The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 918 I have thousands of little yellow books of the Japanese elves in my mind...

Chapter 918 I have [-] Little Yellow Books of the Sun Elf Clan in my mind... (Second update)

Day elves love days.

Literally, the sun elves like the sun above their heads very much, and they also believe in that sun.

The Sun Elf's top artifact, the Corona Bow, is said to be shot with the sun. Ling Huohuo doesn't know what it is, so don't ask Ling Huohuo.

Although I don't know who else can enter the Sun Tree, there is no doubt that the higher the status, the higher the possibility of entering the Sun Tree.

Therefore, after some choices, Ling Huohuo chose the clerical occupation of the Sun Elf clan-scholar.

Scholar is also a magic profession, and it is more supportive, but it is not strong. It can be regarded as a comprehensive support profession. However, if you choose to specialize in one department, you can develop to a good level, and the advantage is that you have strong comprehensive ability.

Scholars can only be promoted to level [-] occupations, which are the mainstream occupation level for current players, especially the ordinary level [-] occupations like scholars, which are even worse, not only for elves, but also for other races. There is a scholar profession.

However, when the scholar profession of the elves reaches the fifth level, there is a chance to advance to an extremely rare profession-the Elder Elder.

The fifth-level scholar of the elves can be promoted to the eighth-level elf elder profession!
However, this is not the only way to advance, and this kind of advancement jump like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate is very difficult. So far, players who can advance to become Elder Elders can count on two hands.

Ling Huohuo set his sights on the Elder Elder profession!
The Elf Elder profession has a very high status in the Elf clan, and can often contact the royal family of the Elf clan!
However, the disadvantage of this class is that there is only one attack method, that is to use flat A, and the attack power is very low, but relatively, this class is a very powerful auxiliary class.

That is to say, Elder Elf is a job with no output!

Although there is no output, Ling Huohuo is very satisfied as long as he can contact the royal family of the elves.

However, the first step is to become a scholar of the elves.

It is actually not difficult to become a scholar of the elves, and the task is also very simple, that is, go to the elf temple to pray for an hour every day, and pray continuously for a month.

The temple of the sun elves is naturally the temple of the sun.

Therefore, after joining the elves, Ling Huohuo began to praise the sun every day!
Then Ling Huohuo praised the sun for a month, and successfully transferred to become a scholar of the elves.

Scholars' experience accumulation and skill learning are also special. Scholars can increase their experience and even learn some hidden skills through reading.

Reading books is also a way for scholars to upgrade their career.

First-level scholars need to read ten books, second-level scholars need to read one hundred books, third-level scholars need to read one thousand books, fourth-level scholars need to read [-] books, and fifth-level scholars need to read one hundred thousand books!

Fortunately, the Sun Elf's library is big enough!

And the system also provides a quick reading function, which means that players can read a book in 10 minutes by default without actually reading it. However, in this case, they can only brush their professional level and cannot get any other rewards, even character experience.

But there are still many people who choose this managed reading mode.

After all, everyone is here to play games, they need the skills and attributes of the Elven Scholar profession, they are not here to study.

Most players graduate directly after reaching the fifth level of the scholar, and then choose a career with a higher level of job transfer.

In the understanding of most players, the scholar profession is a convenient channel for those lazy players.

The fact is that there are reasons for this.

The game difficulty of "The Lost World" is there, so for the sake of the game experience, the difficulty has been lowered in some aspects.

But it's not that simple.

Opportunities lie behind the difficulties. If you really complete the test of a scholar, then the harvest will be huge.

Ling Huohuo heard that if he wanted to change his job to become an elder elf, he had to read [-] books in a proper manner.

If there was no other way, Ling Huohuo would never choose this path.

Then Ling Huohuo started his daily life of reading, and even temporarily put down other things in his hands. Even the matters related to the golden gate of the Greek gods were handed over to Zhou Zi and the magic dragon by Ling Huohuo.

After all, it is about the origin of the world, and Ling Huohuo has to pay attention to it.

Becoming a god can be a little later, if there is a problem with the origin of the world, everyone has to finish playing together.

Although there is a faster way to gain military exploits, or to do some tasks related to the royal family, these two methods are not as stable as becoming an Elf Elder.

You must know that the source of the wood is the people of the evil camp who hid in the sun tree. There must be undercover agents from the evil camp among the sun elves, and the identity of the undercover will not be simple.

If Ling Huohuo used the other two methods, it would be easy to attract the attention of the undercover agent. If the undercover agent realized Ling Huohuo's purpose and made the other party do something in advance, Ling Huohuo's previous efforts would be wasted.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo had to choose this stable method, just work a little harder.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo's memory has improved, and his reading speed has also become very fast. One glance at ten lines is just a basic operation, which greatly reduces Ling Huohuo's time.

However, in this way, it took Ling Huohuo five full months to successfully transfer to become an Elder Elder.

You know, during this period of time, both Zhou Zi and Demon Dragon have finished conquering the remains of the two main Greek gods!

However, Ling Huohuo's dedication also paid off.

For half a year, Ling Huohuo disguised himself as a player who devoted himself to the study of elves, kept his ears to the outside world, and even cut off communication with other players, only occasionally had to choose to trade with other players for supplies, and the rest I spend all my time in the library.

Ling Huohuo could feel that someone was staring at him during the first period of becoming an Elf Elder, and then he never felt the feeling of being stared at again.

If it wasn't for the other party to change an existence stronger than Ling Huohuo to stare at Ling Huohuo, it means that the other party has let go of doubts about Ling Huohuo.

The person who came to stare at him, Ling Huohuo reckoned, was probably an undercover agent.

After all, the elder elves already have enough status and weight in the elves.

Ling Huohuo's honesty naturally also attracted the attention of the Sun Elf royal family, and Ling Huohuo successfully contacted the Sun Elf royal family, although Ling Huohuo felt that the royal family paid attention to him because of his excellence.

After all, Ling Huohuo has read more than [-] little yellow books of the elves, ahem, books!

If it weren't for the system's built-in translation function, Ling Huohuo might have brought the Void Army to attack the Japanese elves to snatch the origin of wood.

Ling Huohuo came out to sell goods as usual today in exchange for supplies.

Although Ling Huohuo's disguise was not perfect, Ling Huohuo was not a professional either. Fortunately, no one came to trouble or suspect Ling Huohuo for the time being.

If someone comes to smash Ling Huohuo's signboard, Ling Huohuo doesn't mind flipping the table.

With one command, the Void Hundred Ghosts will go to the sun tree to check the water meter.

However, when Ling Huohuo returned to his residence, he found that the wind in the clan land of the sun elves was a bit noisy today.

 This plot is an introduction, the plot of the devil and the brave is about to unfold...

(End of this chapter)

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