Chapter 891 Scene One (Second Update)

The host ended Guo Xiaoyu's performance in a timely manner, otherwise today's game would not be able to go on.

"Next, proceed to the selection of contestants for the first match!"

Although it is divided into ten groups, the ten groups are not performed at the same time.

Instead, it is carried out in groups, so that the players can fully show their demeanor.

After all, this is the finals, and it cannot be as casual as before.

Today each group will have a round of competition, seven into four, one of them has a bye.

Seven screens fell down, each representing seven regions, and one of the ten people in a region would be randomly selected on this screen.

Soon, the heads of seven people appeared on the screen.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, he actually had him in the first game in East China!

Many people looked at Ling Huohuo, after all, Guo Xiaoyu made Ling Huohuo angry just now.

The group with Ling Huohuo is someone who Ling Huohuo doesn't know, otherwise Ling Huohuo would kill his relatives righteously.

"Next, draw lots to choose the opponent and the bye!" The host shouted loudly.

A staff member dragged a tray with seven signs onto the high platform.

Ling Huohuo and the other seven people took a step forward, and each of them chose a brand.

This kind of brand is not simple, but it is also specially made, which can isolate other people's perception!

Ling Huohuo turned over the sign he had chosen.

Above is a red line.

"The blank sign is the bye quota. Other players determine their opponents according to the color of the lines on the sign. Then please enter the game cabin, and other players go to the waiting area to wait."

A female contestant shook the blank sign in her hand and smiled happily.

Ling Huohuo shrugged and found his opponent - a man who looked very young, probably less than twenty years old.

Ling Huohuo threw the sign with the red line back into the tray, and then walked towards his game cabin.

There are seventy game cabins in the arena, and each player has his own game cabin.

The players who had a bye naturally also went to the rest area.

When all six players entered the game cabin, all the other game cabins fell down, leaving only six game cabins on the field.

The host also took a commentary to the commentary position, and at the same time, two participating players were invited to help the end.

The two players, Ling Huohuo, still knew each other, namely Ling Miao and Ye Qiu.

The big screen came down, showing the status of the six players entering the game.

The screen cuts to the explanation stage.

"Hi everyone, I am the host Huanhuan."

"I'm the commentator Ah Wu."

"I am player Ye Qiu."

"I'm the player Ling Miao."

"This round of competition will be explained by us together."

"The contestant Ling Huohuo who participated this time seems to be Ling Miao's twin brother." Huanhuan took the lead to ask a question.

"That's right, Ling Huohuo is my second brother." Ling Miao nodded.

"It's really a pair of heroes. I didn't expect that both of you brothers have such strong strength in the game." Huanhuan sighed.

"Second brother? Then you still have a big brother? Is he also a game player?" A Wu asked curiously.

"That's right, our family does have an older brother and a younger sister, but although my older brother plays games occasionally, he's not actually a professional gamer, but for relaxation, and he doesn't play well." Ling Miao replied .


"The Lost World", Demon King City.

"Aqiu~" Ling Tian sat on the chair representing the Demon King and sneezed, then wiped his nose.

"I think someone says I'm handsome."

"By the way, Ace, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going offline and going back to make dinner for my girlfriend. She's coming back from get off work."

Esfelt bent down.

"Congratulations to the Lord."

"Okay, I'll go down first, you don't have to be too tired, the brave side is also very honest recently, we can relax."


"Okay, bye~"

After speaking, Ling Tian went offline.

Eisfeldt stood up, blinking his eyes.

"Forget it, I'll go have a drink too."

Esfelt left the hall after speaking.


"I see, but you still have a younger sister?" A Wu's eyes lit up, "Could it be Ling Xian'er who comes from the same area as Ling Huohuo?"

Ling Miao shook her head with a smile.

"To be honest, my sister is not yet one year old, how can she play games."

Ling Miao's parents are so lucky!

This is what everyone has in mind.

"Okay, let's get down to business. I don't know what you two think, which players in this group have a chance to qualify?" Huanhuan asked.

"Ling Huohuo." Ling Miao said without hesitation.

"Ling Huohuo." Ye Qiu gave the same answer.

"Oh?" Huanhuan and Awu showed surprise on their faces.

"Although player Ling Huohuo is strong, the other players are not bad. Does Ling Huohuo have any cards?" Huanhuan asked.

"Well, I just think that my second brother can win. After all, my second brother is really strong. From childhood to adulthood, my second brother has been better than me." Ling Miao rubbed her hair embarrassingly.

"Then what's Ye Qiu's opinion?" Huanhuan looked at Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu smiled.

"Ling Huohuo is indeed a very strong player. In some respects, he is still my senior, and..." Ye Qiu glanced at Ling Miao, "The real founder of the future club is Mr. Ling Huohuo."

"Oh?" Huanhuan and Awu became interested.

"Is there such a thing?" Ah Wu looked at Ling Miao.

Ling Miao nodded with a smile.

"The Future Club was indeed established by my second brother, but my second brother left after the establishment of the Future Club, probably because he disliked us for being too good-for-nothing and didn't want to take us to play." Ling Miao joked .

"Actually, the owner of the future club will still be my second brother, and Sister Ouyang is just the manager of the club."

Everyone knows that Sister Ouyang that Ling Miao is talking about is Ouyang Bingbing, the future leader of the club.

The news that Ling Miao broke out caused some commotion among the audience.

If what Ling Miao said is true, then Ling Huohuo's worth needs to be reassessed, and Ling Miao is the same, and Ling Miao will no longer be just a top player in the future club, because the future club is obviously the industry of his family what.

What family has mines, people have homes in mines!

"Actually, according to the comparison of the data collected during this period, intuitively speaking, it is true that Ling Huohuo's final winning rate is relatively high. However, we still look forward to the players bringing you enough exciting battles." A Wu said.


Ling Huohuo stood in the virtual space, and there were several options in front of Ling Huohuo.

The selection of the map is no longer purely random, but a battle map is generated according to the choices of both parties.

Ling Huohuo carefully looked at the available elements, a player can choose two map elements.

After thinking about it, Ling Huohuo chose two map elements——

Mines and graveyards.

(End of this chapter)

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