Chapter 920 The Coming Wedding (Part [-])

Ling Huohuo went offline at the home behind the pillar tower.

Although the studio is connected to Ling Huohuo's home, it is separate.

Although the people in the studio always come to Ling Huohuo's house to have a meal.

And the people in the studio also have their own lives in life while fighting in the game, and they also have their own residences outside the studio.

It is unrealistic to fight in the game all day... Of course, except for an existence like Gabriel.

Ling Huohuo has already acted as a parent and has been approached by Gabriel's teacher several times.

Now Gabriel can go to school normally.

Although many people in the studio have special identities, no one dares to make trouble in Ling Huohuo's territory.

Even if Mai Shiranui's family members discovered Mai Shiranui, they only came to visit a few times, and they didn't do anything radical.

Of course, it is not ruled out that they want to catch up with Ling Huohuo through Shiranui Wu. After all, Ling Huohuo's status as a pillar general is still very useful.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun are not the only ones in the family.

Ling's father and Ling's mother were also there, and of course, Ling Xue'er.

Ling Tian and Li Yinman were also there, and they were responsible for helping Father Ling and Mother Ling take care of their children.

It can be said that among the four brothers and sisters of Ling Huohuo, three of them were taken care of by Ling Tian.

Ling Miao and Yin Ya are in the capital.

Feng Chenxiuya also lived in Ling Huohuo's home. Regarding the relationship between her and Ling Huohuo, the Ling family didn't know how they thought about it, but they didn't find it strange to accept it.

Toyotomi Xiuya's room is next door to Ling Huohuo.

Because of Feng Chen Xiuya's relationship, Xiao Yunyun did not live with Ling Huohuo, but lived on the other side of Ling Huohuo's room.

On the opposite side of Ling Huohuo's room is Lu Sisi's room.

That's right, during the past six months, Lu Sisi also lived in Ling Huohuo's house, no, it should be said that she was sent by Lu's father and Lu's mother.

Lu Sisi moved into Ling Huohuo's house after returning to Zhonghai City.

And without knowing what happened, Lu Sisi didn't seem to plan to return to the capital.

The same is true for Guo Xiaoyu, but Guo Xiaoyu lives in her own home.

Fortunately, the two of them still participated in the activities of the Mythology Guild normally, otherwise Ye Qiu would have cried.

Ling Huohuo's house is big enough, it is a courtyard-like structure, and it can accommodate everyone. In a big courtyard, Ling Huohuo lives with all the daughters, Ling's father and Ling's mother live with Ling Xue, Ling Tian Live with Li Yinman.

But we all eat together.

Luo Jier, Zhou Zi, Mo Long and Hong Shuang also lived with Ling Huohuo.

The rest of the people live in their own residences or studios.

Occasionally, other people would come to visit Ling Huohuo, and they didn't treat themselves as outsiders at all.

But recently, a couple lived in the Ling family - Li Yinman's parents!
As for why Li Yinman's parents also came, in fact, they came to urge the marriage!

To urge Ling Tian and Li Yinman's marriage.

Li Yinman's parents came back from a trip and are not going to travel anymore. After all, the world is becoming more and more dangerous.

Seeing Ling Tian and Li Yinman's fierce fight, the idle old couple wanted to embrace a grandson, and the first step to embrace a grandson was to let Ling Tian and Li Yinman get married!
Fortunately, the relationship between Ling Tian and Li Yinman has stabilized, and the marriage is not too sudden.

Moreover, Ling's father and Ling's mother contributed to the matter of urging the marriage!
The two, who just had their fourth child, wanted to hold a grandchild too.

Although the wedding came a bit suddenly, with the consent of both parents, the wedding was confirmed.

According to Ling Huohuo's observation.

Ling Huohuo didn't know Li Yinman's attitude, but although Ling Tian looked embarrassed and helpless on the surface, he was secretly having fun behind his back.

Although Ling Tian and Li Yinman have established a stable relationship, both of them are the kind of people who are not very good at expressing their feelings, no, it should be said that they are just not good at expressing their love.

Wanting to develop a relationship naturally is like crawling like a snail.

With the promotion of both parents, the two can go further faster.

Their wedding will be next month.

When the time of the wedding was confirmed, Ling Huohuo had already seen Ling Tian smirking at the sky several times, and regarding the wedding, Ling Tian was busy all by himself and was very active.

As for Li Yinman, according to the information obtained by Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya, it shows that Li Yinman's situation is similar to Ling Tian's.

Although Li Yinman didn't smirk at the sky, Li Yinman's mood has changed a lot recently.

Sometimes happy, sometimes worried.

Feng Chenxiuya said that Li Yinman was anxious before marriage.

Moreover, during a general cleaning, Xiao Yunyun found some interesting books under the bed in Li Yinman's room - "How to Be a Good Wife", "Self-cultivation of a Newlywed Wife", "The Perfect Wife", "House "Chinese Art"...cough cough.

In short, for the upcoming wedding, Ling Tian and Li Yinman are preparing in their own way.

For the wedding of the two, Ling Huohuo, the younger brother, expressed his blessings.


Father Ling and Mother Ling said.

When Ling Tian and Li Yinman's wedding is over, it will be Ling Huohuo's turn.

Then, Ling Huohuo discovered that Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya had also become a little abnormal recently.

Moreover, Lu Sisi and Guo Xiaoyu seemed to be planning something.

Faced with this situation, Ling Huohuo made two phone calls to Ling Miao and Yin Ya.

It means that as twins, they must be neat and tidy, and everyone will get married together.

Then I heard that Ling Miao has also started to lose his mind recently.

According to gossip, Yin Ya appeared in the parenting books section of the bookstore, the purpose is unknown...

That's right, Ling Huohuo said that he can't let himself panic about this matter.

But Yin Ya didn't expect Ling Huohuo to buy a parenting book. It can only be said that Yin Ya thought too far, farther than Li Yinman thought, and she even started thinking about having a child.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Ling Miao and Yin Ya Fengzi get married.

However, this possibility is slim.

According to Ling Huohuo's understanding of Ling Miao, if Yin Ya is really pregnant, Ling Miao will definitely be the first of the three brothers to ask for marriage.

Because of the wedding, the hearts of the three brothers of the Ling family were a little fluctuating.

As for Ling Xueer, the fourth child of the Ling family... she has been weaned and can crawl.


At night, everyone finished their meal and returned to their rooms.

Ling Tian stared at the overhead light with his head in his arms, and was stunned for a while. Ling Tian suddenly showed a happy smile, but then showed a firm expression.

"For the sake of the wedding, let's put aside the fight with the brave for the time being. We must get the initiative in this meeting and have a truce for a period of time. Well... not only the wedding time, but also the honeymoon time. Oh, if you get pregnant once, what's wrong with you?" If you want to take care of Yinman, you have to spare time for maternity leave, so... let's have a one-year truce."

"There must be no accidents this time. By the way, Ling Huohuo must find a way to hold him back. Ling Huohuo doesn't know my identity. If I come out to make trouble and disturb this meeting, it will be uncomfortable... ..."

Ling Tian sat up and began to contact Esfelt.

This is the first marriage, so Ling Tian has to treat it with caution.

Who dares to stop Laozi from getting married, Laozi will cut him off!

Li Yinman was writing and drawing at the desk, as if thinking about something.

"Hmm... I didn't expect that the Demon King would also meet, and temporarily gained the initiative. However, whether we can gain the real initiative in the meeting depends on the performance of the players later, but the Demon King has a strong army, so we must find a way... ..."

"By the way, Ling Huohuo is also in the Sun Elf King's City, and he is developing well. We must send someone to contact Ling Huohuo and borrow strength from Ling Huohuo. If necessary, he can even reveal his identity!"

"For the sake of the wedding and life after marriage, there must be a truce of half a year to a year, at least not less than three months, even if it is a concession to the Demon King's army!"

Li Yinman hugged her face, showing a rare shyness like a little girl.

"Get married, what is it like to be married? At that time, should I that kind of thing with Ling Tian? What does it feel like...Ah~"

Li Yinman hid back under the blanket, then rustled out the two books under the bed, and began to study.

 If the 951 didn't come out, it might be a system card, just refresh it and it will be there...

(End of this chapter)

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