The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 887 The Carnival Finals Begin

Chapter 887 The Carnival Final Begins (Part [-])

In order to meet Ling Huohuo's request, everyone got busy and even used the power of Zhou Zi, the true god.

Things went smoothly, but the pillar tower changed drastically in just three days.

The original skyscraper has turned into a gorgeous building sent into the sky. From the outside, it is impossible to see the internal situation. It can only go up to the top layer by layer.

And Ling Zhuo also built a similar pillar tower three days after Ling Huohuo's end, and the internal arrangement is similar.

Once the activity of "real men can go up to [-] floors" was made public, people came to challenge it.

And it's very hot.

After all, there is a reward for taking it, and it is not life-threatening.

At the same time, it is also possible to fight in the pillar tower, which is beneficial for the superhuman to improve their combat effectiveness.

After a week of probing, everyone found that the fifth-level powerhouse can only break through the 50th floor at most, and the sixth-level powerhouse can reach ten floors more on average. By analogy, the ninth-level powerhouse can just reach the top floor.

But for the time being, there is no ninth-order powerhouse to challenge the pillar tower.

"A real man can go up to a hundred floors" has also become popular for a long time, and it has also become a new symbol of the strength of the strong in Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo's jurisdiction.

Seeing this, other pillar generals also tried, but soon, they discovered that not only would it take a lot of resources to build such a building, but they also did not have the strength. There is also a disguised understanding of his strength.

However, I heard that with Ling Huohuo's model as a reference, Yi Yi also remodeled his pillar tower.

It is also a breakthrough, but instead of relying on strength, but relying on the understanding of martial arts, not only is it less expensive and easier to achieve, but it can also promote the development of martial arts and select talents.

This made Yi Yi's tower a favorite among martial arts experts.

Ling Huohuo's jurisdiction has also developed in an orderly manner. Not only has the protection fee been in place, but no one is doing anything.

Ling Huohuo estimated that the dagger stuck in the bedside of the leaders of various forces might have played a role.

Of course, Ling Huohuo didn't make him anxious about Ling Zhuo, the little brother he brought up by himself, and the same routine was played out in Ling Zhuo's jurisdiction.

Some people began to speculate whether the two pillars, Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo, were related.

Especially some people who found out the names of the two people, based on their surnames, they have already figured out that the two are brothers.

The pillars will be strong, and the pillars grouped together will be even stronger.

Fortunately, if it weren't for the particularly flamboyant Zhujiang, most of the Zhujiang's names would have been erased through various means, and most people would not know who the Zhujiang was in their area.

The same is true for Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo, and even Ling Zhuo said that his family was kept in the dark.

As for how Ling Zhuo managed to hide it from his family and go to live in his own jurisdiction.

You may not believe it, for this reason, Ling Zhuo went to his own jurisdiction for the college entrance examination.

That's right, Ling Zhuo took the college entrance examination alone.

Ling Huohuo estimated that this might be the only one of the 88 generals.

Now Ling Zhuo is living his college life steadily.

As for what Ling Huohuo is going to do...

Playing games of course!

Although the pillar tower was transformed, it did not affect the situation of the studio in the pillar tower.

Inside the pillared tower there is space to fold the structure, and there is ample room for studios.

Moreover, the pillar tower has only one direction for others to enter, and the other three directions are fenced off to create a small manor.

Ling Huohuo and the others usually live in the small manor.

The outside of the lower manor has also been set up with formations. Without permission, others cannot enter, and even if they enter, they will not notice the pillar tower on the back of the manor at all, and realize that the manor is built at the bottom of the pillar tower .

In the studio, Ling Huohuo is preparing for the upcoming carnival.

Everyone else's life is back to normal.

Du Xiaoyue also transferred to Zhonghai City, um, Du Xiaoyue will take the college entrance examination next year.

Du Xiaoyue is an orphan adopted by the X organization, and later inherited the rabbit armor. With Ding Ning to clear the relationship, it is not too difficult to arrange for Du Xiaoyue.

And Gabriel and the others were also kicked to go to school by Ling Huohuo, although Gabriel was the only one who didn't want to.

The others also had their own lives, and their focus was no longer purely in the game, but began to reintegrate into life in the real world. Even Rogier was led by Dean Luoli to go to elementary school.

As for Rabbit Jiji, the only person in this studio who doesn't know the basics.

Still staying in the studio, no one else has seen Tu Jiji call his family, but since Tu Jiji didn't say much, Ling Huohuo and the others knew it and didn't ask much.

Rabbit Jiji was still attacking the sixth-level blacksmith.

I don't know why, after such a long time, Tujiji is still one step away from the sixth-level forging master, which makes Tujiji more and more irritable, and his eyes are always red.

In fact, the fact is that this is not the problem of Tujiji. Even now, there are not many master blacksmiths at level six, only a handful.

However, Ling Huohuo mainly did leveling tasks, occasionally mining some ore, and became a sixth-level mining master one step ahead, and was only one step away from the seventh level.

Then Ling Huohuo discovered that Tujiji's eyes were very red especially when he looked at him.

But... is Lai Ling angry?
"Ding! Mining succeeded... settlement... Congratulations on upgrading... mining skill has been promoted to level [-]!"

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Looking at a piece of crystal-like ore on the ground, Ling Huohuo silently picked it up.

"Don't tell Rabbit Jiji about this."

Mining can be regarded as a condiment when you get tired of Linghuohuo.

While the mining level was rising, Ling Huohuo's level also broke through level [-]!
It is difficult for Ling Huohuo to upgrade so quickly by simply spawning monsters. In order to catch up with the level, Ling Huohuo has been doing high-level tasks, such as exploring the legendary land.

Relying on professional talent, now Ling Huohuo has easily explored four legendary lands, and he is only one short away from officially completing the mission of the legendary land.

But the harvest is not much.

The legendary lands that Ling Huohuo explored were all deeply hidden, and they were all unborn ones, and being unborn often meant that they had no value of being born, that is to say, there was nothing good in them.

Generally, it is the burial place of some powerful beings that exist in dangerous places. The burial place is not a tomb, there are no burial objects, and there are no weapons left to kill these powerful beings. After all, not everyone is as kind as Da Yi.

Therefore, after a circle, Ling Huohuo only got some materials such as remains or blood vessels. These rare treasures for others, but to Ling Huohuo, they are like chicken ribs, and Ling Huohuo finally gave them all. Xiao Yunyun, to help Xiao Yunyun's team grow.

Ling Huohuo quit the game and walked into the yard. At this time, in the yard, Ling's father and Ling's mother were pushing Ling Xue's stroller, and they were chatting with each other.

"General, everything is ready." Hong Shuang walked behind Ling Huohuo and said.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

The final of the game carnival is about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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