The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 906 The Blood Race Ancestor Appears

Chapter 906 The Blood Race Ancestor Appears (Part [-])
The battle between vampires and werewolves is in full swing.

Ling Huohuo was watching alone nearby.

But soon, an impatient look appeared on Ling Huohuo's face.

Because Ling Huohuo suddenly discovered that the battle between the vampires and werewolves was endless.

If this stalemate is not broken, they can at least fight for a day and a night.

It has been three hours since the battle started, and it is past zero.

"Only children can choose, I want them all!"

Ling Huohuo made a decision. He decided whether it was a werewolf or a vampire, he would pack it up and take it away first.

However, at this time, something unexpected happened.

Even Yi Han, who was observing secretly, stood up in surprise.

A huge crack appeared in the battlefield between the vampires and werewolves, and a blood-red eye stared coldly at everything below through the crack.

Evil, dark, noble, bloody.

The four senses are the thoughts shared by all those present.

The werewolves and vampires in the battle were all stiff and unable to move.

The gourd on Yi Han's waist lit up, and the light shrouded his whole body. At the same time, it protected the other people around him, letting them relax.

"That is... what?" Ye Chen asked everyone's thoughts.

At this moment, Ling Huohuo frowned, he felt that the matter was not simple.

The vampires and werewolves on the scene seemed to be stilled, stopping in the air.

Especially the vampires, they feel the pressure on their bloodlines!
Lawrence looked serious.

It happened too suddenly and too unexpectedly.

Countless bats flew out of the cracks, covering the sky and the moon...

The bloody moon disappeared, and immediately after, the entire sky turned blood red!

The eyes in the crack disappeared, and a figure slowly walked out of the crack, wearing a gorgeous suit and looking extremely noble.

This figure has pale hair and the blood-colored pupils of the vampires.

The pale long hair hangs over the shoulders, the skin is even paler, and the noble and elegant temperament exudes from the inside out of this figure. If you don't look at the suit on the figure, the other party seems to be a man from the ancient years. Out of nobility.

"Nobles, no matter what age, no matter where they are, no matter what their status is, they are nobles."

The figure raised a hand, and two bats landed on the figure's hand, one bat turned into a gentleman's hat, and the other bat turned into a stick.

The figure put a gentleman's hat on his head, supported a cane in his hand, and stood in the air.

"Gui'an, everyone." The figure greeted the others.

But no one paid attention to his words.

At this time, everyone looked at the figure in disbelief.

"This feeling is...he is the ancestor of the blood race!" A true ancestor of the blood race exclaimed.

His blood told him so.

The ancestor of the blood race?
Everyone present watched this scene in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, the werewolf looked at the ancestor of the blood race as if facing a formidable enemy.

After all, it has been a long time since werewolves and vampires have been enemies, let alone the ancestors.

But... a lot of people still find it unreal.

Even many true ancestors of the blood race feel a little dreamy.

The ancestor of the blood clan is also a legend for the blood clan. Even the blood clan has forgotten where their ancestor was sealed. Why did the ancestor of the blood clan suddenly appear?
Although the blood race present had never seen their ancestors, they could still recognize this ancestor at a glance, and the throbbing in the blood would not deceive them!
Could it be that the ancestor of the blood clan broke the seal?

So what about the ancestor of the werewolf?
However, like the werewolves, the vampires couldn't be happier.

Because they also have a share of the seal of the ancestor of the blood race!
Moreover, all blood races can feel that they cannot resist their ancestors. Even without the suppression of blood, the strength of the ancestors of the blood races is beyond the reach of others!
Yi Han has already clenched his fist.

"Brother Ye, I will break the barrier here later. You take this opportunity to take Elder Shan and Miss Yan'er away, and then let the chiefs order the evacuation of the people in the capital. The speed must be fast."

"What?" Miss Yan'er in military uniform looked at Yi Han puzzled, "Even you can't deal with that person?"

Yi Han frowned and looked at the ancestor of the blood race in the distance, and the ancestor of the blood race seemed to be aware of it, and glanced at Yi Han's position.

"..." Yi Han was silent, but everyone understood what he meant—he couldn't beat him!

"The ancestor of the blood clan, if he is allowed to appear frequently, everyone in the capital may become the other party's blood food!" Yi Han said.

"Brother Yi, even the person you mentioned can't defeat the ancestor of the blood clan? He can't just sit idly by." Ye Chen suddenly thought of something and asked.

Yi Han was silent again.

This time, the others didn't understand what Yi Han meant, so Yi Han opened his mouth to explain.

"I am not sure."


Miss Yan'er and Ye Chen suddenly felt that Yi Han was not so reliable.

"I'll leave the rest to Yan'er and Ye Chen, and I'll stay here to help King Yi Hanzhu delay the time." Shan Lao said suddenly,
"Old Shan!" Yan'er exclaimed.

Old Shan shook his head.

"Although the world has changed, for the sake of China's safety, I can't retreat. My old bones can still exert some residual heat, so let's burn it one last time." Shan Lao said slowly.

"Boss Shan is righteous!" In the end, Yan'er and Ye Chen could only say this. They knew that they could not stop Lao Shan's decision.

Yi Han is also ready.

While preparing for Yi Han's side, Ling Huohuo also thought of a very important thing, that is - how did the teeth of the ancestor of the blood clan of the X organization come from?

Now Ling Huohuo suddenly figured it out a little bit, maybe they found the location where the ancestor of the blood race was sealed, and then knocked it off on the rightful master!

Ling Huohuo didn't know what to say anymore, but guessing was very possible.

Organization X even dug Abe Seimei's grave, not to mention the sealed place of a blood ancestor.

Maybe, the ancestor of the werewolf also came out of the organization.

It's all possible.

Ling Huohuo wouldn't be too surprised if in two days it suddenly said that the X organization had got Nuwa out, or dug out the Pangu axe.

However, now is not the time to think so much.

"The ancestor of the blood race?" Ling Huohuo licked his lips. This ancestor of the blood race is much more valuable than all the blood races and werewolves present.

What is a tooth?After a while, Ling Huohuo will pull out all the teeth of the ancestor of the blood clan!

However, the ancestor of the blood clan was indeed the same as the legend said, the ancestor of the blood clan was a nobleman.

Ling Huohuo didn't wait any longer, but showed up directly.

There is no way, because Ling Huohuo found out that the ancestor of the blood clan looked at the blood clan and the werewolf with malicious eyes.

Don't forget, Lawrence is still in the blood clan. It is impossible for Ling Huohuo to just watch Lawrence and play GG without saying a word.

And when Ling Huohuo appeared, everyone also spotted Ling Huohuo immediately, and looked at Ling Huohuo in unison.

This is what a boss should look like.

(End of this chapter)

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