The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 888 You guys actually sneaked away

Chapter 888 You guys actually sneaked away (one more)
The whole capital became very lively.

Because the finals of China's game carnival will be held in the capital!
During this period of time, the flow of people in the capital skyrocketed.

And the venue for the finals of this carnival is quite special. The venue for the finals is the pillar tower that guards the capital area from the pillars in the capital!
High remuneration, unprecedented.

Today, in the capital, apart from the auditorium, the pillar tower is the most important building.

The synagogue represents the country, while the pillar tower represents the pinnacle of the extraordinary!

Moreover, so far, almost no one has entered the pillar tower in the capital. This time the pillar tower is open to the public, which makes people flock to it. They want to see what is inside the pillar tower in the capital. style.

At the same time, it is said that in this event, Huaxia's No. [-] and No. [-] chiefs will also attend, and at the same time, the main pillar of the pillar tower will also appear, and there may even be the figure of the pillar king!

It doesn't have to be sitting together, but just knowing that you're in the same venue as these people is exciting enough.

At this time, there is still one day before the competition, Ling Huohuo and other contestants can enter the arena first, and those who are not qualified to participate in the studio have a place to be arranged.

From the outside, the pillar tower in the capital looks like a hundred-story building similar to Ling Huohuo's pillar tower.

At this time, broadcast screens were also erected around the hundred-story building.

When Ling Huohuo led Ling Xian'er and NG's team into the [-]-story building, they really saw the situation inside the building clearly.

The space inside the building is larger than it looks from the outside, and Ling Huohuo can feel that the interior of the building also has the same design as the folding space of its own pillar tower.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo keenly sensed that in the depths of the building, the power of God is hidden!

There is a god behind this pillar tower?

But Ling Huohuo didn't go any further, he came to participate in the competition.

This time, only Ling Xian'er and NG's team came with Ling Huohuo. Yi Yi had already returned to his residence, so he came to participate by himself.

When Ling Huohuo brought a group of girls into the pillar tower, it quickly attracted the attention of others. After all, not everyone has so many girls around.

The finalists were divided into seven regions, namely Northeast China, North China, Central China, East China, South China, Northwest China and Southwest China. Ling Huohuo represented the East China region.

East China, on the other hand, is the most competitive region because of the large number of provinces and cities.

Each region has ten individual players and one team, a total of 20 people.

So the total number of contestants reached 140 people.

When Ling Huohuo entered the pillar tower, some players wandering around in the hall recognized Ling Huohuo's identity.

After all, although there are quite a few teams with all-female players, NG is the only one that made it to the finals.

Among the seven teams from the seven regions participating in the finals, only NG's team is an all-female team, and it is also the most eye-catching team. It's hot, at least it will be very popular among female players.

And NG will also become a representative of female players in the future, because someone found out that NG is full of female players!
However, it’s not that no one has tried NG’s idea. After all, NG seems like a soft persimmon, but when he just started, his hand was cut off by a mysterious existence. Later, all forces discovered that there was a very terrifying A mysterious existence is protecting NG and its members.

In the end, after some probing, all forces ended their probing and thinking about NG.

However, the evaluation of NG has been upgraded to a level that requires special attention.

Although it was impossible to attack NG, the information of NG's contestants was successfully collected by various forces. In fact, not only NG, but almost all of the contestants' information was collected once.

And some people with dirty hearts have already arranged tactics based on these tactics.

Ling Huohuo ignored other people's gazes, and led Ling Xian'er and NG members to register in the lobby first, and then received his ID card.

Dongfang Shizuku, the leader of NG, did not participate in the competition, so he could not enter the pillar tower. Therefore, the task of leading the NG girls fell to Ling Huohuo. Fortunately, Wang Zilun, who is more reliable in NG, also participated in the competition. The NG team did not There will be too many problems.

As for Ling Xian'er, she was also entrusted to Ling Huohuo by Sister Wu.

But when Ling Huohuo and others were about to go to their room, they were stopped by two people who looked like reporters.

"Sir, hello ladies. I'm Ding Zhen, a reporter from the Capital Times. May I spare you a few minutes for an interview?" the good-looking female reporter asked politely.

Ling Huohuo looked at the other people behind him, and when he saw that no one else had any opinions, he turned around and nodded to the female reporter.

The female reporter saw this with a smile on her face.

"Where are you from?" asked the female reporter.

"East China player Ling Huohuo." Ling Huohuo said.

"Ling Xian'er, a player from East China."

"East China team NG."

The female reporter knew all the players' information, and her eyes lit up slightly after hearing the names of Ling Huohuo and NG.

Both are notable targets.

One is a player who almost made it to the finals, and is very cool when fighting, while the other is the only all-female team that made it to the finals.

Unexpectedly, I caught two big fish at once.

As for Ling Xian'er, the only thing worthy of praise is that Ling Xian'er is still a high school student player, but it does not mean that there is only one high school student player. In "The Lost World", young players such as high school student players and college student players are the mainstream. Not uncommon.

I remember that there was another high school player team that reached the finals.

However, the female reporter still stabilized her emotions, and then began to ask questions, and Ling Huohuo and others also responded in cooperation. The female reporter also asked whether Ling Huohuo and Ling Xian'er were brother and sister, but the answer was obvious is negative.

To be honest, apart from the time when he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination, it was the first time that Ling Huohuo was interviewed as a celebrity.

"Excuse me, have you all brought your own fan club?" The female reporter continued to ask.

Fan club?
Ling Huohuo's expression froze.

what is that?
However, to Ling Huohuo's surprise, Ling Xian'er, Wang Zilun and others nodded.

"Everyone is very enthusiastic. They all support us outside. We are very touched. We will definitely work harder and get good results to reward them." Wang Zilun said, and the other girls also nodded.

"My fan club is also outside. To be honest, I am also very touched. I will definitely use my best form to repay everyone and not let those who support me down." Ling Xian'er showed a sweet smile.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Nima, when did you have a fan club?I do not know how?Why no one told me?We agreed to be cool and unrestrained together, why did you sneak away?
That's right, Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered that he... seems to have no fan club at all!

This is awkward.

However, Ling Huohuo's expression didn't change at all.

"Mr. Ling?" The female reporter looked at Ling Huohuo, but she knew that Ling Huohuo's enthusiasm was not low.

Now, I can only bite the bullet.

"I... don't have a fan club." Ling Huohuo said slowly.


Not only the female reporter, but Ling Xian'er and the people from NG looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise.

However, just when Ling Huohuo was about to speak, and was about to say a few coquettish words to get away with it, a shout came from a distance.

"Ling Huo Huo!"

Then, Ling Huohuo felt a person hanging on his body.

Ling Huohuo showed a disgusted expression.

(End of this chapter)

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