The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 911 I practice from the bottom of my heart

Chapter 911 I Practice From My Heart (Part [-])

The situation is very bad.

Ling Huohuo didn't expect the other party to hit seven moves at the same time!
Coach, she doesn't play by the rules!

Moreover, regarding the seven star sword intents, the most important thing is that these seven sword intents still come from a constellation, they are a whole, and they are connected!
Some related sword intents can cooperate with each other, and these sword intents from the same constellation can not only cooperate, but also fuse!
This is definitely not a simple calculation method of one plus one equals two, but a calculation method of powers, seven to the seventh power!
Ling Huohuo finally understood where the deadly threat was.

The seven sword intents have been connected together to form the shape of the Big Dipper, attacking Ling Huohuo.

In fact, Ling Huohuo didn't understand how the other party could comprehend such a star sword intent.

Ling Huohuo can also comprehend the star-like sword intent, but it is limited to the power of starlight. Ling Huohuo can't do it to the extent that it is specific to a certain star, and it's not just one, or even seven stars in a constellation. !

Ling Huohuo can only sigh, sure enough, the masters are among the people, and the ancients never bullied me!
Not to mention anything else, based on this harvest alone, if Qingyue Xingying continues to practice, it will not be difficult to become a god.

However, now is not the time to think about the future of Qingyue Xingying, Ling Huohuo needs to solve the terrifying sword intent in front of him.

Jianyi can cooperate with Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo can do it even better!
After all, what Ling Huohuo practiced was the inheritance given by the sword god.

And Ling Huohuo's real reliance has never been simple sword intent!

Ling Huohuo stood the sword staff in front of him.

Qingyue Xingying was also watching Ling Huohuo, her eyes lit up when she saw Ling Huohuo making a move.

What method will Ling Huohuo use to meet his own Beidou Sword Intent?
When the fused sword intent was about to fall on Ling Huohuo's body, a thin film appeared from Ling Huohuo's body.

"Skill? No, it's sword intent!" Qingyue Xingying saw through the power used by Ling Huohuo.

"Sword intent can still be used like this?"

Qingyue Xingying looked at Ling Huohuo with glowing eyes.

In Qingyue Xingying's cognition, the sword intent used to strengthen the attack was actually used by Ling Huohuo as a means of defense, how did it do it?
"Sword Intent of Earth!"

"Sword Intent of Water!"

"Sword Intent of the Wind!"

"Sword Intent of Fire!"

There is a saying that the four forces of earth, fire, wind, and water are the forces that make up the world.

But in fact, although these four forces cannot form the world, they have very stable characteristics when combined.

These four powers are inherited in Ling Huohuo's blood.

Coupled with the coordination of Space Sword Intent, it can block Beidou Sword Intent for a while.

That's right, just block it for a while.

After all, the Big Dipper Sword Intent constructed by Qingyue Xingying is completely super-regular. It is not because of Qingyue Xingying's strong power, but because of its special sword intent. The power of the sword intent is never purely from the user itself, but can mobilize the power of the outside world of!

If it were any other sword intent, it would be shattered in an instant, and even the spatial sword intent couldn't transfer Beidou sword intent.

But Ling Huohuo didn't panic at all, because as I said, the sword intent is not his reliance.

Ling Huohuo looked at Qingyue Xingying.

"You just said that this is your strongest strength?"

"That's right." Qingyue Xingying nodded and said, "This is the strongest sword intent I have comprehended!"

"Has your level only reached this level?" Ling Huohuo said.

"What do you mean?" Qingyue Xingying frowned.

"The sword intent is powerful, but it is not the end point. No matter how powerful the sword intent is, it is nothing more than the sword intent." Ling Huohuo said.

Qingyue Xingying said that she didn't understand.

But Ling Huohuo continued to explain on his own.

It's like many people need to sing a song to brew their emotions before going to the toilet. Ling Huohuo found that he always likes to talk nonsense before making a big move recently, which will make him feel very comfortable.

Sure enough, he has the potential to be a big boss.

"Sword intent is just a tool, and a tool has its own limit when it is damaged or lost, and it is also divided into strengths and weaknesses, just like this."

Ling Huohuo looked at the protection he had set up with five sword intents, which was now on the verge of breaking.

Qingyue Xingying listened quietly, she was a smart woman, she suddenly felt that what Ling Huohuo was going to say next was very important.

It is possible to change yourself!

"As for strength, only one's own is the strongest!"

"Then what is your own strength?" Qingyue Xingying couldn't help asking.


Ling Huohuo spat out a word and opened his eyes slightly.

At this time, Ling Huohuo's protection was officially broken.

Well, Wudao Jianyi has completed the mission of delaying time and letting Ling Huohuo talk nonsense.

Facing the incoming sword intent, Ling Huohuo didn't have the slightest fear, his way made him fearless!

What he really relies on is his own way!

This is the real core of his power!

It is also the power he has built up by himself!

Whether it is the power of the void, the sword intent, or the ghosts of the void, they are all means, and the Tao is the power!

"Break the road!"

The sword staff in Ling Huohuo's hand fell gently without any fluctuation, but it was mysterious and mysterious.

As for Qingyue Xingying, her eyes widened.

On Ling Huohuo's sword, she felt as if she saw a broken world!

Two forces collide.

One sword, two cuts!

"!" Looking at the Beidou Sword Intent that was split in half, Qingyue Xingying widened her beautiful eyes in shock, as if her world view was about to collapse.

Ling Huohuo still looked flat, as if he had done something insignificant.

It's about the same. Although breaking the sword intent allowed Ling Huohuo to show his real strength, it didn't make Ling Huohuo consume too much energy.

The way to break the way is the way to break everything.

Not being controlled by fate is also a kind of fate, and the way to break everything is also a kind of way!

Cultivation is like nesting dolls, one layer after another, there is no end, no end, only a starting point.

No one can escape, and no one can cut everything off.

But it is powerful, but it exists.

Tao is also absolute.

No one knows what the point of Tao is, but there is always a road that suits you to walk.

Instead of thinking about the end, think about going further.

There is only a starting point and no end point, isn't it precisely because of this that it brings infinite possibilities?
Ling Huohuo shook the sword staff in his hand, pulled a beautiful sword flower again, and carried it behind his back.

"Understood?" Ling Huohuo looked at Qingyue Xingying.

"I...lost, did you do it..." Qingyue Xingying spoke with some difficulty, "I mean, how did you cultivate...that...dao?"

Ling Huohuo stared at Qingyue Xingying.

He suddenly felt that Qingyue Xingying was a bit troublesome, because... How the hell did I know how I got out of cultivation?
Ling Huohuo still remembered that he had enlightened that day, and then he had his own way.

But to be honest, why do you always feel like you are perfunctory her?
Think, have!

"Because I..." Ling Huohuo said slowly, "Practice comes from the heart!"


Qingyue Xingying knelt down suddenly, tears flowed from her eyes.

If Ling Huohuo hadn't tensed up, he would have run away in fright.

The big brother's aggressive personality made Ling Huohuo not surprised!
"Teacher, I want to learn..."

Just ignore what I said just now, because... Ling Huohuo was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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