The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 916 The Devil Who Cabooses the Glass and the Hero Who Feeds the Children

Chapter 916 The Devil Who Cabooses the Glass and the Hero Who Feeds the Children

"The Struggle Between Good and Evil"——

Justice and evil have opposed each other since ancient times, and fierce friction will eventually break out!

The evil forces led by Demon King City will fight against the justice forces led by Sacred City.

Justice, evil, your choice!

Pick up the weapon in your hand and follow the will in your heart!
Update: The faction war mode will be fully activated, the player power mode will be fully activated, and more professions, races, and forces will be opened.

Note: At the end of this chapter, the truth of the world will be announced.End condition: The battle between the devil and the brave is over.


Looking at the promotion of the new chapter, Ling Huohuo remained silent, and finally set his sights on the final frame.

"So the devil and the hero look like this."

The final frame is bounded by the middle, and on the left is a figure in black armor sitting on a skeleton chair. The figure is covered with a face, so you can’t see clearly, but you can feel the magnificence and power of the figure, which makes people daunting .

At the foot of the figure, there were twelve figures lined up, and Ling Huohuo recognized them as the twelve demon generals.

Needless to say, the figure sitting on the skeleton chair is the legendary Demon King.

On the right, there is a figure in women's armor, with a long sword standing in front of the figure.

Holy, noble, seeing the figure, other people's hearts will calm down unconsciously.

It is the image of a brave man.

The demon king and the brave one are good and the other evil, forming a sharp contrast.

Many people have not reacted to this new chapter that suddenly appeared, but everyone knows that it is time to make a fortune again.

Moreover, there is a chapter about faction battles in this update, indicating that faction battles will become the mainstream in the new chapter.

In addition to these, there is also the final note that many people feel concerned about.

What is the reality of the world?
Although Ling Huohuo had some guesses, he didn't understand why he did this, and he couldn't interfere.

As for the condition of the final ending chapter - the end of the battle between the Demon King and the Hero, it is even more vague.

What is the end of the battle?

The death of one party can be said to be the end of the battle, shaking hands and making peace is also called the end of the battle, and the death of all is also called the end of the battle...

Anyway, there are many possibilities.

However, Ling Huohuo feels that from the perspective of fate, it is more likely for the brave to defeat the devil.

But others don't know fate, which inevitably makes the main line of the game divided into many kinds.

However, regardless of the game, this chapter also represents that the devil and the brave have officially stood on the bright side.

According to Ling Huohuo's thinking, he actually prefers to lose both sides.

Because neither the devil nor the brave are from his own world, Ling Huohuo can't guarantee that if he has the chance, he won't take both of their homes.

But logically speaking, Ling Huohuo wanted the Demon King to lose, because it was really difficult for the Demon King to give people a sense of security.

But, on the other hand, Ling Huohuo also hopes that the Demon King's army will stand firm, at least it will not be easily wiped out.

Because under the leadership of the Demon King Army, the real world has stabilized now. If the Demon King Army loses and collapses, the real world will inevitably become chaotic.

Moreover, the name of the Demon King's Army has already been spread, and it has spread in the real world, which will inevitably attract a lot of votes for the Demon King's army.

No matter how bad the reputation of the Demon King's Army is, many people will choose to join.

Therefore, the future situation is not easy to say.

Ling Huohuo felt that he should make a good plan, and even if he couldn't change anything, he should still get some benefits.

And the first step is to develop.

Develop forces, develop your own strength!

The development route of Yaotian Moren Studio is an elite route, which is developing steadily.

The accumulation in the early stage is enough, and the next step is to flourish.

In the game, it is impossible for the player forces to develop independently, and they must embrace the thighs of the NPC forces.

The thigh chosen by Yaotian Moren Studio is - Rebel Parade!

That's right, it is Xiao Yunyun's team, but it should be renamed the Holy Parade Army now.

Because Xiao Yunyun switched to the justice camp after he made a vote in the stronghold of the evil forces, and he was also favored by the brave man, and he was drawn to his mistress.

Then it should be called the Holy Parade Army, an army independent of the Holy City, with a high degree of freedom, which shows the importance of the brave.

The predecessor of the sacred city was Demon Slayer City. With the development of power, the name of the city of the brave cannot continue to be so random.

However, Ling Huohuo is now more worried about the brave man's situation, because although he is unwilling to admit it, Xiao Yunyun's fate is that of a rebellious person. Ling Huohuo has already foreseen Xiao Yunyun's betrayal of the brave man, and he will sit at the top of power in the sacred city .

But Xiao Yunyun is his own daughter-in-law, Ling Huohuo can only express the hope that Xiao Yunyun will give the brave man some time.


The key question now is whether the brave should defeat the devil first or be betrayed by Xiao Yunyun first.


A new chapter opened, everyone was busy again, and the NG girls had to urgently transport their game pods to their vacation places.

Well, if the vacation cannot be interrupted, then the only choice is to transport the game cabin, and the future club still spends money.

The Future Club didn't have too many complaints. After all, NG belongs to the Future Club in name, and the face of NG is the face of the Future Club.

All the forces related to Ling Huohuo began to be secretly mobilized by Ling Huohuo, and secretly deployed. Even the Void Hundred Ghosts began to pay attention to the two forces. Except for the two forces, Ling Huohuo did not miss the situation of the neutral camp. Lost, after all, what the neutral camp says is not good, it's just a fool!

Ling Huohuo doesn't require him to be able to control the battle situation, but at least he can't let the situation escape his control.

Ling Huohuo had a premonition that the impact of the battle between the devil king and the brave man would definitely not be small, and it definitely had a lot to do with him.

However, at this time, there were also some small episodes.

Ling's father and Ling's mother are also planning to enter the game to experience it. Of course, there is no problem with this. Ling Huohuo has a lot of resources.

But the problem is that Ling's father and Ling's mother are not going to work together with Ling Huohuo, they are going to develop alone.

In addition to Father Ling and Mother Ling, sisters-in-law Ling Tian and Li Yinman seemed to be planning to join the game, but what they said was just to play casually.


Ling Tian and Li Yinman are cleaning the house for Ling's father and Ling's mother.

After Ling's father and Ling's mother entered the game, they played very vigorously, and the other tasks were naturally handed over to others, while Ling Tian and Li Yinman, who were relatively free, took over most of the housework and childcare. They say "just play around"~
By the way, Ling's father and Ling's mother recently established a middle-aged and elderly guild in the game, and it is said that the development is very good.

Ling Tian was wearing an apron, cleaning the glass, while Li Yinman was feeding little Lingxue with a bottle.

The two looked at each other silently, and then continued with their work.

(End of this chapter)

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