The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 924 Failed to steal a chicken

Chapter 924 Stealing Chickens Failed (Part [-])
At this time, the chancellor of the exchequer led a rebellion?

Are you kidding me?

Ling Huohuo has already imagined a [-]-word plot of a traitor seizing power.

Wait, now there is no support, what about the monster in the distance?
Ling Huohuo took a deep breath, it seems that he still has to rely on himself at this time.

But... Ling Huohuo has nothing to do!

and many more!

Maybe... I can call for off-site support!
Ling Huohuo pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Since the Minister of Finance is doing trouble, he can do it himself!
Ling Huohuo continued to release his skills, and while releasing his skills, a piece of information was thrown into the void by Ling Huohuo, without anyone discovering it.

Then Ling Huohuo continued to pretend that he didn't know anything, and continued to buff the city guards.

Only after 3 minutes, the corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up.


Ling Huohuo thought to himself.

In the sky, there appeared an elusive purple trace...

A huge purple eye slowly opened in the sky.

"Look overhead! What's that?"

"What? That's..."

"My God, who the hell has such big eyes!"

"What happened to Wangcheng today?"

Following the appearance of the giant eyes, everyone was in a commotion for a moment, and then there was no movement, all quietly staring at the giant eyes in the sky.

Even the fighting city guards and huge monsters looked up at the sky.

At the same time, the Sun Elf royal family and the rebellious Minister of Finance in the royal city also noticed the situation in the sky, and temporarily put down what they were doing.

"In the end what happened???"

If the [-]-meter-high monster is a huge monster to the sun elves, then this eye is also a huge monster to that [-]-meter-high monster!

At this time, a ray of purple light fell from the giant eye and sank into the monster's body.


The monster let out a painful roar, and in everyone's eyes, the monster's body curled up together, purple light shrouded the monster's body, and a layer of scales appeared on the monster's body surface.

The monster has mutated!
The monster's eyes turned red, and its body swelled to double its size like a balloon.

But at this time, the giant eye in the sky disappeared without knowing when.

"No, hurry up!"

The city guards sensed something was wrong with the monster, and retreated quickly, trying to defend the city.

But the speed of the monster is faster than others.

The monster opened its mouth wide, red-purple power condensed in its mouth, and then shot out suddenly!
The energy crossed the city wall and pointed directly at the Sun Tree in the royal city!
Without the guard system of the royal city, this terrifying energy flew in a straight line without any hindrance.

If there is no blocking, the Sun Tree will definitely be attacked. As for whether the Sun Tree can withstand this blow, no one knows.

Because no one has ever tried the Sun Tree's ability to resist blows.

But at this time, two long howls were heard in the palace of the royal family, and two ninth-rank powerhouses of the Sun Elf clan rushed out of the palace, even if it collapsed the palace, they didn't care, and the two were the first Time stands in the way of energy.

But... the two of them only temporarily blocked the attack with their hands.

At this time, another figure appeared from the palace, it was the envoy of the Sun Temple this time!
The power of the envoy surged, as if it had turned into a small sun, rushed towards the attack, and then carried the attack straight into the sky.

At the same time, several ninth-level figures rushed out of the palace, rushed towards the mutated monster, and surrounded the monster.

"Unfortunately, it's over."

Ling Huohuo murmured.

It is difficult for creatures invaded by void power to survive, and being able to shoot that blow is already the limit of what a monster can do.

However, this attack also explored a lot of interesting things.

But Ling Huohuo still had a serious look on his face, and he also buffed several ninth-level powerhouses in time, so that several ninth-level powerhouses noticed Ling Huohuo.

However, at this time, the monster's body began to twist, and finally condensed towards the middle.

Ling Huohuo was a little surprised. He didn't expect Hazmerke to keep such a trick in the end, but these strong men are about to suffer.

The owner of that huge eye just now is the Fury of the Void, Hazmerk!

Ling Huohuo took advantage of this time to continue applying buffs to several ninth-level powerhouses without interruption.

Now that I have my own mind, whether I can survive or not depends on these ninth-level powerhouses themselves.

The ninth-rank powerhouses also realized that something was wrong, and wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

The monster shrank quickly, turning into a ball of energy the size of a fist in the blink of an eye, and then...exploded suddenly!


When the wind and waves hit, Ling Huohuo was immediately blown away.

Few people can stand in the face of huge wind and waves.

And the ninth-level powerhouses who were close to the explosion point had been swallowed up by the explosion, and their life and death were unknown.

When Ling Huohuo flew out, a hand suddenly grabbed Ling Huohuo and pulled Ling Huohuo under the city wall.

Ling Huohuo looked up and saw that it was a kite.

"Don't show your head, if you don't want to die, get down quickly." Zhiyuan said quickly.

Ling Huohuo also got down in time.

A stone flew past Ling Huohuo's scalp.

The explosion brought not only wind and waves, but also sand and stones.

Even ordinary sand and stones are quite powerful in such wind and waves.

At this time, the defense system of the royal city appeared late, and a shield appeared over the royal city, blocking the wind, waves and sand.

Only then did Ling Huohuo and Zhiyuan get up from behind the city wall.

"Thank you." Ling Huohuo thanked Zhi Yuan.

"It's okay, it's easy to do with a little effort." Zhiyuan said, but looking at the wind, waves and sand outside the shield, there was still some palpitation in her eyes.

Ling Huohuo also looked outside the shield.

"The Sun Elf will suffer a heavy loss this time." Ling Huohuo sighed.

"Don't worry, I just saw that the city guards and most of the sun elves have withdrawn in time, and those strong people will not die easily. If there are heavy losses, it may only be those curious players." Zhi Yuan Said.

Ling Huohuo smiled without explaining.

The loss Ling Huohuo mentioned was not a simple loss of personnel.

Not only outside the royal city, but even inside the royal city is not peaceful.

The wind and waves lasted for more than two minutes before slowly subsiding.

Ling Huohuo looked in the direction of the explosion like everyone else.

The powerhouses who stayed outside flew up tremblingly. It seemed that they were not in a good condition, but fortunately, there was no attrition of staff, and the location of the explosion left a terrifying deep pit.

"The traces dissipated very cleanly." Ling Huohuo looked at the deep pit and thought.

There is no void power remaining in the deep pit.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Huohuo looked at the strong men in the air.

"Being radiated by the power of the void, these people will be useless in a short time."

Then, Ling Huohuo turned around and looked at the Sun Tree still standing in Wangcheng, his eyes flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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