The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 897 Lawrence who can go to the orthopedic department

Chapter 897 Lawrence who can go to the orthopedic department (two more)

This time Ling Huohuo and Mandrill's target is a European, a European werewolf!
That's right, it's the kind of existence that can turn into a wolf and scream "owoo".

Moreover, werewolves and vampires are still mortal enemies, and they are also at odds with magical girls at the same time.

Now these three kinds of existence are also on the bright side, and their activities are more frequent.

The reason why Lawrence came to China to kill people was because the target werewolf bit off the head of Lawrence's father.

Well, yes, Lawrence came to "avenge his father".

However, there is no element of family affection in it, maybe, maybe, probably there will be such a little bit of emotional relationship.

The reason why Lawrence came to kill the werewolf was because of profit.

Lawrence's father was the leader of a large blood family in Europe, and Lawrence was considered...a candidate for the next leader.

The blood clan can also be regarded as a very large organization, but the heirs are not passed down in one line, but have multiple bloodlines that are qualified to inherit the leader.

The relationship between Lawrence and his father is not very good, and he has many brothers, but Lawrence doesn't have that many thoughts. At the beginning, he just wanted to be a young master with peace of mind.

This is also the reason why Lawrence came to China to study. Lawrence is also considered a marginal person in his family.

Although he is rich and lives a good life, he is far away from the power center of the family.

However, after the blood moon, Lawrence was recalled to the family as a guard force.

However, the end of the world did not happen.

Lawrence did not return to Huaxia, but started to take over some of the family's business.

The return of Lawrence and other members of the family will naturally affect the interests of some people in the family, and the blood race is not a race that emphasizes family affection.

Those blood races with poor strength were slowly reassigned or died directly due to various "accidents".

As the patriarch's son, Lawrence naturally received a lot of attention, especially the brothers and sisters of Lawrence, who seemed not so friendly to this younger brother who had returned suddenly.

But Lawrence is not that simple, nor is he an existence that can be easily manipulated.

Following Mandrill's narration, Ling Huohuo also learned about Lawrence's situation.

Mandrill didn't know the details of what happened after that, but Mandrill knew that among Lawrence's brothers and sisters, except for one of his younger sisters, all the other brothers "died" in various unnatural ways.

Mandrill guessed that it might have been done by Lawrence. Not only his blood relatives, but also people of other bloodlines had disappeared during this period.

Ling Huohuo was also a little tongue-tied about this. Who would have thought that the rich second generation in the dormitory would be such a person. In other words, if he continued to go to school, would Lawrence kill the three of him because of some things? ?

In the end, the position of one of Lawrence's heirs was directly established.

There are only three people left who have the same qualifications as Lawrence's heirs, and they are also Lawrence's competitors.

By the way, the reason why Lawrence would leave him with a younger sister is also very strange, and Ling Huohuo was also surprised for a long time after hearing it.

Since ancient times, the blood clan has had the custom of uniting close relatives in order to keep the blood pure, especially the union between blood relatives of the same generation is even more normal.

That's right, the biological sister that Lawrence left behind was to be his own wife, and this sister was said to be the most beautiful among the women of their generation.

Ling Huohuo felt that Lawrence would go to the orthopedics department sooner or later if he went on like this, and Lawrence's house didn't seem to be far away.

No, the whole blood family should go to the orthopedics department for a walk.

However, no matter what, Lawrence left the title of "blood noble son" in his family, and even the whole European blood circle.

Well, it's very Mary Sue, and it's a title that makes Ling Huohuo complain.

I just don't know if Lawrence himself will feel ashamed.


The sudden death of Lawrence's father, the previous leader of the family, forced the family to step up the process of electing a new patriarch.

The so-called "revenge for the father" and "revenge for the former patriarch" are the necessity of convincing the public.

Although it is impossible to say that he will definitely become the patriarch, it will give him a lot of points.

However, Lawrence's situation is not so good now.

Because Lawrence was too strong and cold-blooded before, the other three parties were vigilant, and they had already started to join forces to deal with Lawrence.

This is also why this incident has affected Mandrill.

The remaining three blood race candidates united together, and before Lawrence set off, they first contacted the relevant local forces in China to prepare to attack the werewolf, at least to control the other party within their sight.

Being monitored, it is impossible for that werewolf to be ignorant, and it is even more impossible for him to be caught without a fight.

But here lies the problem.

The best way for a werewolf to survive is to increase its own strength, and this werewolf had cooperated with Organization X before, and then found Organization X, wanting stronger power.

And the base he found was the base where Mandrill was originally.

But at that time, just in time for the base to be attacked, Mandrill took advantage of the chaos, and that werewolf also took advantage of the chaos!
Then, the two sides met.

But the ending is not so good.

Mandrill lost, even with his twelve generals.

Because the werewolf got a very powerful item in the base, and he didn't know what it was, but he knew that the item was brought out from a golden gate!
The news of Mandrill made Ling Huohuo take a lot more serious attitude.

Ling Huohuo has not formally explored the Golden Gate, but this does not prevent Ling Huohuo from getting in touch with the things brought out of the Golden Gate first, so as to evaluate the situation after the Golden Gate.

However, Mandrill doesn't know much about the Golden Gate. After all, Mandrill is not in charge of this aspect, and matters related to the Golden Gate are not open to Mandrill either.

Mandrill has been only facing the matter of China's Yaozu.

Although Mandrill lost that fight, Mandrill did not make the other party feel better. The werewolf was also seriously injured, and Mandrill also got a trophy.

Actually Mandrill didn't know what it was, because the trophy disappeared inexplicably later.

Then, the werewolf seemed to be able to locate Mandrill, and he was chasing and killing Mandrill, but Mandrill didn't know what he had got, and there was no solution at all. He could only choose to run away. After all, fighting that werewolf was meaningless.

While escaping, Mandrill also asked the Twelve Generals to secretly investigate the werewolf, and then dug up Lawrence's affairs, and finally thought of asking Ling Huohuo for help.

Although the circle is a bit big, it is such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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