The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 889 You Are A Little Brother

Chapter 889 You Are A Little Brother (Part [-])

Looking at Guo Xiaoyu hanging on his body, Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth. At this time, Guo Xiaoyu was hugging him like a koala.

"Why did you come in?" Ling Huohuo asked subconsciously.

"Of course I'm here to participate in the final~" Guo Xiaoyu said as a matter of course, and then leaned closer to Ling Huohuo's face, "You haven't come to see him for so long, he's so lonely~"


Looking at Guo Xiaoyu's obviously exaggerated expression, Ling Huohuo asked if he could vomit?

If Guo Xiaoyu was lonely, Ling Huohuo would dare to dig out her own kidney!
Although Guo Xiaoyu is good-looking and is a great beauty if you look closely, Ling Huohuo, who is very familiar with Guo Xiaoyu, can't "move" at all.

Having been at the same table with Guo Xiaoyu for three years in high school, Ling Huohuo already knew exactly what kind of person Guo Xiaoyu was.

However, Ling Huohuo discovered that Guo Xiaoyu's strength had changed!
At this time, Guo Xiaoyu actually already has the strength of the eighth level, and there is also a trace of divinity hidden in her body.

What has Guo Xiaoyu experienced during this time?
Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu also talked on the phone from time to time, but Guo Xiaoyu talked more about what achievements he had made today, what food he bought, which player he defeated...

But now, Ling Huohuo felt that Guo Xiaoyu's experience was definitely not that simple.

No, it should be said that these experiences were not worth noting to Guo Xiaoyu, not even a steak, but it was different for others.

After all, Guo Xiaoyu's values ​​and brain circuits have some problems with normal people.

Ordinary people's steering wheels can't keep up with Guo Xiaoyu's brain circuits.

However, Ling Huohuo is like this, but other people are different. At this time, the female reporter, Ling Xian'er, NG and other girls looked at Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu with surprised expressions.

The two...have a story!

The female reporter glanced at the photographer behind her.

The photographer quietly gave a thumbs up, indicating that he had already taken a picture.


Two more people walked towards Ling Huohuo's direction.

Ling Huohuo saw that he was also an acquaintance.

Ye Qiu and Lu Sisi.

Seeing Ye Qiu and Lu Sisi coming, Guo Xiaoyu jumped off Ling Huohuo and pulled Lu Sisi over.

"Come, come, Ling Huohuo, your fiancée is here, hurry up and kiss~"


Ling Huohuo hit Guo Xiaoyu's head once, and Guo Xiaoyu hugged his head and cried.

Finally quiet down.

The female reporter keenly caught the word "fiancée", but she still chose to wait and see. She always felt that big news was coming.

The expressions of Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi were very calm.

At this time, Lu Sisi's strength has reached the eighth level!

Moreover, Lu Sisi still has a shadow of a true swordsman. After receiving the inheritance of the sword god, Lu Sisi's future road will be smoother!
"Long time no see." Ling Huohuo smiled at Lu Sisi.

"Long time no see." Lu Sisi also nodded to Ling Huohuo.

The two seem to be ordinary, but the tacit understanding among them can only be understood by the two of them.

Then Ling Huohuo looked at Ye Qiu, and Ye Qiu also took the initiative to speak.

"Mr. Ling, long time no see." Ye Qiu said politely to Ling Huohuo.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, Ye Qiu had already reached the ninth rank!
And from the hidden aura, it can be felt that Ye Qiu is not simple now.

Nima, this Ye Qiu is eating gold, right?

"Well, I haven't seen you for a while, it looks like you're doing well now." Huo Huo was about to behave very plainly towards Ye Qiuling.

Ye Qiu showed a smile that he thought was charming.

With the growth in strength and the successful cultivation with the girl who has been chasing him for two lifetimes, Ye Qiu is proud of himself now. He feels that even Ling Huohuo can challenge him now.

Well, he swelled after all.

"Mr. Ling, I said that when we meet again, we will be rivals." Ye Qiu said confidently.

"But you are still not qualified." Ling Huohuo said.

"Then who knows, I said that I will not lose to anyone in games!" Ye Qiu showed his fighting spirit.

Ling Huohuo had to admit that Ye Qiu did have a unique temperament, even if the other party was provoking him, it made him feel bad.

And looking at Ye Qiu, Ling Huohuo suddenly had the illusion that the little brother had grown into a big brother.

Facing Ye Qiu's fighting spirit, Ling Huohuo directly ignored it. From Ling Huohuo's point of view, Ye Qiu might not have graduated from secondary school, and Ling Huohuo felt a little embarrassed to make such remarks many times.

The female reporter quickly recorded it, big news, really big news!

Game No.1 challenged Ling Huohuo, but was ignored by Ling Huohuo, saying that the other party was not qualified, and the female reporter had already set the title of the headline.

Moreover, depending on the situation, Ling Huohuo is actually related to the three top star players of the Shinhwa Club. The value of this Ling Huohuo is deeper than I imagined!

"Then I'll wait and see." Ling Huohuo shrugged, then looked in one direction, and two people came from there.

Ling Miao, with a woman she didn't know.

But Ling Huohuo knew that they were the future players of the club.

The female reporter suddenly found out that Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao... it seems!

"Second brother." Ling Miao said with a smile to Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked up and down at Ling Miao who was wearing a suit, and then nodded.


Ling Miao smiled.

"Let me introduce...this is another player from the future club, Mao Yingying."

Mao Yingying is a beautiful woman with the temperament of a royal sister.

"Brother Miao, this is..." Mao Yingying looked at Ling Huohuo curiously.

"This is my second brother, and... well, the founder of the future club!" Ling Miao said.

The others were very surprised. They all looked at Ling Huohuo in disbelief. It was the first time that everyone heard that the future club was founded by Ling Huohuo.

"Without the second brother, the future club would not be where it is today." Ling Miao said with a smile.

But Ling Huohuo shamelessly nodded in agreement.

"Can I ask about the relationship between Mr. Ling Huohuo and Mr. Ling Miao?" the female reporter asked suddenly.

Ling Huohuo wrapped her arms around Ling Miao's neck.

"We are twins~"

The female reporter felt that she was about to pass out from happiness. Today, she dug up so many big news, and a promotion and salary increase is just around the corner!

Ling Huohuo let go of Ling Miao.

"I look forward to your performance. Let me see how far the future club will develop if you hand it over to you." Ling Huohuo said.

"It's definitely not weak." Ling Miao said with a smile.

"So what? Don't forget, you will always be a younger brother!" Ling Huohuo laughed.

Ling Miao's smile froze.

In the game circle, saying that the other party is the younger brother means talking about the other party's food, but... in fact, he is Ling Huohuo's younger brother!
Ling Miao suddenly felt a little melancholy, and began to think about a question that she hadn't thought about for so many years, that is——

Why is he and Ling Huohuo twins born at the same time but he is the younger brother?
(End of this chapter)

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