The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 894 He's Coming to China to Kill People

Chapter 894 He's Coming to China to Kill People (Part [-])
After the first game, the contestants can move freely, and the second battle will be held the next day.

At this time, there are still three hours before the start of the second game.

Ling Huohuo left the pillar tower and sat alone on a seat by a lake in a certain park in the capital, holding a piece of bread in his hand, rubbing bread crumbs and feeding the ducks in the lake.

As for why the duck?

Because there are no pigeons in this park!
Bathed in the rays of the setting sun, Ling Huohuo's whole body turned golden, and a group of ducks were scrambling for the bread crumbs thrown by Ling Huohuo in the lake.

Two young people who looked like students, a man and a woman, passed behind Ling Huohuo, and seeing the harmonious interaction between Ling Huohuo and the duck, they couldn't help but stop.

"What a laid-back person." The girl couldn't help sighing.

The boy nodded, feeling a little emotional.

Such a leisurely life... is so yearning.

Ling Huohuo looked at the ducks in front of him and nodded.

"Eat more, and if you get fatter, you can take it back to make roast duck, Chiliu~" Ling Huohuo.



The boys and girls left silently.

Ling Huohuo looked at the direction in which they left after they left.

"Vampires and... people from the Holy See?"

Ling Huohuo didn't expect that the two people he met on the side of the road were not ordinary people.

"It seems that with the continuous emergence of extraordinary beings, the fundamentals of this world have begun to change."

All the bread in Ling Huohuo's hand had been thrown into the lake by Ling Huohuo, and then he clapped his hands.

"Since you're here, come out, are you going to explode my ass by lying there like a LYB?" Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

The bushes behind Ling Huohuo trembled, and then a person stood out from the bushes with a leaf on his head.

There was a smile on the face of the visitor, without embarrassment at all.

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, long time no see."

"It's the same, Mandrill."

That's right, it was Mandrill who came.

The reason why Ling Huohuo appeared here alone was because he came to see Mandrill.

"Call me out, what's the matter?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Mandrill came out of the bushes, came to the bench where Ling Huohuo was sitting, and stood up.

"I need help."

"If you don't help, get out!"

Ling Huohuo's refusal without hesitation made Mandrill's expression freeze.

"You must be interested..."

"Not interested, get out!"



"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, don't go too far!" Mandrill's smile couldn't hold back.

"Just kidding, what about it?" Ling Huohuo waved his hand indifferently.


Mandrill suddenly felt that it was a mistake to come to Ling Huohuo for help.

"What the hell is it that even you can't figure it out, and isn't there that mysterious organization behind you?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"This..." Mandrill scratched his face.

"Let me tell you the truth, the base I was in was taken over by a pillar king."

"Then you can escape to prove that your strength is not bad." Ling Huohuo said in surprise.

"That is, when it comes to living, I am not weaker than others!"

"As if this is a remarkable thing." Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

"That is, think about it, as long as you live longer than the enemy, you are the final winner!"

"It makes sense, well, let's talk about business." Ling Huohuo shook his head, almost being led astray by Mandrill.

"Ahem." Mandrill cleared his throat, and then began to explain, "Since the base was taken away, I took my generals and feigned death to escape, that is to say, we are free now."

"Will it not be discovered?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Don't worry, that organization doesn't lack people like us, and those who are attacked by the Demon King's Army and the Pillar General Council don't dare to show up easily, so as long as we don't die, life is still quite nourishing."

"Then what do you want me to do for you? Tell me first, the reward can't let me down."

"Don't worry!" Mandrill looked at Ling Huohuo, "The reward is... the whereabouts of the source of wood!"

Ling Huohuo sat up slightly, and Ling Huohuo was very surprised by the news of Mandrill, which actually involved a source.

However, having said that, Mandrill seems to know a lot of things, last time about the Tomb of the Demon God, this time about the origin of the tree, Mandrill's intelligence system is a bit powerful.

"Don't worry, this news is absolutely reliable." Mandrill said with a smile, "Because when I was in that organization, the base I was in was responsible for tracing the origin of wood, and the one who took away my base was also a pillar general representing the wood attribute. The other party should also want to get information about the real Kinomoto, but..."

Mandrill showed a mysterious smile.

"But you were the first to get the information, and it's in your own hands, right?" Ling Huohuo said.

"That's right!" Mandrill snapped his fingers, "I can guarantee that the news about the source of wood is absolutely exclusive, even the Demon King Army and that organization don't know where the real source of wood is." Mandrill said.

"The real source of wood?" Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"That's right, Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, you should have heard about the approximate whereabouts of Wood Origin."

Ling Huohuo frowned.

"That's right, it is said that it was taken by the evil forces, but it is not clear who is in the hands of the evil forces. Wait, is the origin of the wood in this news fake?" Ling Huohuo's face showed surprised expression.

Mandrill smiled.

"The news back then was indeed true, but after a certain time, the source of wood in this news was fake, and the real source of wood was secretly transferred by someone. The specific location is..."

Mandrill paused.

Ling Huohuo wasn't too surprised. After all, when he didn't agree to help, Mandrill was not obliged to tell the specific location.

However, to Ling Huohuo's surprise, Mandrill actually continued talking.

"The real source of wood is under the sun tree of the sun elves! Only the place full of wood-attributed breath can cover the wood-attributed power emitted by the source of wood!"

"What?" Ling Huohuo was stunned, let's not talk about the elves involved in this news...

"Aren't you afraid that I won't help you after hearing the news?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

Mandrill smiled confidently.

"Of course not. I have lived in China for such a long time, and I have learned a Chinese idiom 'repaying your kindness'. I believe that Your Excellency Ling Huohuo will not let me down."

"Ha ha……"

Leaving aside whether Zhien Tubao is suitable for describing the meaning of Mandrill, Ling Huohuo really thought of running away with the news.

"Actually, there is another reason why I am not worried about His Excellency Ling Huohuo running away with the news." Mandrill said.


"I said the thing that needs your help is about your friend."


"Your college roommate, Lawrence!"

"What's wrong with him?" Ling Huohuo's expression became serious.

"If there is no accident, he will come to China to kill people soon!" Mandrill said with a smile.


"Of course, if you're unlucky, he'll be chopped off, and the person who's going to chop him is just the person I want you to help me solve!" Mandrill still had a smile on his face.


 Thank you for your birthday wishes yesterday, the second one will be later, laugh~
(End of this chapter)

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