Chapter 921 Praise My Day (One More)
Ling Huohuo returns to the game.

It was the morning of a new day.

Ling Huohuo walked out of her residence.

Ling Huohuo's residence is very simple, because Ling Huohuo has not taken any tasks with this face, so his income is limited, and in order not to be suspected, Ling Huohuo only uses what this face can get. Because Ling Huohuo didn't have any support on the surface, Ling Huohuo didn't have spare money to enjoy life, and even the equipment on his body was still the original professional suit.

The reason why Ling Huohuo didn't collect too much money was also to prepare for the "one-hearted learning" that he had erected.

The result of Ling Huohuo's doing this is that Ling Huohuo's temperament has become more gentle now, and he looks like a scholar.

What's more, Ling Huohuo also discovered that reading with patience could temper his state of mind.

Well, in fact, no matter who it is, after reading more than [-] good books, their mood will definitely improve a lot.

Ling Huohuo walked towards the Temple of the Sun with what looked like a book.

Books are professional weapons issued by Ling Huohuo when she was promoted to an elder.

The Temple of the Sun is near the royal family, and not far from Ling Huohuo's residence.

After all, Ling Huohuo is an elder. Although he has no money to build a house, he still has a piece of land given to him by the sun elves.

The Temple of the Sun looks extremely magnificent, compared with Ling Huohuo's residence... well, these two are incomparable, not a thing of the same dimension.

When Ling Huohuo came to the Temple of the Sun, the guards of the temple saluted Ling Huohuo respectfully, and Ling Huohuo also smiled back.

Walking into the Temple of the Sun, a huge statue of the sun hangs on the top of the temple, and there are two statues placed on the sacrificial place, one whose face cannot be seen clearly, it is said to be the statue of the sun god, and the other is a statue with a bow and arrow on his back. A statue of a male Sun Elf, the first Sun Angel and ancestor of today's Elven royal family.

There are also nine statues on both sides of the main hall, which are the nine Sun God Envoys and the current ones.

And six of them are the ancestors of today's Sun Elf royal family.

The remaining three have an illegitimate child of the royal family, and two are royal blood after in-laws of the royal family.

Ling Huohuo knew that these were all from the books. Although some details were vaguely described, combined with other books, he could make almost the same inferences.

It can be said that the royal family of the sun elves firmly holds the position of the sun god envoy.

Such a result was not caused by the royal family's secret operations. The birth of the envoys was strictly censored, and no one dared to play tricks.

The external explanation is that the royal blood of the sun elves is deeply loved by the sun god.

However, according to Ling Huohuo's guess, the birth of the envoy is probably not because of the love of the sun god, but because of some kind of PY transaction!

Literally, it is a "day" deal!

The blood of the Sun God probably flows through the royal family of the Sun Elf!
In other words, the Sun Elf royal family is the descendant of the Sun God!
Maybe, the sun god is a sun elf who has become a god.

However, these are not clearly recorded in the book, they are all inferred by Ling Huohuo.


"Praise my day!" Ling Huohuo performed a standard etiquette to the statue of the sun god.

"My day!"

"My day!"


Some scholars in the temple saluted Ling Huohuo in a dignified manner, repeating Ling Huohuo's last two words, but soon they felt that there was something wrong with this word!
Ling Huohuo got up and looked at these praying scholars, as if seeing himself half a year ago.

"Elder Burning Tea, I have said many times, don't say hello to the Sun God like this, it will lead to bad latecomers." An old elf with a cane came to Ling Huohuo. God robe.

Burning tea is the name of Ling Huo Huo trumpet.

"Elder Saudi, is there something wrong? Is there a problem with my terminology?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Saudi is a Pure Blood Sun Elf, a so-called NPC, and also an Elder Elder, but unlike Ling Huohuo, Saudi holds a high position and is also the high priest of the Sun Temple.

Faced with Ling Huohuo's question, Saudi held back for a moment, and then said.

"There is no problem, but the scholars will greet the elders. Your last two words from the mouths of the scholars are always...somewhat inappropriate. I think you should say 'praise the sun'."

"But it doesn't feel close enough."

"Then 'praise my sun'!"

"However, it's not easy to read. How can I be easy to read, and I feel that it is troublesome to say so much, even if it is inconvenient for scholars to follow and greet." Ling Huohuo said.

"But... you say that, I will definitely come to talk to you, wouldn't it be more troublesome?"

"Aren't you in trouble if you don't come?"


"The sun is two words, without the refinement of a day, you will never understand the greatness of the sun!" Ling Huohuo shook his head and said.

"Day..." Saudi suddenly stopped speaking.

Why does this sound a bit wrong?
"I hope that one day, the greatness of the sun will be discovered by more people and spread to all parts of the world. I have a dream. I hope that when the sun rises, the noble sun elves can sit with the ignorant pig-headed man , prayed to the rising sun together, and finally greeted each other-'Day, your family'."


Hearing that Ling Huohuo wanted to spread the glory of the sun god to the mainland, Saudi was a little happy, but for some reason, hearing Ling Huohuo's words, he couldn't be happier.

That's what it means, but why doesn't it taste good when it comes out of Ling Huohuo's mouth?

In the end, Saudi left angrily, while Ling Huohuo prayed in the Sun Temple for a while in a good mood, and then left the temple.

For the past six months, Ling Huohuo has come to the Temple of the Sun to pray every day. He is even more punctual than going to work. kick the ball.

After praying, Ling Huohuo went to the royal library of the Sun Elf royal family to study every day.

Being able to enter the royal library is a right brought by Ling Huohuo's status as an elder.

There are more books in the royal library than in the public library, and there are many more books that are rarely seen outside.

The most important thing is that here, you can occasionally meet the royal family of the Sun Elf clan.

Of course, meet other players who are eligible to enter the royal library.

And because there are not many figures in the royal library, when entering the royal library, it is easier to notice each other, and even overlap...

"Master Burning Tea, be my boyfriend." A beautiful female sun elf player held her face and said to Ling Huohuo with a smile on the opposite side of Ling Huohuo's table.

"Don't do it, get out!" Ling Huohuo refused the other party without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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