The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 917 Sun Elf Elder——Ling Huohuo

Chapter 917 Sun Elf Elder——Ling Huohuo (Part [-])
There is such a saying - time is passing by mercilessly and eternally in such a mechanical way.

Although I don't know who said this sentence, it is right to say that it was Lu Xun. If it was two years ago, it could still be said to be Zi Yue.

All in all, without knowing it, half a year has passed, and the whole world has become strangely peaceful.

But some people can feel that under this calm, there is an even greater turbulent undercurrent.

In "The Lost World", the demon king's army and the brave holy army are very stalemate.

However, although the game is very hot, in the real world, the order established by the Demon King Army is quite stable.

Human beings are highly adaptable creatures, and half a year is enough for humans to adapt to today's life.

The power of the extraordinary is no longer something that ordinary people can hardly imagine, but exists beside everyone.

Some organizations dedicated to managing or teaching extraordinary people have also emerged one after another.

For example, in Ling Huohuo's jurisdiction, the government has established some institutions and schools in the name of Ling Huohuo's pillar generals to make the world of extraordinary people more harmonious.

Ling Huohuo's Hundred-story Pillar Tower also has extraordinary people who have joined, both of high and low strength, but the Pillar Tower has been handed over to Hongshuang and others by Ling Huohuo to manage it, and as long as the people in the Pillar Tower don't cause trouble, there will be no trouble. It's enough to recruit Ling Huohuo.

The pillar tower is a status symbol for Ling Huohuo, and it is said that it belongs to Ling Huohuo, but Ling Huohuo knows that the Demon King Army is the real owner of the pillar tower.

Although the Demon King's Army didn't say anything, and never even intervened in any of the pillar towers.

But the Pillar Tower was built at the request of the Demon King Army, and that is enough.


The development of Yaotian Demonren Studio is very smooth, because Ling Huohuo's reputation gained half a year ago has already become popular in the game, and it also occupies a considerable weight among the players.

And the elite route went very smoothly.

At the same time, Yaotian Demonren Studio also gained a lot of benefits from following Xiao Yunyun's team.

And Xiao Yunyun, relying on his own team, has now achieved a high status among the forces of the brave, and has become another hot "beauty NPC" in the game.

If Xiao Yunyun continues to develop, he will almost have the power to overthrow the brave.

Xiao Yunyun's rapid development is of course inseparable from the help of Future City.

The development of the future city is also quite smooth.

Although there have been conflicts with some forces in the Lost Land, the military strength of the future city is not weak, especially the mechanical soldiers. up to fame.

In half a year, the future city has also become an eighth-level city!
There are also ten seventh-tier cities under the future city, twenty sixth-tier cities, and even more fifth-tier cities and below.

Today's future city seems to have the prototype of a top power.

As long as the main city of the future city is promoted to a ninth-level city, the power of the future city will officially become the top power in the Lost Land!
However, it is not easy to reach the current situation. It can be said that in the past six months, all the resources of the future city have been used for development.

Now the future city needs to take a break to make up for the loopholes caused by the rapid development of power.

If it weren't for Ling Huohuo and the Void Hundred Ghosts under him, and the four major clans were also quite loyal, otherwise, if another force developed so fast, it would have collapsed long ago, but now the future urban forces also have many loopholes.

Slowing down the pace of development will not bring any bad influence to the future city, but it can also consolidate its strength.

The development of the future city has also brought great benefits to Ling Huohuo and others in the game.


As for what Ling Huohuo is doing?

"Elf flower dew, five hundred gold to take away~ Five hundred gold each, don't miss it when you pass by~"

Hearing the shout, a group of passing players surrounded him.

"What? Fairy dew?"

"Five hundred gold is a bit expensive."

"I bought it! I want ten copies!"

"Wait, there's me, I want three copies!"

"And me, and me..."


Under the scramble of a group of players, the elf flower dew on the booth was sold out in a blink of an eye.

The stall owner rolled up the cloth and left, and the players also consciously made way for the stall owner.

The stall owner is Ling Huohuo.

But at this time, Ling Huohuo looked different.

The unique handsome appearance of the elves, wearing a magic robe and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, through the attire, it can be judged that Ling Huohuo's occupation is a rare occupation unique to the elves at this time - Elder Elder!
Although the elf elders are the same elders as the demon elders, they have completely different natures.

The elders of the demon clan are just dogs, so the elders of the elves are respected by everyone. They have a very high status in the elves, and there are even a small number of players who become elders of the elves.

The reason why Ling Huohuo became an elder elf started from the artifact ring, the Ring of Clear Spring.

When the new chapter of the game unfolds, most players are preparing to participate in the plot, while Ling Huohuo is starting to prepare to complete the ring of his two artifacts.

The final mission of the Ring of Clear Spring is related to the inheritance of the Japanese elves. Although it is a legendary mission, it is not difficult to complete it under the operation of hanging outside the Linghuo fire field.

It was also through this mission that Ling Huohuo figured out that the origin of the wood is indeed very likely to be in the elves!

But it is not easy to get close to the source of wood. Only the successors of the elves can enter the place where the source of wood is sealed. Even Ling Huohuo can't enter that place with the void bug.

The existence of the space where the source of stable wood is is enough to face the power of the void!
After all, the elves are also a large family with many branches, and some family backgrounds are not surprising.

Especially the elves where Ling Huohuo is now - the Japanese elves!
Compared to the forest elves, the sun elves are completely royal!

There are many branches of elves, but there is no doubt that there are three elves standing at the top of all elves-sun elves, moon elves, and star elves.

These three are the royal families of the elves.

As for the Sun Tree, only the successors and current kings of the Sun Elf Clan can enter.

Because Ling Huohuo can't play yin, then Ling Huohuo can only be explicit.

Among the rewards of the Ring of Clear Spring, there is also the reward of unfolding the Elven Template.

The so-called elf template is that Ling Huohuo can be divided into an elf alias, which comes with an elf race occupation and any royal blood, and then Ling Huohuo can use this alias to move freely, and this alias is It can be used as Ling Huohuo's clone.

Of course, Ling Huohuo's body and trumpet cannot exist at the same time, and experience and skills are not interchangeable.

And the first thing Ling Huohuo did after successfully using his Sun Elf trumpet to infiltrate the Elf tribe was to praise the sun!
(End of this chapter)

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