Chapter 896 Chapter 928 Port (one more)
In the game, the reason why the mental ability can affect the situation in the game is because the game is not simple data, and all the elements in it are real!
Although it has a game-like system, it cannot be denied that the game is based on the real world.

At this time, Feng was influenced by Ling Huohuo's sword intent and controlled by Ling Huohuo.

"is that a lie?"

Seeing the sudden reversal of the situation, the audience outside the arena were a little surprised.

Ling Huohuo raised the sword staff in his hand.

"Fighting the wind as a blade!"


The wind soared, covering Ling Huohuo and his opponent.

Ling Huohuo, win!
In the end what happened?
Questions arose in everyone's mind.

The view was blocked by the wind, and before everyone could see clearly what was going on inside, Ling Huohuo won, and the plot developed a bit suddenly.

As soon as Ling Huohuo left the game room, a host also came to ask about the situation.

Ling Huohuo also gave an explanation for this.

"It is undeniable that I am a mage. As we all know, mages are better at melee combat. Therefore, because of the critical strike of the sword, I dealt a lot of damage. In the end, I won the victory."

"So that's it...what a fart!"

Hearing Ling Huohuo's words, both Huanhuan and the audience couldn't help but want to complain.

Mage is good at close combat?

We really don't know about this!
By the way, are we playing a game?


After finishing today's game, Ling Huohuo temporarily left the pillar tower, and did not continue to pay attention to the next game.

Xiao Yunyun, Ding Ning and others stayed in the pillar tower to watch the match. After all, the carnival final was very exciting.

The reason why Ling Huohuo left alone was because Mandrill was waiting outside.

For the future, Ling Huohuo was going to get acquainted with the situation in the capital with Mandrill.

Or it can be said - step on the spot!
Standing on the top of a building, Ling Huohuo and Mandrill looked at the palace in the distance from a distance, and the palace shrouded in lights was magnificent.

"Is that the specific test location over there?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Mandrill nodded.

"That's right, it's over there. After the carnival is over, have you found anything?"

Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up slightly, and then the corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up.

"It's really a big deal."

"What's wrong?" Mandrill asked curiously.

"It's a mezzanine world, this mezzanine world should be... a mirror world!"

"Mirror world?" Mandrill raised his eyebrows.

Mandrill knew both the sandwich world and the mirror world. Although he had never been there, he still knew what was going on there.

The mirror world is exactly the same as the surface world, and it is a projection of the surface world. Even if it is damaged, it will be repaired automatically. It is very similar to the inner world entered by the enchantment established by the onmyoji, but it is not the same.

The greater the similarity between the mezzanine world and the surface world, it proves that the distance between the two worlds is closer. Therefore, it is exactly the same as the surface world, and the mirror world, which is the projection of the surface world, is one of the mezzanine worlds closest to the surface world.

However, there are very few living creatures in the mirror world, and very few creatures can enter the mirror world to move freely. After entering the mirror world, material objects will be wiped out directly!

"In that direction, someone is preparing to connect the mirror world with the surface world. Come to think of it, that should be the battlefield." Ling Huohuo said.

"Could it be that they are going to compete in the mirror world? But..." Mandrill was a little puzzled.

Are they really going to fight instead of preparing to "die for love" and form a group to die?
Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes and thought for a while.

"Perhaps, they have a way to not be affected by the rules of the mirror world." Ling Huohuo smiled.

Mandrill was silent for a moment, then finally shrugged, since it had nothing to do with him anyway, and it wasn't him who went to fight.

Ling Huohuo observed the means of connecting the two worlds, and soon lost interest.

"Where are we going next?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Go to the port, I got information that the other party will appear there today." Mandrill said.

"Wait, tell me...there is a port in the capital?" Ling Huohuo blinked.

The capital city is inland, and although there are rivers around it, the water volume is too small to be a canal, and it is impossible to build a port.

The port closest to the capital is still in Jincheng.

"It's not the kind of port you think, it's just a name for that place."

"That's it." Ling Huohuo nodded, he almost thought he was studying fake geography.


Beijing, somewhere.

This place is called "The Port". The reason why it is called this name is not because it is close to the river coast, nor because there is an abandoned port here, but because it is the starting point for going to the unknown side of the capital!

Persuading people to study medicine is like a thunderbolt... Bah!

String words.

Before the system of re-customizing the world appeared in the Demon King Army, the world of ordinary people and the world of extraordinary people were separated.

The two separate worlds have their own passages.

The so-called port is the entrance of one of the passages.

Starting from the port, you can see another side of the world through the path called crossing the river.

It is not ordinary people who cross the port!

Although the Transcendents have come to the fore now, the port and river crossing still exist.

But it is no longer a road to the world of extraordinary people, but a road to the real underground world!

All those invisible things are at the end of the river.

When Ling Huohuo followed Mandrill to the port, he found that there were some people in the dark who were heading in the same direction as them.

The port is in an abandoned unfinished building.

There are only a few abandoned high-rise buildings with only one frame built here. If it is accompanied by some supernatural legends, it will be an ideal goal for supernatural lovers.

Ling Huohuo and Mandrill did not deliberately hide themselves.

"Now this place has become a dark and chaotic passage." Mandrill said with a sigh.

Although it was very chaotic here at the beginning, it has not reached this level. There are good people and bad people.

But now, those Transcendents with clean net worth have come to the bright side, can find a decent job, and entered the system, even Transcendents who don't like being restrained can go out openly, and here, Only those who couldn't get out easily, or those who committed the most crimes themselves, really became a dark place where filth was hidden.

The reason why it has not been cleaned up is, on the one hand, because the people here do have two hands, and on the other hand, it is because this kind of darkness is necessary.

There must be darkness under the light, otherwise, the light will burn everything that blocks itself.

(End of this chapter)

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