Chapter 908 False God (Part [-])
A beam of light fell on the pale face of a European face, causing the owner of the face to squint his eyes.

Ling Huohuo sat across from the figure in police uniform, holding a pen and paper in his hand.


"The True Ancestor of the Blood Race!"

"Who asked your title, tell me your real name!"

"Cain... Cain."


"Didn't you just say that?"

Ling Huohuo patted the table.

"Don't give me a hippie smile!"

Who's smiling?

The ancestor of the blood race had a look of resentment, but he endured it in the end, as if he hadn't broken free from the shoelaces that bound his hands.

"The ancestor of the blood race." After a moment of silence, Cain said.


"Two thousand and three."

"2333 years old..."

"Without that 33 years old, this year is exactly two thousand three."

"Shut up, do you have something to say here?" Ling Huohuo patted the table again.

Cain shut up.



Cain looked at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked at Cain again.

After a moment of silence, Cain felt that he should not be skinny.


"It turned out to be a male bat." Ling Huohuo nodded.


What the hell is Nanfu?Are you a battery?Don't think that I just woke up and don't understand the situation of this world!

male bat = male bat = male vampire = male vampire

No problem.


"False god."

Ling Huohuo nodded.

False gods are a relatively special level, specifically, they belong to the ninth level. Breaking through the ninth level will enter the realm of the universe, but not everyone can become a god, it depends on the growth at the ninth level.

Extraordinary gathers strength, transforms and transforms itself.

There are three realms in the metamorphosis realm, and the metamorphosis is strength, body and soul.

And when the soul transformation is completed, there will be a chance to break through to the ninth level.

And the ninth level is the pinnacle of the universe.

At the ninth level, the cultivation is to transform the life level.

This kind of transformation is a more overall transformation than the transformation of a certain force.

This is also the reason why many gifted races can possess ninth-level power as soon as they are born, because when they are still an embryo, the opponent's life level has completed the transformation.

And the transformation of the ninth level is also different.

The transformation of life level is different for everyone, but the direction is the same, that is, to become stronger and thicker (strike out), bah.

At this time, Ling Huohuo probably belongs to this level, but the strength of the Void Clan cannot be divided according to the strength of Wanjie, so the growth of the Void Clan is also different from the normal path, and the strength cannot be compared. For the Void family, it is very vague and useless at all.

For the Void Clan, with such a small number of people in total, it is enough to practice. Is it useful to re-divide the realm?

If you have to say it, in terms of realm, Ling Huohuo is just entering the ninth level, but Ling Huohuo can guarantee that he is worthy of any existence above the ninth level, and it is very easy to kill in seconds.

And when the strength of other existences other than the Void family reaches a certain level at the ninth level, they can shatter the Void and reach the realm outside the universe.

It is at this point that a disagreement arises.

Some powerhouses choose to shatter the void, reach the realm outside the universe, and go to a more powerful world to continue their cultivation. This is the choice that Sword God made when he cultivated to the ninth level, but such a choice cannot be directly achieved when he shatters the void. god.

However, some powerhouses did not choose to shatter the void, but practiced further in the universe, or it could be said that they became tenth-order powerhouses!
Of course, in reality, there is no such division. Even if the ninth-level powerhouse is stronger, he is still the ninth-level, and if he continues to go further in this realm, he can become a god!
Therefore, the beings between godhood and the broken void are called false gods.

Cain was in this state at this time.

The difference between a false god and a god lies in the concentration of divine power. Cain is an existence without divine power, known as a false god, and then hanged and beaten by Ling Huohuo of the Void Clan.

Therefore, the Void Clan is really difficult to deal with. They can fight and run. The only limitation is that the Void Clan lacks equipment. The skills, equipment, and even resources of other races are useless to the Void Clan. What the Void Clan has There is only endless and barren void.

However, Ling Huohuo became an accident because of his special Void attribute, and Ling Huohuo is the only one of the Void clan who has fully opened the six gods.

Becoming a false god blocks the path of breaking the void, and vice versa, the only way forward for a false god is to become a god.

If you have to say it, death is also a path. After all, false gods are not gods, and they cannot live without death.

Dean Loli's real body, Luna, is such a god.

After becoming a god, he stepped into the universe and left this world.

In other words, after Yuwai, there will be two modes of cultivation, one is to become a god and continue to practice, and the other is to continue to practice without becoming a god, but there is no doubt that the final destination is still to become a god, but the two God is still somewhat different.

The strength of your world determines your strength after becoming a god. Although you can continue to practice after becoming a god, this determines your starting point in the universe. It is okay to say that your world is strong. If it is not strong, then the road to go in the future It's far away.

Moreover, such a god will be branded with his own world, and his own strength will feed back the world where he became a god, and even have some impact on the world where he became a god.

For example, if a person becomes a god in his own world, a fire-attributed god, and then the god cultivates to a very strong level, then the world where he becomes a god is likely to become a world dominated by fire-attributed power.

If there are many powerful gods in this world, then the power of the whole world will be greatly improved.

An existence like the sword god who became a god in Yuwai would be alone and quite free, which is why the sword god dared to chop people around with a big sword.

And the sword god boss is really strong!


Ling Huohuo learned a little bit about the vampires and werewolves from Cain, as well as what happened 2000 years ago.

The lifespan of this world is longer than imagined, and the world 2000 years ago can only be regarded as modern times.

Cain also went to the Lost Land when he became a false god, learned about the Void Clan, and also saw the strength of a remaining void beast polluted by the power of the void, leaving some for the new false god Cain. psychological shadow.

If Cain had gone to the Lost Land earlier and caught up with the real chaos in the void, there might be no blood races in this world.

False gods are worthless in the face of vanity.

You know, in order to solve the chaos of the void back then, God took action!
In this world back then, there were true gods walking on the earth, that is to say, the level of Ling Huohuo's world was not low back then, and it was still very cost-effective to become a god in this world, for example, the strength of the moon god was not weak.

However, with the fragmentation of the world, the powerful gods have left, and the only remaining gods are those little gods who linger in the lost land.

Having said that, I have to say something here.

After Ling Huohuo learned about God-related things from Abe Seimei, he thought of a person, that is his ancestor Fan!

Because if Ling Huohuo's guess is right, Fan, who said he was already cold, might still be jumping outside, which is to deceive Ling Huohuo back then when he was young and ignorant, because he didn't know that there was no clone of Fan in this world. up.

Presumably as a local god, Fan should not just sit idly by, and Fan also knows some reasons for the end of the world.

In addition to Brahma, the avatars of other great gods might still be wandering in this world!Just don't know in what capacity, even the moon god is not very clear.

God, it's really hanging.

As for why these gods didn't come out when the Demon King's Army was doing things in this world, that's because...

The devil hangs even more!

However, those pillar generals, pillar kings, and even the demon king's army are likely to have avatars of gods.

 The computer restarted with a black screen just now, and the manuscript is gone. It took me a long time to find out that it was automatically backed up, so the update was late.

  The author's internship is over soon, and there will be time to add updates after the end.

  Recently, my health has also improved a lot. Try to eat as much as possible, and the amount is enough.

  Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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