Chapter 925 Do me a favor (one more)
The chaos in the Sun Elf King City has passed.

The Sun Elves started the aftermath work after the war.

There were huge casualties in the city, the finance minister even rebelled, and several ninth-rank powerhouses were seriously injured. This riot caused a considerable loss to the Japanese elves.

Fortunately, the players' death day elves don't care.

In this chaos, Ling Huohuo, who played a huge role, was also received by the Sun Elf royal family.

Although Ling Huohuo had met the Sun Elf royal family before, it was only a brief meeting, not a formal meeting like now.

And it's still so formal in the main hall of the palace hall of the Sun Elf royal family.

No, it should be said that he was received as a hero. The Sun Elf King took the queen, princes and ministers to personally receive Ling Huohuo.

Of course, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was not there, because of the rebellion, the Chancellor of the Exchequer had already rushed to the street at this time.

The palace hall of the Sun Elf royal family also looks dilapidated. Although it has been cleaned up, traces of damage can still be seen, especially the huge hole on the top of the hall. These are the ones that went out to stop the monsters from attacking the sun tree. The strong ones knocked out.

After all, it would be too late to go through the door at that time.

For some unknown reason, Zhi Yuan followed Ling Huohuo. Others thought that Zhi Yuan was Ling Huohuo's companion, so they didn't stop her, and Ling Huohuo didn't say much.

After all, it was just a tail following behind him.

In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, Ling Huohuo received a lot of good rewards for leading the city guards to delay the huge monsters and protect the city. It turned out that Zhiyuan was a little jealous after hearing the generous reward he had received.

Heh, ordinary players.

There was no excitement on Ling Huohuo's face. After all, although these resources are good for this trumpet, they are useless for Ling Huohuo.

After all, there are two artifacts, Ling Huohuo, and the ring of clear spring has completed all tasks, so Ling Huohuo can fully use the power of the ring of clear spring.

However, although the Ring of Clear Spring is an artifact, it can only be used as a character in the game.

Ling Huohuo has inquired with the world consciousness, and the artifacts in the game have their original forms in reality, and they are more powerful.

Although Ling Huohuo can also try to find some real bodies of the two rings in the game, it is actually not very useful to Ling Huohuo.

Because Ling Huohuo belongs to the void family!
The equipment in reality cannot withstand the erosion of the power of the Void Clan, even if it is magical, only a few can withstand it.

Therefore, the Void Clan has less equipment.

But the Void Clan doesn't use equipment to eat.

Fortunately, the characters in the game don't have this worry, otherwise, Ling Huohuo's game would be difficult to play.

On the other hand, the artifact is not necessary for other people around Ling Huohuo.

Let’s not talk about whether other people can use artifacts. Just the relics left by the two ancient Greek gods that Zhou Zi and Molong have explored have already harvested a lot, and there is no shortage of artifacts, which are enough to Ling Huohuo. It's not a short time for people.

Although Xiao Yunyun only brought back one door, he could enter different relics with different keys.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun had two keys, and Guo Xiaoyu had one.

Now Zhou Zi is attacking the third ruin with the magic dragon.

With Zhou Zi around, the raiding of the ruins went smoothly.

Don't forget, Zhou Zi's real body is the father god of ancient Greece, although now the father god has become a goddess.


Among the rewards of the Sun Elf royal family, the only reward that Ling Huohuo was somewhat concerned about was "the ability to bring no more than three people into and out of the palace hall freely", which was also a reward that surprised Ling Huohuo.

It stands to reason that the Sun Elf royal family would not give such a reward that is equivalent to opening their own palace.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo felt that there must be some purpose of the Sun Elf royal family behind this reward.

Soliciting favors?Or... bait?
Ling Huohuo believes that if the news that he has this authority is known by interested people, then he will definitely not continue to live a stable life.

According to the news brought by the ghosts of the void, many people have special purposes for the palace of the sun elves and the royal family living in the palace.

"Day." Ling Huohuo sighed.

"What?" The Sun Elf King sitting on the palace hall looked at Ling Huohuo suspiciously.

Zhi Yuan also looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise, she didn't expect Ling Huohuo to speak like this at this time.

"I'm praising the sun." Ling Huo said without blushing and heartbeat.

"Are you really praising the sun?" Sun Elf King said with a strange expression. He always felt that what Ling Huohuo said just now was not a good thing. Some of the buzzwords in the real world are understood.

Ling Huohuo nodded with his usual expression.

"That's right, I'm just praising the sun. I've always been like this. I once discussed this with the Saudi elders. This is my praising aesthetics." Ling Huohuo said.

The Sun Elf King looked at the elder Saudi, and the elder Saudi nodded.

"It turns out to be like this." Although the Sun Elf King always felt that something was wrong, he didn't think much about it. According to the information, this elder who burns tea is a relatively lonely and weird person. He has nothing to do except reading every day. cunning man.

The Sun Elf King stood up, and the others also hurriedly got up.

"Elder Burning Tea, our royal family will always remember what happened today." Sun Elf King said to Ling Huohuo with a smile.

Ling Huohuo didn't choose to be rude, but respectfully returned the salute.

The Elf King of Japan is official, if Ling Huohuo makes a fuss, it will be a complete death, which is very detrimental to future actions.

After accepting the gratitude from the Sun Elf King, without saying anything, Ling Huohuo left the palace with the kite.

"That's all right, you are well-known among the Sun Elf royal family, and with your status as an elder, you can easily climb to a very high position." Zhi Yuan didn't know if it was intentional or not.

Ling Huohuo didn't smile, but remained expressionless.

Zhiyuan gave Ling Huohuo a surprised look.

"Why do you look a little unhappy?"

Ling Huohuo stopped suddenly, and then looked at Zhiyuan.

"Zhiyuan, you are a casual player, so how did you get the game resources?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Of course I'm doing missions. I also occasionally do requests from other players to collect commissions." Zhi Yuan said subconsciously, then frowned.

"What do you ask for this?"

"Now there is one thing I can't do by myself. I want your help. Do you accept the task? The commission is... um." Ling Huohuo paused for a moment, and then said, "All my net worth, including the income from this time."

The pupils of Zhiyuan's eyes shrank, and then quickly returned to normal, revealing a smile full of interest.

"It's really unexpected that you want to ask me for help, and you are prepared to pay such a high price. I may not necessarily help you~ But I would like to hear what you want me to help you with?"

Seeing Zhiyuan's playful smile, Ling Huohuo also smiled.

"Help me kill the Sun Elf King!"


Zhiyuan couldn't laugh anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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