The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 915 The Carnival Ends, A New Chapter Begins

Chapter 915 The Carnival Ends, A New Chapter Begins

The individual competition ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

To be honest, maybe except for Guo Xiaoyu himself, no one else is very clear about how Guo Xiaoyu killed Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi in one move in the end.

Ling Huohuo also felt quite uncomfortable.

The same goes for Lu Sisi.

No matter how good-tempered Lu Sisi was, she couldn't adapt to Guo Xiaoyu's behavior of sacrificing herself.

So, right after the match ended, Lu Sisi took the sword that Kentaro handed her to look for Guo Xiaoyu.

Outside Guo Xiaoyu's room, as a champion, naturally many people wanted to have a good relationship with Guo Xiaoyu, so naturally many people surrounded Guo Xiaoyu's room.

However, these people were still a step late.

Because Lu Sisi was already blocking the door at this time, and Ling Huohuo was blocking the door at the same time.

And looking at the aura of the two of them, it was difficult for others to approach easily.

Ling Huohuo knocked on Guo Xiaoyu's door frantically.

"Open the door, open the door, Guo Xiaoyu, you have the ability to be sinister, you have the ability to open the door, don't hide inside and keep silent, I know you are in the room! Open the door, open the door..."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the onlookers felt that Ling Huohuo's knocking on the door and shouting seemed to be stepping on the spot, which was inexplicably emotional.

In the room, Guo Xiaoyu hugged her championship trophy and hid under the blanket, showing a happy smile.

"Hmph, how is it possible to open the door?"

Although Guo Xiaoyu was very nervous, she still knew the consequences of what she did. Therefore, Guo Xiaoyu had already made preparations and hid in the room as soon as the awards were over.

Moreover, in order to cope with the situation of being blocked by people at this time, Guo Xiaoyu had already stored a lot of food in the room, and also collected a lot of things for her own entertainment, so that she would not feel bored when she was blocked in the room .

Although there was a knock on the door, Guo Xiaoyu didn't care, because she felt very comfortable looking at the championship trophy in her hand.

Guo Xiaoyu walked down the window and opened a large box on the table.

In order to celebrate her winning the championship, Guo Xiaoyu also prepared a big cake, but judging by the current situation, this cake cannot be shared with others.

But it's okay to eat by yourself.

Guo Xiaoyu twitched the lumps on her chest, thinking that she was simply a perfect woman who was born to hit other people.

Just like eating creamy foods like cakes, my flesh will definitely not grow anywhere else on the body, but will be concentrated in the chest!
After licking his lips, Guo Xiaoyu started to attack the big cake in front of him.

But outside the door, no matter how Ling Huohuo knocked on the door, the door was not opened.

Ling Huohuo felt that maybe he should sneak in.

However, Lu Sisi didn't think so.

"Get out of the way!" Lu Sisi shouted at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo subconsciously stepped aside.

Then Lu Sisi made a gesture of drawing his sword.


A ray of light flashed, and the door of Guo Xiaoyu's room was cut in half.

Ling Huohuo blinked his eyes. At that moment, he felt the protection on the door disappear.

It's not that other people have tampered with it, but because Lu Sisi's attack has the armor-piercing attribute!
This is one of the essences of Sword God's inheritance.

Ling Huohuo did not expect that Lu Sisi had already comprehended the inheritance of the sword god to such an extent.

But now is obviously not the time to study Lu Sisi's strength. The moment the door was cut open, Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi looked at the door.

I saw that Guo Xiaoyu was squatting in front of the cake and eating the cake in the room.

But at this moment, Guo Xiaoyu was also staring at the opened door in a daze, unable to turn his head for a while.

The promised rooms are all protected, so why did Lu Sisi cut open the door of his own room.

But Guo Xiaoyu's mouth was not idle.

Chew chew... swallow.

"That... can you let me live?" Guo Xiaoyu asked the first time she was idle.

Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi looked at each other, then smiled.

"No~~~ OK!"

Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi rushed into the room and rushed towards Guo Xiaoyu.

Lu Sisi: "Die, Guo Xiaoyu!"

Ling Huohuo: "You have chosen death!"

Ling Huohuo was even faster, rushing to Guo Xiaoyu's side immediately, and then...

Press Guo Xiaoyu's head into the cake.

Lu Sisi followed closely behind, pointing the sword in her hand at Guo Xiaoyu's neck.

Guo Xiaoyu felt a chill in her neck, and she also started to resist. The threat of life and death made her burst out with all her strength in an instant.

Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi did not show any weakness either.


Guo Xiaoyu's room exploded.


Today's headline: "The 'Intense' Story of Ling Huohuo and Two Female Players! "


The individual competition is over, and then it is the battle, and at the same time, I also give encouragement to the NG members who will participate in the team battle next.

After the individual competition ended, Ling Huohuo began to watch from the sidelines.

It's okay to sleep with Xiao Yunyun in his arms, or chat with other people, every day is very pleasant.

The team battle also went smoothly, the most important thing is that the girls from NG fought very smoothly, and finally achieved a good result of No.2.

With NG's success, more people will follow NG, and Ling Huohuo's protection for these girls has also risen to a higher level.

The future club has also taken action.

So that no matter what happens, it will not affect the normal life of NG members.

For this carnival, there are many topics to talk about, Ling Huohuo, NG, etc., are all topics, and some people find that most of the topics revolve around Ling Huohuo, so some people speculate that if Ling Huohuo can be opened If there is a gap here, you can get more unexpected news topics.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't have much thought about it.

Everyone who had nothing to do went home, and Ling Huohuo and the others were no exception.

Yi Yi took his studio back to his residence, and all the members of NG went on a group vacation, and the money was paid by Future Club.

The people from the Indus Club also returned, and Ling Huohuo naturally left with his demon studio, but Ling Huohuo was going to leave after watching the battle on the top of the Forbidden City.

In the free time before, Ling Huohuo also went to the Future Club to have a look, and at the same time, he also went to see Lu Sisi in the Shinhwa Club and Guo Xiaoyu who was seriously injured.

Lu Sisi said that she will return to Zhonghai City for a while, and as for Guo one knows where she plans to go.

The carnival is over, and then there will be a battle at the top of the Forbidden City in the capital.

The battle at the Forbidden Peak started very suddenly, and the impact it brought was extremely strong. For the first time, the world, especially ordinary people, realized how far powerful power can go.

Ling Huohuo also went to watch the battle. Although the battle between the two was real, Ling Huohuo could feel that the two of them were obviously showing off.

Not to show off on purpose, but to show off one's strength.

Ling Huohuo felt that the Huaxia government might want to use this battle to create some effects.

The most obvious manifestation is that after this battle, China's martial arts style has increased significantly.

A week after the carnival ended, "The Lost World" suddenly announced that a new chapter was about to start-"The Controversy between Good and Evil".

(End of this chapter)

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