Chapter 912 Xiao Mo (Part [-])
"Ling Xian'er is suspected of having a private date with a certain male player..."

Looking at the news pushed on the mobile phone, Ling Huohuo sat up from the bed.

be surprised!

But then Ling Huohuo lay back down again, and by the way, tightened the quilt on his body, covering Xiao Yunyun beside him.

It's none of my business?

At this moment, Ling Huohuo was with Xiao Yunyun in his manor in the capital.

With the end of the group stage, it was rare for everyone to relax.

Many players choose to go out for a walk.

And because of Guo Xiaoyu's trouble at the beginning, the reporters seemed to suddenly become interested in the gossip about the contestants.

Ling Huohuo was the first to bear the brunt, and the other players were not left behind, as long as there was a chance, a big, round pot would fall on them.

Even Ling Huohuo has seen the emotional essays of himself, Guo Xiaoyu, and Lu Sisi. The writing is meticulous and the emotions are very in place. It describes a complete love triangle relationship, as if the person who wrote the book also participated in it.

Let Ling Huohuo be speechless.

However, the three of them are not the only ones in the article. I don’t know who the person who wrote the article is. Xiao Yunyun was also dug out. The character in the book is a "scheming woman". Xiao Yunyun was so angry that he almost threw the team from being lost. Pulled over from the land, bloodbathed the capital.

Ling Miao and Ye Qiu also have a lot of roles in it.

At the same time, there are many versions, such as love triangle, multilateral love, unrequited love, Shura field... and so on.

And the articles about Ling Huohuo are not only about relationships.

There are also such as "The Truth About Ling Huohuo's Leaving the Future Club", "Ling Huohuo's Life as a Stallion", "Why Ling Huohuo Is So Strong", "Dry (Fog) Crying Female Player in the Game", "Brothers♂" ...

All in all, it was pretty exciting.

In a word: start with a picture, the plot depends entirely on editing!

During this period of time, most of the news that was pushed was fake, but a lot of interesting information was really dug up by this group of writers.

It really dug out a lot of secret couples or all kinds of things that cheated and got green.

But, still the same sentence-Guan Linghuohuo?
Just when Ling Huohuo was about to put down his phone and go back to lie down, Ling Zhuo suddenly sent a message.

"Boss, borrow a few people."

"what happened?"

"Kill people!"


"Chop that scumbag who fooled my sister!"


Well, Ling Zhuo should have seen that post as well.

In fact, Ling Zhuo is not to be blamed for being angry, because the male protagonist in that article has a bit of a problem with his style. It is said that he has a little ambiguity with many women. In Ling Zhuo's eyes, he is a playboy who wants to attack his sister.

But... Ling Huohuo had a happy smile on his face.

"Okay, you can contact Ding Ning, he has people in the capital, as many people as he can call!"

"Thank you very much!"

After closing the dialogue with Ling Zhuo, a jade arm rested on Ling Huohuo's body.

"what happened?"

At some point, Xiao Yunyun also opened his eyes.

Ling Huohuo smiled, and told Xiao Yunyun what happened just now.

Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo speechlessly.

"You really don't think it's a big deal."

"Don't worry, although Ding Ning likes to mess around, he won't go too far. It's just that the hero of that article is going to be unlucky."

"What's the situation with the leading actor?" Xiao Yunyun also sat up, put the quilt on his body, and asked, leaning on Ling Huohuo's shoulder.

Xiao Yunyun understood that if the leading actor had nothing special about him, Ling Huohuo wouldn't cheat on him at all.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"That's a man with a protagonist template." Ling Huohuo sighed.

Xiao Yunyun was at a loss, the protagonist template? ? ?What the hell?

Then Ling Huohuo began to explain to Xiao Yunyun.

Xiao Mo, male.

A member of the Xiao family, an ancient Chinese martial arts family, but the Xiao family is not a big family, and only has a bit of prestige on one-third of an acre of land, so it can be regarded as a local snake.

Although Xiao Mo is the son of the head of the Xiao family, he is an illegitimate son and is not treated well. He lives with his mother, lives in poverty, and has no connection with the Xiao family.

However, Xiao Mo is a motivated person. Although life is difficult, he works hard and ranks among the best in his studies.

But because one of the school belles liked him, he offended a second ancestor in the school, and was targeted by the second ancestor. He was in a difficult situation and even almost died. However, Xiao Mo was supernatural, and because of this near-death, he understood the meaning of death , Killed the second ancestor.

The family behind the second generation ancestor investigated Xiao Mo and wanted to take revenge, but because Xiao Mo helped the passing old man, the old man kept him. It turned out that the identity of the old man was...

Well, it’s the traditional rise of the city, but what is worth affirming is that Xiao Mo’s quality is still good, but he also has the three qualities that most urban protagonists have—— trouble-ridden, life-saving, and good luck prosperous.

Sweet school girl, coquettish white-collar worker, urban beauty, beautiful policewoman... Xiao Mo, a girl with many attributes, has at least one confidante.

But the relationship between Xiao Mo and Xiao Mo is pure, Xiao Mo is not yet at the level of scum, he is relatively clean and self-sufficient, very similar to Ling Miao back then.

At the same time, Xiao Mo also entered the game and gained a lot of benefits in the game.

Xiao Mo also came into contact with the Xiao family later, and even got a lot of voice because of his strength.

However, six months ago, things changed dramatically.

Xiao Mo's mother is dead!
The murderer was Xiao Mo's mother's family!
The reasons are more complicated.

The identity of Xiao Mo's mother is not simple. It can be said that Xiao Mo's talent is inherited from his mother.

What indirectly caused all this was those people in the Xiao family who were hostile to Xiao Mo.

Because of his mother's death, Xiao Mo's temperament changed drastically. Although he was not abnormal, he became more silent. Well, of course, half of the Xiao family was directly slaughtered by him, which shocked many people.


Xiao Mo's plug-in version 2.0 has arrived.

Xiao Mo comprehended the meaning of life, and with the meaning of death, Xiao Mo comprehended the two forces of life and death.

Then, Xiao Mo started his own road of revenge.

Xiao Mo began to raise the knife to his mother's natal family.

But Xiao Mo's mother's natal family is even more complicated. If the Xiao family is a local snake, then Xiao Mo's mother's natal family is a mighty dragon in the sky!

Moreover, someone from Xiao Mo's mother's natal family became the King of Life and Death Pillar!
This irritated Xiao Mo even more.

And also during this time, Xiao Mo's strength improved like a blowout.

Later, Xiao Mo participated in the game carnival, which made Ling Huohuo take another look.

Now, Xiao Mo has also entered the finals, successfully advanced to the top ten, and is also Ling Huohuo's first opponent in the next qualifying match.

Ling Huohuo didn't mind cheating Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo's information was also collected by Ding Ning for Ling Huohuo. As for some of the key points, it is rather vague, such as why Xiao Mo was able to comprehend the two forces of life and death, the cause of his mother's death is also relatively vague, and how to help Xiao Mo in the later stage. Even Ding Ning, who was silent, couldn't find out.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo is also very interested in Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo possesses the power of life and death, but the enemy is the King of Life and Death Pillar. This has to make Ling Huohuo think a little more. What is the connection between the two?
What role does the Demon King Army play behind it?

If you continue to think deeper, there may also be a connection with Ling Huohuo behind this.

Because the source of life and death lies in Ling Huohuo!

Logically speaking, facing the existence of such a template, in the future Ling Huohuo will either be promoted to the final boss, or become the grandpa of Songbao.

As for how Xiao Mo hooked up with Ling Xian'er, Ling Huohuo is not very clear, but according to the data, although Xiao Mo's temperament has changed drastically, he is not much different from before in essence, it's just that his back It's just a layer of Avenger's coat, so Ling Huohuo is not worried that Xiao Mo will deceive Ling Xian'er.

Besides, Ling Xian'er is not a simple girl.

 second later

(End of this chapter)

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