The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 905 The Ancestor's Tooth

Chapter 905 The Teeth of the Ancestor (Part [-])
The true ancestor of the blood clan and the leader of the werewolf refer to those blood clans whose blood returned to their ancestors and got a higher level of blood, and two, generally refer to the third generation of blood, and one of the blood clan and werewolf got the blood of the second generation.

This kind of returning to the ancestors can not only retain the characteristics of the fourth generation, but also be stronger, and it is easier to break through to a higher level!

At the same time, there is still a certain suppression of the same race in terms of blood.

And passed down to modern times, there are twelve blood clans who inherited the blood of the third generation, one inherited the blood of the second generation, six werewolves retained the blood of the third generation, and one inherited the blood of the second generation.

This is the status quo of vampires and werewolves.

The inheritance of vampires and werewolves is more similar to a process of degeneration.

From human beings to vampires and werewolves, then the bloodlines have been diluted from generation to generation, and then gradually approached humans. The best proof is that they can intermarry with humans. This means that there is no racial segregation between races. Of course, vampires and werewolves Still unable to intermarry.

There are also many half-blooded vampires and werewolves in modern society, and their strength is even weaker. That's why there are cases of intermarriage within the same clan in order to keep the blood pure.

It needs to be emphasized that the vampires and werewolves born normally belong to the same generation as their parents, and only the vampires and werewolves produced through the first embrace are the next generation.

For example, if two second-generation blood clans give birth to a baby, then the baby will also be a second-generation blood clan, but if a blood clan first embraces an ordinary person, then the ordinary person will become a third-generation blood clan.

By the way, half blood vampires and werewolves do not have the ability of first embrace.

In the case of not the First Embrace, apart from the ancestors, other generations of vampires and humans bitten by werewolves will either be sucked dry and die of blood, or become an inferior dark creature without wisdom, which are called blood slavery or It's a wolf.

Blood slaves and wolf slaves are not strong, and they are born to be controlled by blood clans and werewolves, so they are often used as cannon fodder.

However, because of the weakness of the vampires and werewolves, they only had some influence in Europe, so blood service and wolf service rarely appeared.

In fact, there is a third situation, that is, after being bitten, it is only anemia, and there will be no problems in itself. In this case, the human beings who are bitten are generally similar to the blood packs of the vampires, and most of them are those with special blood. Humanity.

This is roughly the history of evolution and growth of vampires and werewolves.

As for the tooth that was to be snatched today, it was actually a tooth of the ancestor of the blood race, not the two most important blood teeth used to suck blood, but an ordinary tooth.

But even if it is an ordinary tooth, it is also the tooth of the ancestor, which is definitely a good thing for today's vampires.

Even a werewolf can get a lot of benefits from it.

With this tooth, the party who gets it may be able to completely destroy the other party.

Because, in order to compete for this tooth, the blood clan and the werewolf directly fought a battle that can be called a decisive battle between the top forces!

If the werewolves keep this tooth, then the werewolves have a chance to completely crush the vampires, and if the vampires get this tooth, the werewolves will have the same ending, but the vampires can use this tooth to inherit the power of their ancestors, maybe it will be a success. god!
However, there is only one tooth.

Therefore, the thoughtful beings in the blood clan are all vigilant against each other, and their purpose extends from "snatching the ancestor's teeth" to "snatching the ancestor's teeth by themselves", so it is difficult to unite, not to mention that there are still people who don't want to participate, and don't work hard The presence.

On the other hand, wolves live in packs, and it is the collective that benefits from keeping this tooth. Werewolves cannot fuse the teeth of the ancestors of blood clans. Therefore, this battle is a battle of races for werewolves, and they are more united.

Different fighting spirits have also caused the current situation.

As for why Celtic would donate this tooth instead of using it himself.

It's because Celtic's goal is the inheritance of the gods, and this tooth can't make Celtic a god, so he can naturally distinguish which is more important.

Celtic's original purpose was to use this tooth in exchange for a werewolf leader to help him deal with Mandrill, but he didn't expect that the blood clan had fought well in spy wars over the years and got information about this tooth.

Then a True Ancestor of the Blood Race also came after him.

Seeing that things had changed, the werewolf leader worried that there would be more blood ancestors, so he blew the trumpet and called the other werewolf leaders over.

The werewolf leaders acted one after another, and the true ancestor of the blood race was naturally not blind. After a little inquiry, he got the information about the teeth.

The other True Ancestors could not sit still.

The True Ancestors of the Blood Race are not at peace, which is why the True Ancestors of the Blood Race are stronger, but the True Ancestors of the Blood Race did not lead the Blood Race to destroy the werewolves.

Most of the true ancestors of the blood race want to go one step further!
And most of the True Ancestors of the Blood Race have set off, and the remaining True Ancestors of the Blood Race have to follow because of interests or other reasons.

And Baicheng.

Although Baicheng didn't want to join the team, but they were fighting near his house, and as the true ancestor of the blood race, he had no chance to escape even if he wanted to.

If you don't come to help us in a group, quit the group!
In order not to be forced to withdraw from the group, Baicheng had no choice but to join the group.

But it's just paddling.

Lawrence was also involved.

Who made Celtic the target of Lawrence, and the other twelve true ancestors have appeared, and it is only a matter of time before he, the seventh true ancestor, is dug out, so Lawrence might as well come out on his own.

After all, Lawrence secretly used his identity as the Seventh True Ancestor to do a lot of things. Now that he is in a group, he, the Seventh True Ancestor, can't pretend to be dead, unless he doesn't want to mix in the blood clan.

Although Lawrence didn't like the blood race very much, he also knew that it was dangerous to be alone. The werewolf didn't care whether he left the group or not, and other blood race true ancestors might make trouble.

In fact, not only the two of them, but also several blood ancestors who hid deeper and even stepped into the coffin with half of their feet also appeared.

The same goes for werewolves.

In fact, Celtic did not expect things to develop like this. His purpose was to escape in the chaos. This is why he chose to fight the two Holy See girls who were mixed with the blood race, because the two girls seemed easier to deal with. .

However, they were cut off by the couple.

It was Celtic himself who cut it.


After understanding the situation, Ling Huohuo let the couple leave with Celtic.

Ling Huohuo also let Mandrill leave.

Mandrill's matter is settled, and it's useless to stay here.

As for whether Mandrill will fight back after receiving the inheritance of God, Ling Huohuo said that unless Mandrill doesn't want to die.

Ling Huohuo felt that becoming a god was faster than himself!

Moreover, Ling Huohuo could tell that Mandrill actually had a friendly attitude, but Ling Huohuo didn't respond, because... Ling Huohuo didn't lack men, and he didn't have so many positions for others. Are the ghosts of the void wandering around outside every day?

What's more, he already had a little disdain for Mandrill's strength.

Mandrill is more like an information dealer to Ling Huohuo, and the information Mandrill brings every time is very valuable.

(End of this chapter)

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