The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 909 Gathering Crowds to Fight, Detained for Half a Month

Chapter 909 Gathering Crowds to Fight, Detained for Half a Month ([-]nd Update)

The treatment for Cain was very simple, Ling Huohuo brought him by his side as a pet.

Cain is a false god, there is no good way to restrain him, and he can't be too wronged, after all, this is a false god, and it is much more useful than those ninth-level wandering around.

It would be a shame to kill.

As for Cain disagreeing?
Ling Huohuo is, then knock out his teeth, interrupt the chicken, put on women's clothes, and send him to compensated dating!

Then Cain joined the group.

But you can't take the ancestor of the blood race outside so blatantly. Fortunately, the ancestor of the blood race can not only turn into a bat, but also into other creatures.

Originally, the ancestor of the blood clan wanted to become a "noble" black cat, but since he found out that there was a dog beside Ling Huohuo, and it was also a dog of the void, he decided to become a dog too.

Therefore, starting from that night, a blood-colored puppy the size of two palms appeared at Ling Huohuo's feet, the breed... probably Pomeranian?

Anyway, Ling Huohuo didn't care.


After a busy night, Ling Huohuo did not return to the pillar tower to rest at dawn, but went to find Lawrence.

Lawrence and other blood clan true ancestors and werewolf leaders were all arrested by Yi Han before. Although there are pillar generals among the blood clan and werewolves, Yi Han cannot stand as the pillar king.

No matter in terms of strength or identity, he has the ability to arrest everyone.

But Yi Han didn't embarrass them, he just sent them to the detention center to focus, this detention center is the one you think of.

Although Yi Han didn't make things difficult for them, squatting in the detention center of the Beijing police station and not daring to escape made them even more uncomfortable.

Moreover, the true ancestors of the blood clan and the werewolf leaders were all in the same detention room.

Ling Huohuo found Yi Han on purpose, and then entrusted his relationship to fish Lawrence and his sister Laura out of prison.

To be honest, Ling Huohuo really didn't expect that the ancestor of the blood clan and the leader of the werewolf would be detained administratively because of the fight in the play.

Ling Huohuo can only say that Yi Han really knows how to play.

Lawrence and Laura were still in disbelief and a little... excited when they saw the light of day again?
It was the first time for them and even all the blood clan true ancestors and werewolf leaders to squat in a small room.

Lawrence and Laura remembered what the guards had said as they came out—

"Be a good man and don't come back again."

All in all... quite uncomfortable.

But Lawrence and Laura are not without joy.

Because the remaining blood ancestors and werewolf leaders are still squatting in the detention center.

Lawrence suddenly felt that it would be nice to have a relationship!
Ling Huohuo met Lawrence and Laura in a coffee shop.

Lawrence and Laura sat together, looking at their similar faces, Ling Huohuo confirmed with his eyes that Lawrence had really attacked his biological sister!
When Lawrence saw Ling Huohuo suddenly take out his phone, he raised his eyebrows.

"There's no need to call the police. The Huaxia police have nothing to do with this matter."

"No, I want to reserve a bed for you in the orthopedics department of a German hospital." Ling Huohuo said.

"I don't need this anymore, my father is dead."


Ling Huo retreated in defeat.

But both Ling Huohuo and Lawrence smiled.

Although their identities have changed, they have not changed, and there is no estrangement because of what happened last night.

Only Laura on one side couldn't understand and was confused, but she wisely didn't speak.

Although Laura was curious about the existence of Ling Huohuo, who scared away the ancestor of the blood race, she was more afraid!
"How's your life going recently?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"My father is dead, and I just got out of the detention center. How do you think I'm doing?" Lawrence rolled his eyes.

Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while, held back for a while, and then patted Lawrence on the shoulder.

"Happy New Year!"


If Ling Huohuo said Gong Xi Fa Cai again, Lawrence would do it.

"how have you been?"

"Come on, I'm playing in the carnival recently, and I'm planning to have a child with Xiao Yunyun." Ling Huohuo said.

"Then go ahead." Lawrence shrugged his shoulders. He really couldn't compare to the life of others.

"What are your plans for the future?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I'm going to explore a relic related to gods. If I succeed, I will become a god when we meet again." Lawrence said without any concealment.

Laura looked at Lawrence in shock, with disbelief flashing in her eyes.

But Ling Huohuo seemed much calmer.

"Oh, not bad, by the way, then I will give you some help."

With that said, Ling Huohuo put two teeth on the table, a pointed fang and an ordinary fang.

The eyes of Lawrence and Laura moved, and they felt the tremor deep in their blood.

"This is……"

"This is the tooth of the ancestor of the blood clan. The one with the blood-sucking tooth, and the other is an ordinary tooth." Ling Huohuo explained, "Don't worry, it's still fresh."

Lawrence twitched his lips.

Could it be that Ling Huohuo knocked it out of the mouth of the ancestor of the blood race?
The blood-colored puppy at Ling Huohuo's feet was grunting and licking its teeth.

Really hurts!

Lawrence has no nonsense.

"Then I'm welcome."

"It's okay." Ling Huohuo smiled.

Ling Huohuo and Lawrence didn't communicate much, they had a brief chat and then parted ways.

After all, they are not gay.


Lawrence didn't stay long, and took Laura away on the first day he came out.

Now Europe does not have a blood ancestor and werewolf leader, which is a good opportunity for him to operate. It will take at least half a month for the blood ancestor and werewolf leaders to return to Europe.
Ling Huohuo took Cain back to the pillar tower, but to Ling Huohuo's surprise, soon after Ling Huohuo returned to his room, someone knocked on the door looking for him.

"Someone wants to see me?" Ling Huohuo was at a loss.

"not see!"

As he said that, Ling Huohuo closed the door, and shut the person who came to him in the future, with a black thread on his head.

But facing Ling Huohuo's indifference, the visitor didn't say much, but walked to a room on the top floor of the pillar tower, and explained the situation to the six figures sitting cross-legged in the room.

"Go down." An old man waved his hand.


There are a total of six figures in the room, five old and one young, and there are a few acquaintances of Bailiyuan—Yi Han, Feng Lao, and Shan Lao.

Hearing the report from the subordinates, the two chiefs smiled, Yi Han showed such an expression, Shan Lao still showed no expression, Feng Lao hummed twice, as for the last pillar general, the old god was there drank a cup of tea.

"This brat." Feng Lao snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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