The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 904 Bloodlines and Werewolves

Chapter 904 Bloodlines and Werewolves (Part [-])
Celtic was still dazed when he came out of the couple's big mouth.

Just now he felt as if he had been swallowed by a black hole, and that powerless feeling made Celtic fall into deep fear, and what was even more frightening was that he was still being chewed by something.

However, although he is not dead yet, he has been chewed by the couple for a long time, and he is also injured all over his body. He is not in a good condition, and there is disgusting saliva on his body.

Although the saliva came from a loli, he couldn't be happy.

Celtic looked at the surrounding situation as soon as he got out of trouble.

He didn't know Ling Huohuo, but he was no stranger to Mandrill.

"It's you!" Celtic stared at Mandrill angrily.

"It's me, we meet again, Mr. Celtic." Mandrill said with a smile, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

"Hmph, you... poof! Mmmmmmm..."

The huge mouth behind the couple's head swallowed Celtic again, and then began to chew.

"Ah, don't eat it, spit it out quickly." The second girl turned around anxiously, the huge mouth behind her had a certain degree of self-awareness, even the second girl couldn't fully control it.

"This is the person the general wants, don't kill him."


Celtic was spat out again.

At this time, Celtic's face had turned pale.

The couple let out a sigh of relief this time, and then looked at Celtic seriously.

"Ah Xiao is very afraid of loud sounds, if it hears too loud a sound, it will do something too much ~ so, shhh~" The two girls put their small and cute fingers in front of their mouths.

Celtic: "..."

With lingering fear, Celtic glanced at the big mouth flying behind the two girls, swallowed with lingering fear, and then nodded honestly.

Ling Huohuo squatted in front of Celtic.

"Ask you something, you say?"

"..." Celtic was silent.


"woo woo woo woo……"

"Let go~"



Celtic felt ready to die.

"Did you say?" Ling Huohuo asked again.

"..." Celtic looked at Ling Huohuo.



When Celtic was spit out again, his face turned even paler, and Celtic immediately stated that he could say anything.

Ling Huohuo wanted to ask two things.

One was related to Mandrill. He wanted to know why Celtic wanted to kill Mandrill, and what he really wanted. This was also what Mandrill wanted to know. It was inexplicable to be hunted down, and Mandrill felt very uncomfortable.

The second thing is the reason for what happened tonight.

In Celtic's intermittent explanation, Ling Huohuo and Mandrill also understood the whole story.

Then Ling Huohuo looked at Mandrill in surprise, and Mandrill also looked surprised.

It turns out that the reason why the Celts chased and killed Mandrill was because of a inheritance related to the gods!
Celtic accidentally obtained a inheritance related to the gods in the base of the X organization, but it is not clear what the inheritance of the gods is, but if you want to inherit this inheritance, you need a qualification, and this qualification makes Mandrill got it, so Celtic decided to kill Mandrill to get the qualification.

The reason why Celtic was able to perceive Mandrill's position was also because that inheritance would lock Mandrill's position.

And the inheritance related to God was also handed over by Celtic.

It is a blue crystal.

Ling Huohuo looked at the blue crystal and felt that it was not a particularly powerful inheritance from a god, so Ling Huohuo threw it to Mandrill.

Although Ling Huohuo had no idea about this divine inheritance, Mandrill was very excited.

After this inheritance is handed over to Mandrill, it will be about tonight's battle.

The reason for the battle between the vampires and werewolves also has something to do with Celtic.

Celtic also got a lot of other items when he got the inheritance of God and God, one of which was a tooth.

But this tooth is not simple.

If you want to go back, this tooth is related to the beginning of the werewolf.

Coincidentally, although werewolves and vampires are feuds, they have the same origin.

Legend has it that the birth of the earliest werewolves and vampires was like this——

There was a pair of brothers, the older brother was bitten by a bat and turned into a vampire, and the younger brother was bitten by a wolf and turned into a werewolf.

Of course, this passage is narrated in an epic way in an ancient language, it is not so simple and empty, and it looks very casual.

At the very beginning, the werewolf that my younger brother turned into was a white wolf, the most powerful, but irrational and unable to change back to a human being. Humans who were bitten would be infected and become the second generation of werewolves until the second generation of werewolves In the beginning, werewolves possessed intelligence and the ability to change form.

The blood race is just the opposite. The elder brother became the ancestor of the blood race not only has great strength, but also has wisdom. The only problem is that he is extremely thirsty for blood.

Similarly, humans who were bitten by the ancestor of the blood race also evolved into the second generation of blood race.

Although the ancestors of the werewolves and the ancestors of the blood race were the beginning of the blood race and werewolves, they were not only a threat to other creatures, but also to the second generation of blood races and werewolves.

Therefore, under the union of the second-generation vampires and the second-generation werewolves, they sealed their ancestors respectively.

Starting from the second generation of werewolves and blood clans, werewolves and blood clans officially started the inheritance of werewolves and blood clans.

Both werewolves and vampires belong to the dark creatures, but they are two extremes.

The second-generation blood clan is noble and elegant, while the second-generation werewolves are rude and savage. Therefore, the werewolves became servants of the blood clan for a period of time.

Until later, dark creatures choleraed the land, and demons peeped into the world, and then the Lord came with angels, expelled the demons, and suppressed the vampires and werewolves.

It was also during this period that in order to face the suppression of the Lord and the angels, three generations of blood races or three generations of werewolves appeared, and the blood races and werewolves also lost some items related to their ancestors, such as the tokens of their ancestors, and even their ancestors were sealed. I can't find it anywhere.

When the Lord left with the angel, there were only three or two big cats and kittens left among the blood race and werewolves.

The blood clan with greatly reduced strength could not suppress the werewolves, and the werewolves were officially independent, and because they had been enslaved, the werewolves began to counterattack the blood clan.

In desperation, the second-generation blood clan began to wantonly create the third-generation blood clan, and the second-generation werewolves also started to create the third-generation werewolves.

However, compared with the first ancestor, it is not so easy and casual for the second generation to create the third generation. If the second generation creates the third generation, its own strength will be affected, but in order not to be exterminated by the other party, the second generation has to wantonly create the third generation.

Whether it is a vampire or a werewolf, since the third generation, they have been very similar to humans. The vampire is no longer so bloodthirsty, and the werewolf is no longer so reckless and savage, but the characteristic of being afraid of the sun has not changed.

The third generation appeared, and the weakened second generation gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

However, the third generation was only active for a while, because human beings began to rise, the witcher profession began to appear, and the third generation began to be suppressed.

In this way, on the land of Europe, vampires, werewolves and humans formed a balance.

With the development to modern times, for the continuation of the race, four generations of vampires and four generations of werewolves also appeared one after another. Since the fourth generation, vampires and werewolves have been closer to humans, and have been able to live normally in the sun, and even intermarry with humans.

At the same time, great changes have taken place in the power of vampires and werewolves, no longer sticking to claws, teeth and magic, but a rich variety of power systems have emerged.

Blood clans and werewolves also began to integrate into human society.

However, no matter whether it is the second, third or fourth generation, the hatred between the vampires and werewolves has not weakened at all, but has accumulated more.

And with the passage of time, it began to ferment gradually.

(End of this chapter)

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