Chapter 892 Strange (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo entered the game.

When Ling Huohuo opened his eyes again, he found himself in the mine of one of the elements he chose.

After looking around, Ling Huohuo found that this mine was the same as the mines he usually encountered, except that it couldn't be mined.

An animation of the start of the battle appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

"Next, we need to find the opponent." Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

The map of the final must go to the regional competition. The map is bigger. However, every 5 minutes, a part of the constituent elements on the map will disappear randomly. If the battle is not over for half an hour, then the elements on the map will disappear directly. There is no cover for both sides of the battle If a battle is not over in 45 minutes, both sides in the battle will be disqualified at the same time.

However, due to the appearance of map elements, the battle has more possibilities and operability.

At this time, Ling Huohuo, his opponent, and other opponents in the field all appeared on the outside screen.

"Oh, all the contestants have already entered the arena!" said the host Huanhuan.

"Let's pay attention to player Ling Huohuo, oh, player Ling Huohuo didn't move easily, what kind of performance will he have?" Huanhuan said.

"Contestant Ling Huohuo's opponent is contestant Li Lin from South China. His ID is Ximeng Chunqiu, and his occupation is a hidden professional puppeteer at the eighth level. According to the previous performance of contestant Li Lin, contestant Li Lin is very good at forming a puppet army. No matter how open the place is, it will be very difficult to deal with, and he is not a weak player, I wonder if player Li Lin can beat player Ling Huohuo?" A Wu said on the side.

"Actually, I don't think Li Lin's army of puppets is very useful in front of Ling Huohuo." Ye Qiu said suddenly.

"Oh? What's the best opinion of contestant Ye Qiu?" Huanhuan asked curiously.

Ling Miao started to explain first.

"My second brother's profession has a very buggy ability, that is, the ability to travel through space. If there is no limit to the ability to travel through space, then it will be very difficult to defeat my second brother, and the possibility is almost zero."

"However, although there are not many ways to limit the ability to travel through space in the game, there are still some. It depends on whether Li Lin has any hidden cards." Ye Qiu said with a smile, "If you can limit the ability to travel through space , then Ling Huohuo will inevitably fall into a hard fight, because, no matter what, Ling Huohuo has a very fatal shortcoming, that is, low level!" Ye Qiu said with narrowed eyes.

Ling Miao nodded.

"My second brother entered the game relatively late. Today, the finalists are generally at level [-], and only my second brother is at level [-]."

"However, according to the previous competitions, Ling Huohuo's attribute value is far higher than that of ordinary professionals of the same level, and there is also a magic outfit in hand, which will make up for the gap in level, and the gap in other aspects is not big. Now, a piece of divine attire is enough to make up for the attribute gap between five and eight levels." Ye Qiu said.

"The next step is to see Li Lin's hole cards and consciousness." Ling Miao said.

"Could it be that Li Lin has the possibility to defeat Ling Huohuo?" Huanhuan asked curiously.

Ling Miao smiled and said nothing.

But Ye Qiu didn't care much about it.

"No, Li Lin's hole cards and consciousness can only determine how long he can survive in Ling Huohuo's hands. Don't forget, another characteristic of Ling Huohuo is that he is an assassin, mage, swordsman and A player with the quality of a berserker!"

Ye Qiu looked at Ling Huohuo's profile picture on the screen.

"What's more, Ling Huohuo is not an ordinary player!"

At this time, Ye Qiu was also very much looking forward to what kind of strength Ling Huohuo could show.


Ling Huohuo stretched his neck while standing in the mine, and then took a step.

Ling Huohuo remembered his opponent, Li Lin from South China, whose ID was Ximeng Chunqiu, and whose occupation was a level eight hidden professional puppeteer.

The puppeteer profession is similar to the puppet master Ling Huohuo saw in the playground of the lawless place, but the difference is that the current power has not been weakened to the level of ordinary people.

Ling Huohuo just walked out of the mine slowly, and then moved forward in a straight line.

Outside the mine is a valley, in the middle of the valley is a gloomy cemetery, and outside the valley is a forest.

The elements chosen for Ximeng Chunqiu should be valleys and forests.

The surrounding area is closed, and the open valley inside is very suitable for the tactical coordination of the puppets.

As for the forest outside the valley, Ling Huohuo didn't know why Ximengchunqiu chose it. In the information Ding Ning gave Ling Huohuo, there was no information about Ximengchunqiu fighting in the forest.

However, for Ling Huohuo, information is dead, but people are alive. No matter what location Ximeng Chunqiu chooses, it is Ling Huohuo himself who wins in the end!
clack clack clack...

A discordant voice came from behind Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo turned around directly, and stuck in a white figure's body together.

The white figure has a round head and a sectioned body.

"Is it a puppet?"

Suddenly, the puppet opened its mouth and spit out a mouthful of green smoke at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo felt his body stiffen the first time he was contaminated by the smoke, and his blood volume was still slowly declining.


Suddenly, a figure rushed out from the soil layer behind Ling Huohuo, and two arms composed of long knives chopped towards Ling Huohuo's neck.

This is a simple and common flank attack, but it is surprisingly effective.

Then, Ling Huohuo fell to the ground.


Whether it was the person who did it secretly or the audience outside the stadium, they all watched this scene in disbelief. Ling Huohuo was killed just like that?

"No, Ling Huohuo's blood volume has not been lost, but has been fully recovered!" Ye Qiu said suddenly.

Everyone looked, sure enough, Ling Huohuo's blood volume has not decreased, and the blood volume loss caused by poisoning has automatically recovered to full, what is going on?

"It's a magic double!" Ling Miao said.

The two puppets violently attacked Ling Huohuo who fell on the ground.

However, only an empty robe was inserted, no, it's not that simple...

A magic circle lights up in the robe.

There is actually a magic trap in the robe!

The magic trap exploded, and the two puppets were blown to pieces.

Where did Ling Huohuo go?

The camera looks for Ling Huohuo on the map.

"Lock Ling Huohuo's position!"

Through the game system, the screen successfully locked Ling Huohuo's position, but at this time, Ling Huohuo's screen made everyone stunned.

I saw Ling Huohuo standing in the darkness intact, looking down at a figure.

And this figure is Ximeng Chunqiu hidden in the dark!
However, at this time, Ximeng Chunqiu was secretly vigilant against Ling Huohuo without noticing it, and continued to send puppets to search for Ling Huohuo's location in the valley.

Then, Ling Huohuo slowly drew out the short blade at his waist, and the half chin exposed under the hood evoked a cruel smile.

(End of this chapter)

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