The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 923 This elder is a bit strong

Chapter 923 This Elder Is A Little Strong (One More)
Under one blow, the casualties are huge!

"Hiss~~ so terrifying!" Ling Huohuo gasped.

Aihong is accompanied by casualties.

The Sun Elf King City immediately became busy.

"Why isn't the guard system of Wangcheng activated?!"

"How did this monster appear in the royal city? Why didn't there be any alarms? Are all the guards in the royal city dead?"


"Come and save people!!!"


Although Ling Huohuo didn't know the situation in Wangcheng at this time, but at this time the huge monster had been dragged by the city guards, Ling Huohuo knew what he should do at this time, at least it should be something that fits his status.

Rescuers have arrived, and Ling Huohuo has also stepped forward.

"It's the elders!"

"The elder is here!"

"My lord, please save us!"


Ling Huohuo nodded, and then he used a large-scale recovery technique, which directly covered the entire disaster area.

"As expected of an elder!"

someone exclaimed.

"The healing level of this healing technique is limited, we must hurry up to save people!" Ling Huohuo said, and then took the lead in treating the wounded on the ground.

Most of the wounded on the ground were residents of the Lost Lands. Those players either ran away or died without corpses.

When Ling Huohuo was saving people, the captain of an ambulance team came to Ling Huohuo's side.

"My lord, you have worked hard." The captain of the ambulance team said.

"It should." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"My lord, with your help, the wounded are all out of danger, thank you very much."

"That's good."

"But... my lord, the situation at the city guard's side doesn't seem to be very good."

Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

However, before Ling Huohuo could speak, the captain of the ambulance team continued to speak.

"Master Elder, we are here, and the city guards are on your side!"


Ling Huohuo stared at the captain of the ambulance team for a while, finally nodded, and then walked towards the battlefield.

There is nothing wrong with the words of the captain of the ambulance team, but it is very wrong!

The purpose of the captain of the ambulance team is to let Ling Huohuo join the battle!
Don't forget, Ling Huohuo is an elder, and the captain of the ambulance team is just a small captain. He would never have the guts or idea to let Ling Huohuo join the battle, and speaking like that as a captain is already regarded as a slap in the face. Collision Ling Huo Huo.

However, under the watchful eyes of other people, and at this time because of the pain that made all the sun elves united, Ling Huohuo had no way to refuse.

Once he refuses, it will be a huge blow to Ling Huohuo's reputation and put Ling Huohuo in a very disadvantageous situation!

Therefore, this captain must be instructed by someone, but... what is his purpose?


"If you want to plot against me, let you dance for two days first."

If there is a system notification, it should be like this - ding!Ling Huohuo's favorability with the Japanese elves dropped by ten points.

If the Japanese elves play too much in the future, then Ling Huohuo may fundamentally solve the Japanese elves.

Ling Huohuo took out his book-like equipment and rushed to the battlefield.

"Everyone hold on, let this elder continue your life!"

Ling Huohuo mobilized his strength.

At this time, the battlefield was extremely chaotic.

Huge monsters of hundreds of meters are raging on the ground, but the city guards of the sun elves can only surround the huge monsters like ants. Fortunately, although the city guards are small in size, their strength is real. Each attack can cause damage to the giant monster.

Especially the concentrated fire attack of the city guards caused more damage.

However, the huge size of the monster cannot be defeated by ordinary means, and it is very likely that the city guards will be exhausted first.






More than a dozen audience blessings were used by Ling Huohuo, but he didn't seem to be panting at all.

And the city guard army, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, their strength skyrocketed, and the monsters were beaten back steadily.

With the arrival of Ling Huohuo, the situation changed suddenly, causing the city guards and the onlookers to exclaim again and again!
"Long live the elders!"

"The elders are invincible!"

"The elders are superb!"


Ling Huohuo didn't get too distracted, took a breath, and then threw out more than a dozen blessings, amazed the others again.

Then Ling Huohuo quickly carried out the third wave of blessing.

At this time, some people discovered that Ling Huohuo didn't seem to be struggling at all, and... Ling Huohuo had so many auxiliary skills!

You know, Ling Huohuo has read more than [-] books, and the skills he has learned are beyond the reach of ordinary people!
What's more, Ling Huohuo's trumpet is wearing the ring of Qingquan!

When Ling Huohuo opened the books and props in his hands again, the expressions of some people changed—how long is the blue bar of this elder?
Are you not out of breath when using skills?
This elder... is a bit strong!
This time, Ling Huohuo did not continue to use the blessing of the audience.

Although the range of skills buffed by the audience is sufficient, it consumes more mana, and the range of buffs is rarely too large. The most important thing is that there are not many types of buffed skills in the audience.

Moreover, Jia Jia couldn't easily defeat that monster.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo chose single-body blessing this time.

The effect of single-body blessing is more, and the strength is very high, and it is easy to bless a not weak combat power.

In the face of huge monsters, strong individual combat power can often cause the greatest effect.

After all, the target of the legion is too big, and it is easy to become a target while attacking.

If it weren't for Ling Huohuo's three waves of blessings just now, these city guards would have died long ago, and there was nothing left.

Ling Huohuo started her own strengthening show.

This time, Ling Huohuo chose a large number of individual strengthening skills, and the chosen targets were all city guards who were at the same level as the captain.

With the emergence of powerful individuals carrying high-level buffs, the city guards completely suppressed the monsters.

And other people outside the arena also had a clearer understanding of the role of an elder in the battle of the legion.

In this regard, many people have their own little ideas, especially the player forces, and more people began to quietly inquire about Ling Huohuo's information.

Although the situation was very good, Ling Huohuo frowned.

It is very difficult to rely on the strengthened city guards to defeat this huge monster, because the enhancement has a limit after all, and the power of the city guards is scattered, even if it is concentrated fire, the burst of power is limited.

Just like now, although the city guards had suppressed the monster, they did not cause any attack that could determine the outcome.

What puzzled Ling Huohuo was, why hasn't the strong man of the Sun Elf clan appeared until now?

At this moment, Ling Huohuo's expression changed a bit when a ghost from the void sent news to Ling Huohuo.

Just now there was news from the Void Hundred Ghosts—the Sun Elf finance minister led people to rebel, and the Sun Elf royal family and powerful people were all trapped by the sister's enchantment!

(End of this chapter)

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