The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 913 The Person Who Owns the System

Chapter 913 The Person Who Owns the System (Part [-])
Qualifying has begun.

There are many acquaintances of Ling Huohuo among the top ten.

Ye Qiu, Ling Xian'er, Ling Miao, Xiao Mo, Guo Xiaoyu, Lu Sisi.

Among the top ten, Ling Huohuo knew six of them. Of the remaining four, a man and a woman came from the Longteng Guild. Among the remaining two, a man came from another top power, and the last woman was from Youmeng Pavilion. players.

Moreover, Yi Yi did not make it to the final.

Because Yi Yi met Guo Xiaoyu.

In front of the son of luck, Yi Yi was directly crushed.

Even if Yi Yi used his mind to cheat, he couldn't hold back Guo Xiaoyu's critical attack!

Guo Xiaoyu's profession is a mage. In the battle with Yi Yi, both of them ended up bleeding. Yi Yi originally planned to use a hole card to defeat Guo Xiaoyu, but Guo Xiaoyu didn't know if it was on purpose. Carefully knocked Yi Yi on the head, and then hit a critical blow, Yi Yi played GG amidst laughter.

In fact, I was quite helpless towards Guo Xiaoyu Linghuo.

After all, he is a child of luck, which can be regarded as a means of self-salvation for the world, and as a child of luck, there are very few things that he wants to accomplish.

Even if something goes wrong, there will be a backup plan.

It's just that Yi Yi became a victim on Guo Xiaoyu's way forward.

As for Youmeng Pavilion, Yilian Youmeng did not participate in the competition, but sent a strong player from his own guild, and successfully entered the top ten.

The reason why Yilian Youmeng didn't participate is because the female player she introduced was stronger than her. Although she was not as famous as Yilian Youmeng, she was very strong, so Youmeng Pavilion was fully supporting this game during this period of time. female player.


The qualifying match is a point match, two-two duel, each player will play two games, and randomly select opponents. Of course, you can also choose to challenge or choose an extra match.

Qualifying is only for one day, and it is relatively casual.

It is said that the subsequent melee was more of a performance and entertainment nature.

For many people, apart from the first in the top ten, there is no difference between the second to the ninth.

And first, there are already judgments in many people's minds.

According to the arrangement, Ling Huohuo's opponent in the first match was Xiao Mo, and the opponent in the second match was a female player from Youmeng Pavilion.

If Ling Huohuo wants to fight other people or other people want to fight Ling Huohuo, then he can only apply for an extra match.

Ling Huohuo entered the game, and his opponent was Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo's profession is a mage class.

Inquisitor of the underworld!
It is a profession with a very Chinese taste, and it is said that this profession really has some connection with the underworld of China.

This profession is very strong, and it can also allow Xiao Mo to display his power of life and death well in the game!
In short, this profession is very suitable for Xiao Mo.

The battle begins.

Xiao Mo is ready.

"You admit defeat." Ling Huohuo said.

"???" Xiao Mo looked at Ling Huohuo with a mentally retarded look.

Although I know you are strong, is it really okay for you to look down on me like this?
Believe it or not I beat you?

Ling Huohuo waved his hand.

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't think you are suitable to be my opponent."

"Why?" Xiao Mo asked with a frown.

"Because of attributes..." Ling Huohuo didn't explain much.

"Hmph, you won't know until you fight!"

Xiao Mo launched the attack first, and then Xiao Mo knelt down.

For nothing else, Xiao Mo found that his attack had no effect on Ling Huohuo at all.

And Ling Huohuo said that the power of life and death... Hehe.

Although Xiao Mo has other means of attack, how can he be so powerful with his own nature?
Until the end, Xiao Mo didn't understand why his power failed.

Ling Huohuo said that even without the source of life and death, his perception of the power of life and death is stronger than Xiao Mo's, and it will be difficult for me if you are not funny!

So Xiao Mo became funny.

But in fact, he himself is very confused.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Xiao Mo's opponent in the second round - Guo Xiaoyu.

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt sorry for Xiao Mo.

Ling Huohuo's opponent in the second battle was a female player from Youmeng Pavilion.

Enter the battle.

The battle is over.

Heck, of course it's not that simple.

But to others, the battle between Ling Huohuo and the opponent is a fake match!
No, not at all!

I just flashed the weapon, and then the players in Youmeng Pavilion surrendered, so why don't you show some embarrassment!

Are you fucking playing with me?
In fact, Ling Huohuo was also at a loss. Could it be because of his identity that the players in Youmeng Pavilion gave up?

But if Ling Huohuo couldn't figure it out, he didn't want to.

When the audience wanted to protest, and even the organizer started to investigate whether Ling Huohuo threatened the players of Youmeng Pavilion, a piece of news came out.

There are many contents of the news, but one important sentence summed up is - "Ling Huohuo is the owner of the owner behind Youmeng Pavilion."

The flood flooded the Dragon King Temple, and one family beat the other.

Then the players in Youmeng Pavilion conceded.

Everyone was speechless for a while.


in the lounge.

"Momo, you are really... oh~" Yilian Youmeng rubbed her eyebrows and said to a smiling woman in front of her.

This woman is the representative of Youmeng Pavilion, the one who entered the top ten.

"It's okay, didn't that one say nothing?"

"Didn't say anything? That's because he has a good temper and didn't pursue it, otherwise we will be in trouble today."

"Okay, I got it, I didn't think about it, thank you, sister Meng, for helping me down, hehe~"

Yilian Youmeng sighed, feeling a little tired.

"In short, don't do such things in the future. It's very difficult to do. At least you have to act. Forget it, this matter is over. If you don't want to continue to play, you can rest well and go to the celebration banquet tonight!"


"Then I'll go first."


After Yilian Youmeng walked out, the smile on the face of the woman called Momo gradually disappeared, and she became a little nervous.

After confirming that there was no one nearby, Momo sat on the chair and rubbed the space between her brows.

"System, what happened to you just now? Why did you call the police?"

"Because according to my assessment, if you fight Ling Huohuo, you are very likely to be exposed."

"Expose? Expose what... Wait, you mean he might discover your existence?" Momo looked at the scene.

"That's right." The system's voice said seriously.


"That's what I thought too, but according to my predictions, that's the way it is."


Momo didn't know what to say, and suddenly felt a little tired.

Mo Momo once took a look at Ling Huohuo from a distance in the Lost Land, and learned some information about Ling Huohuo with the help of the system.

Although I knew that the two worlds are actually connected, but the boss of the other world came to play games in his own world, this shit... Really exciting.

Damn, the NPC came out of the game to play the game with you.

What the hell is this!
Momo suddenly felt very tired.

What empress growth system...

Can you change one?
For example, the salted fish sit-and-forget system?

(End of this chapter)

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