Chapter 903 Aww~ (Part [-])
What's the benefit of catching a werewolf in the middle of nowhere?

In fact, the benefits are not small.

Not only can he get information about this battle, but he can also help Mandrill solve his troubles, which is not a loss. Moreover, this werewolf can be handed over to Lawrence. This werewolf should also be of some use to Lawrence.

Do as soon as you think of it, the Void Clan is best at such things as beating the sap.

Ling Huohuo snapped his fingers.

"Bring that werewolf over here! Live."

A phantom flashed behind Ling Huohuo.

Mandrill looked behind Ling Huohuo curiously.

"This is my Void Hundred Ghosts." Ling Huohuo said.

"Hundred ghosts in the void? Wait, void?" Mandrill looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise.

"Is there a problem?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Are you from Void? Your hundred ghosts are also from the Void family?" Mandrill's expression was very surprised, as if he knew it for the first time.

"Yeah, what happened?"

Mandrill took a few steps back subconsciously, distanced himself from Ling Huohuo.

"You know the Void Clan?" Ling Huohuo asked in surprise.

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, you should be called the Void Clan only recently." Mandrill asked curiously.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"That... the Void Clan doesn't make me feel very good. No, it should be said that all the Void Clan don't make me feel very good. Not only me, but other people who know the Void Clan don't have a good impression of the Void Clan."

Before Ling Huohuo continued to ask, Mandrill took the initiative to explain.

"My understanding of the Void Clan is limited. It is said that the Void Clan is synonymous with destruction. Once it appears, the whole world will return to the Void and go to nothingness..."

Ling Huohuo: Meow meow? ? ?
The Void Clan still has such abilities, why didn't I know?
In Ling Huohuo's cognition, the Void Clan are just special creatures.

Perhaps seeing Ling Huohuo's doubts, Mandrill shrugged.

"If I knew that you belonged to the Void Clan, I would never have had too much contact with you, but after contacting you, I found that the Void Clan is not as scary as the legend says, maybe those are just rumors."

Ling Huohuo felt that rumors were more likely. After all, the Void Clan had caused huge damage to the world at the beginning, and there was nothing surprising about being splashed with dirty water.

In fact, Mandrill was also taken aback after hearing the word "void", but fortunately Mandrill is also a person who has seen strong winds and waves, so he quickly stabilized his mind. He recalled the contact with Ling Huohuo and found that Ling Huohuo Huohuo is not as dangerous as it is said in the legend.

Maybe the Void Clan is really not what the outside world says.

But Ling Huohuo's status in Mandrill's heart has risen to another level.

Well, this worth hugging!

Although the Void Clan can be said to be in a hostile relationship with any other race, it must be clear why the Void Clan is in a hostile relationship with other races?
And the Void Clan can make other races feel like enemies?
There is only one reason—that is, the Void Clan is really strong!
Rather than pecking at other people in low-end rounds, it's better to be salty fish in high-end rounds!

Mandrill didn't say anything more, but he began to make up his own little calculations in his heart.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Mandrill, didn't continue to ask more questions, and began to think.

"Other races in the world have more serious thoughts about the Void Clan than imagined. Why do they suddenly have the feeling that they are enemies all over the world and that they are the big boss?"

Then Ling Huohuo shook his head.

This Flag cannot be set.

Ling Huohuo had already imagined a group of players forming a group to refresh their screens.

In other words, do you want to build a maze first?Raise some skeleton soldiers or something?

At this time, the Void Hundred Ghosts who had just left also made a move.

Suddenly, a timid little girl appeared between the werewolf who was fighting and the two girls. The little girl looked like a good baby at first glance, with her hair combed exaggeratedly behind her head.

The two girls were exactly the two girls following Baicheng.

At this time, both the werewolf and the two girls were very surprised by the sudden appearance of the little girl.

"Get out of here, it's dangerous!" a girl said.

"Wait a minute!" The slender girl stopped her companion, staring at the little girl who suddenly appeared with a very serious expression.

"That little girl... is very dangerous!"

"What?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, and then looked seriously at the little girl who suddenly appeared.

She was almost deceived by the little girl's appearance. Only then did the girl notice that the little girl was actually floating in the air, but... she couldn't see through the little girl's strength.

The little girl timidly looked at the werewolf in the fierce clothes, with her sleeves covering her cheeks.

"Well, I'm a couple. Excuse me, Uncle Werewolf, can you come with me? If you agree, I will be very grateful." The couple said timidly, looking very weak.

The werewolf Celtic stared at the little girl unkindly, and suddenly showed a bloodthirsty expression.

"Then go to die!"

Sitting Celtic showed his fangs and sharp claws, rushed towards the couple, and directly passed through the couple's body!
The two girls on the other side exclaimed, but found that the couple was unscathed.

However, Celtic's eyes widened.

Came through?

and many more!

Celtic turned around abruptly, but his hairs stood on his head in an instant.

Because at some point, a pitch-black bloody mouth protruded from the hair of the couple, exuding a strong sense of ominousness and evil.

Then, the big mouth dropped suddenly.


Celtic was bitten, and it was difficult to break free.

And Dakou actually started to chew.

Only then did the couple come back to their senses as if they were belatedly aware of it, and scratched their heads in doubt, looking terrified.

Then she looked at Dakou behind her, and the couple realized that she had already completed the task.

"That...goodbye." The couple bowed politely to the two girls, then turned and left like a little girl who finished her homework, and soon disappeared.

The two girls looked at each other, but still didn't react.

Is this awkward?

Ling Huohuo and Mandrill were still hiding in the dark.

At this time, the couple bounced back to Ling Huohuo's side.

It's just that the big mouth behind the head of the couple is chewing something. From the two exposed legs, it can be seen that this is a humanoid creature, and it is a werewolf.

"General, general, I'm back!" The couple said in front of Ling Huohuo as if asking for credit.

Ling Huohuo smiled and patted the heads of the two girls.

"It's a good job. Let's let the two of you out."

Mandrill carefully looked at the two girls. He knew the monsters like the two girls, and had seen many of them. Now he was curious about the difference between the two girls transformed into void creatures and the ordinary two girls. .

Looked around... well, there is no difference.

The two girls who got the praise showed a satisfied smile, and then the big mouth behind the two girls turned to the front, and spit out the werewolf in the mouth with a wow, and there was still saliva between the two.


The couple felt shy for a while.

Such a loli...

(End of this chapter)

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