Chapter 895 The wind is noisy~ ([-] more)
The second game started as scheduled.

In the last game, seven entered four, but this time it will be four entered two.

The number of people playing today is almost half that of yesterday, and there are only 40 people left.

There are four people left in Ling Huohuo's group besides Ling Huohuo.

And Ling Huohuo's team was the first to play.

This time Ling Huohuo's opponent was a 25-year-old male player. As for the name and details... Well, it doesn't matter.

Now Ling Huohuo's mind is full of what Mandrill told him before, and the reason why Ling Huohuo has been thinking for so long is because some of the things Mandrill told him are so unbelievable.

"On the night of the full moon, on the top of the Forbidden City, with a sword coming to the west, a flying fairy..."

That's right, these sixteen words came out of Mandrill's mouth, and Ling Huohuo was so frightened that he almost thought that the old man had also traveled to this world.

After listening to Mandrill's explanation, Ling Huohuo finally understood.

The reason for this passage is that two strong men from China are going to compete in the capital. These two strong men are hermits in China, good at using swords. Not weaker than any pillar king!
These words were spoken by these two strong men.

Sure enough, as long as they are strong, different worlds have the same force.

Moreover, the most important thing is that their competition is also officially supported.

Although there is no explicit statement, it is said that the battle field has been secretly established.

This is also very easy to understand.

Nowadays, extraordinary people are rampant in the world, and the national organization seems to withdraw from the mainstream. If these two strong men appear, although it is a competition, it is also a disguised show of muscle.

Although the confrontation between the two peak powerhouses was not announced to the public for some reason, it was not deliberately concealed. Some well-connected forces knew more or less about the situation, and naturally all forces began to pay attention to this matter.

Moreover, there are still some people who are planning to take advantage of this duel of strong men to make troubles, and both Mandrill and Lawrence are unfortunately involved.

In order to ensure safety, Mandrill brought in Ling Huohuo, a foreign aid.

Whether it was for the sake of the news or to prevent Lawrence from having an accident, Ling Huohuo was ready to intervene appropriately.

However, although Ling Huohuo had already made plans, he still hadn't recovered from the words of the two strong men, and secretly guessed whether one of them was named Ye and the other was Ximen, but Mandrill didn't know whether the two men had the same surname. bit's name.

In his wild thoughts, Ling Huohuo lay down in the game cabin.

"Today's contestant Ling Huohuo seems to be a little absent-minded..." Huanhuan keenly discovered Ling Huohuo's situation. As a top host, he still has the necessary ability to observe words and emotions.

Entering the game selection page, Ling Huohuo looked at the various options and subconsciously chose the two elements of the Forbidden City and the Night of the Full Moon.


Ling Huohuo entered the game.

When Ling Huohuo regained his vision again, he found himself standing on the top of the Forbidden City with a round moon above his head.

On the opposite side of the Forbidden City, there was a row of cities, and then... the wind blew up.

Ling Huohuo quickly determined the elements chosen by the other party, wind and modern city.

Ling Huohuo did not act lightly, but uncharacteristically took off his hood, exposed his head, and then looked up at the bright moon above his head, standing quietly on the top of the Forbidden City.

"What happened to Ling Huohuo?"

Everyone looked puzzled when they saw the picture on the screen.

in the game.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth.

Sorry to compare here, it's really cool.

Sure enough, he was just a junior, pretending to be aggressive, and he was a little deliberate.

At this moment, Ling Huohuo realized.

The so-called coercion, invisible coercion, is the most deadly!
So, Ling Huohuo stood on the top of the Forbidden City with his hands behind his back, looking up at the bright moon above his head.

However, Ling Huohuo's opponent did not show his figure, and the two sides remained in a stalemate, but it was bright and dark.

Looking at the battlefield where there was no movement at all, everyone was very embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

The off-court commentary continued.

Because there was no battle, we can only report the position, and at the same time end the strength of the two sides by the way, and then make guesses about the subsequent battle.

At this time, Ling Huohuo suddenly pulled out the sword staff from his waist.

This time Ling Huohuo didn't use a short blade, but held a sword and staff, like an independent swordsman standing on the top of the Forbidden City.

Some discerning people noticed that Ling Huohuo looked like a sword!

"This is... the way of the sword into the body! No, it seems a little different..."

Some sword repairers recognized Ling Huohuo's situation, but some were not sure.

But, all in all, they can be sure that Ling Huohuo himself is definitely a master of swordsmanship!
"I've been waiting for a long time, let's do it." Ling Huohuo said slowly.

But no one agreed.

Ling Huohuo did not continue to speak.

Ling Huohuo suddenly wanted to cover his face, it was so embarrassing.

Sure enough, I couldn't learn the essence of those seniors in the pretentious world.

But why didn't the other party make a move?It's time for a sneak attack, right?

If the elements of the Forbidden City under his feet disappear later, how embarrassing it would be for him to fall.


Then, the elements of the Forbidden City disappear.

Ling Huohuo's old face flushed.

Yes, he fell from the top of the Forbidden City.

However, at this moment, Ling Huohuo keenly sensed the sound of breaking through the air.


In the process of falling, Ling Huohuo flicked the long sword in his hand, blocking a hidden weapon with a flying knife.

The timing of the opponent's sneak attack is just right, he is a master.

In addition to the game, the opponent should also have a foundation.

However, that's it...

The strong wind suddenly rolled up, and with the wind flowing in the air, countless hidden weapons burst out towards Ling Huohuo like a goddess scattering flowers.

"Is it the true power of the Tang Sect?" Ling Huohuo stood proudly with his sword in the face of the incoming hidden weapon.

Tang Sect True Inheritance is the opponent's occupation, eighth level, hidden occupation.

"Feng, what is it?" Ling Huohuo spoke again, and everyone heard Ling Huohuo's words clearly, and couldn't help but raise their hearts.

"I don't know~"


People who have expectations feel uncomfortable and want to vomit blood.

The sword staff in Ling Huohuo's hand was lifted by Ling Huohuo.

A cyan light flashed past.

The sword intent of the wind, attached!

Although the power of the real world cannot affect the game, some ideas and true intentions can still be applied to the game.

The Sword Intent of Wind evolved from the wind in the Earth Fire Fengshui in Ling Huohuo's bloodline is the foundation of the Sword Intent of the Wind series.

And it is precisely because of the foundation that it is more tolerant and impeccable!
The sword staff in Ling Huohuo's hand stabbed out, as if blending into the strong wind, and seemed to control the wind.

Ling Huohuo just turned his wrist, and the hidden weapons all around changed their direction one after another, collided with each other, and finally fell, forming a circle around Ling Huohuo.

But Ling Huohuo was unharmed.

"how is this possible!"

Ling Huohuo's opponent's eyes widened.

"The direction of the wind... has changed!"

The audience outside the stadium also watched this scene in disbelief, how did it happen?
Only some people have guessed—I'm afraid Ling Huohuo has mastered a power of thought related to wind!

At this time, in the game, the wind has not stopped.

"Did you feel it? The wind is very noisy today~"

(End of this chapter)

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