Ling Tian and Ling Miao.

Ling's father and Ling's mother said that Ling Tian and Li Yinman are in the warming period of their relationship, and it is inconvenient to take care of their children, and the same is true for Ling Miao. It seems that Ling Huohuo is about to have a child of his own. Now take Ling Xue , it should be regarded as brushing experience.

However, no matter what, Ling Xue is Ling Huohuo's younger sister, so he can't just leave her alone.

In order to take care of Ling Xue, Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya decorated the studio as a nursery, and they cared more about Ling Xue than Ling Huohuo. Similarly, Yi Qianqian came to the studio more often recently. is gradually increasing.

Watching Xiao Yunyun, Toyotomi Xiuya and Yi Qianqian circle around Lingxue, Luo Jier and Zhou Zi sat on the sofa in the studio with expressionless faces.

Both of them call Ling Huohuo father, if we talk about their seniority...

"Rogier, go get your sister-in-law a clean diaper!" Yi Qianqian said to Luogier.

Rogier jumped off the sofa with dead fish eyes, looking for a diaper.

Seeing Rogier's appearance, Zhou Zi smiled secretly, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Zhouzi, don't look at it, go and throw away this diaper." Xiao Yunyun.

A smelly diaper flew towards Zhou Zi.

Zhou Zi subconsciously caught the diaper with divine power, and then a black thread appeared on his head.

Rogier on the other side saw this scene, and suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing to get a clean diaper.

For the three girls who have no experience in taking care of children, Ling Xue is also in a hurry to take care of them. Fortunately, Ling Xue is not young, and Ling's mother has left a complete care manual, so the three of them are not clueless.

At this time, Ling Huohuo was on the top floor of a [-]-story building, checking some documents. Wu Shiranui and Hongshuang stood on both sides to help Ling Huohuo process some documents.

Demon Dragon also hid on the top floor, lying on the sofa with his feet crossed and playing with his mobile phone.

As the residences of the pillar generals have been established in various places, the Demon King Army also announced the two events that will be held. At the same time, it is marked that the post of the pillar general is called the pillar tower, which is a symbol of the right and status of the pillar general. As for the pillar tower How to arrange it is the matter of the pillar generals themselves.

Whether it is open to the outside world or used by oneself, no one cares about even converting it into a shopping mall.

Zhujiang is also the guardian of a region. Therefore, all the forces in the region have begun to try to contact the Zhujiang in their own area. At this time, Ling Huohuo is looking at the information sent by the various forces in his jurisdiction. material.

He has been reading these materials for two days, and he is almost finished reading them. He has a preliminary understanding of the situation in his jurisdiction.

Finally, Ling Huohuo read all the materials.

"General, do you have any arrangements?" Hongshuang asked.

"What are your plans?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Hongshuang smiled and narrowed her eyes.

"Gather together big and small forces, let them be our cornerstone, and turn them in for protection on a regular basis... Oh no, it's a tribute."

"Then what do you think?" Ling Huohuo looked at Mai Shiranui.

Mai Shiranui thought about it.

"At least we must have the right to manage regional forces, and we must also ensure that the other party can obey our management." Said Mai Shiranui.

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"First of all, our forces are not well-known in this area. Except for the identity of a pillar general, there is not enough pressure to make all the forces in the area return to their hearts in a short time, let alone orders. Now, the entire world Although some people know that the Pillar General is the top power in this world, they don't know how powerful the Pillar General is. These local forces are so obedient now, it is completely under the pressure of the Demon King Army. , On the contrary, it is easy to cause counterattacks by local forces, and things will be difficult to deal with at that time."

Ling Huohuo explained.

Although Ling Huohuo doesn't like to use his brain very much, Ling Huohuo is not a stupid person.

"What should I do?"

Hongshuang and Shiranuiwu looked at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo thought for a while.

"Then leave him alone, but the protection fee still has to be paid, so that others won't look down on us."

"But didn't you just say that those forces wouldn't be so obedient?" Mai Shiranui said with a frown.

"This is easy to handle." Hongshuang interrupted suddenly, "Those forces don't know our strength, so let them know, kill all disobedient ones, and then it will be fine."

Ling Huohuo thought about it, this method is indeed feasible, but it is too bloody, and the Huaxia government has also sent documents to Ling Huohuo, hoping that Ling Huohuo can manage his own jurisdiction in a "peaceful" way.

In this era, in the land of China, harmony and stability is the theme.

Is there any simpler management method?
Ling Huohuo thought about it.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo had an idea.

"Let the major forces send a female family member, let's get married... Bah!"

Well, the methods used by ancient Chinese countries are impossible. If I send out the news of the marriage today, then tomorrow Xiao Yunyun will bring Toyotomi Xiuya to knock on the door with a sharpened hatchet.

But, having said that, why do I have to manage this area well?

Why should the Demon King Army let him manage this place and do his best?

"In this way, let everyone take a trip and stick a knife in the bedside of the leaders of the major forces. I believe they will know what it means, and then tell them to live as they did before, don't make trouble for me, and , The protection fee that should be paid still has to be paid, and how much to pay is up to you.”

Ling Huohuo thinks it's very good to deal with it this way.

Although it is not as bloody as Hongshuang said, the method is the same, and the effect will be better.

"Also, I have to give them a little hope. I will change my column and tower later. Except for the location of the studio on the first floor, each floor has different tests, and each floor is more difficult. , and then released to the public, if someone can reach the top level, give him a chance to challenge me, and rewards can also be released after reaching a certain level, or let the other party join our forces, assign some positions and powers to them, and the rest How to arrange it is up to you.”

Ling Huohuo clapped his hands and praised his wit.

"The name of this challenge is - a real man can go up to a hundred floors!"

Hongshuang: "..."

Mai Shiranui: "..."

"By the way, Ling Zhuo also sent a message before asking how to arrange the pillar tower, so let's give Ling Zhuo a set according to our set meal."

(End of this chapter)

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