Chapter 926 The Arriving Elves (Part [-])
Why kill the Sun Elf King?

To be honest, Ling Huohuo didn't know either.

But his mysterious and mysterious feeling told him that it was right to tell the kite in front of him to kill the Sun Elf King, and Ling Huohuo always believed in his own feelings.

As for whether to really kill the Sun Elf King in the end, it depends on the situation.

If the Sun Elf King lay down his gun, then Ling Huohuo could only smile and say nothing.


Zhiyuan froze for a moment, then looked around vigilantly, then pulled Ling Huohuo to a corner, and looked at Ling Huohuo with a serious face.

"This joke is not funny at all." Zhiyuan said.

"This is not a joke. I'm serious. Look at my sincere eyes." Ling Huohuo said seriously.

What does this have to do with sincere eyes?
Zhiyuan was silent for two seconds, then looked at Ling Huohuo, and asked, "Why did you kill the Sun Elf King?"

"Is there a reason to kill someone?" Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

Zhiyuan was silent, looking at Ling Huohuo as if it was the first time she knew Ling Huohuo.

What do you need a reason for?Do you know that your idea is very dangerous!asshole!

Zhiyuan quickly analyzed it in her heart and asked the system at the same time.

"System, what do you think?"

"Burning tea either has a special purpose, or is a lunatic!"

Zhiyuan thinks so too.

Just now, I was talking to the Sun Elf King. He gave you so many good things. When you go out, it’s like asking someone to cut him down. This person must have a mental problem!
However, if it is the Sun Elf King, this has nothing to do with his own purpose...

Maybe give it a try!
Ling Huohuo watched Zhi Yuan's reaction.

But nothing was seen.

Ling Huohuo does not yet have the ability to read minds, but according to Zhiyuan's reaction, Ling Huohuo can still feel that Zhiyuan must have some purpose, and it has something to do with his suggestion to kill the Japanese Elf King.

Zhiyuan thought of her purpose, then gritted her teeth.

"Sorry, I don't want to be hunted down by the sun elves yet."

Ling Huohuo was not surprised by Zhiyuan's answer.

Anyway, either agree or refuse, what's so unexpected?

Ling Huohuo nodded.


Seeing Ling Huohuo's indifferent attitude, Zhi Yuan was puzzled instead.

what's the situation?
so cold?

You were the one who said to kill someone, aren't you disappointed that I rejected it?

Zhiyuan suddenly felt that she couldn't figure out what Ling Huohuo was thinking.

If the person in front of him didn't read his brain to death, then he must be a terrible person!
Ling Huohuo just turned around and left without hesitation, leaving the bewildered Zhiyuan where she was.

But Zhiyuan didn't continue to follow Ling Huohuo, and just watched Ling Huohuo leave.

"Rancha..." Zhiyuan murmured.

"Maybe there will be some surprises." Zhi Yuan narrowed her eyes.

Kill the Sun Elf King?
If it is really successful, it seems to be of great help to my purpose.

However, you have to think long-term, especially not to involve yourself.


The chaos in the Sun Elf King's City caused quite a stir in the player circle. After all, this kind of monster attacking the city is rare in high-level cities.

Not to mention the rebellion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

There are many talented people among the netizens, who connected the two things and made a lot of guesses, which gave Ling Huohuo a lot of ideas about the matter of the Sun Elf King City.

At the same time, there is also Ling Huohuo, it should be said that it is Ling Huohuo's consumption - the elder who burns tea.

The picture of throwing support for no money shocked many players, wondering if they were playing the same game as Ling Huohuo.

Moreover, soon, Ling Huohuo's gaming career was dug out.

It was only then that the players realized that the elder who relied on reading to get to the top and had full skill points turned out to be so fierce!

This is completely the father of the auxiliary world!

If you have such an elder to assist you when you are in a group, the picture will be so beautiful!
But many people know that Ling Huohuo's situation is difficult to replicate, at least in a short period of time.

Reading [-] books is not something ordinary people can do, and even if it is reading, the time spent will not be too short, not to mention that after becoming an elder, you can still stay in the library management and study with peace of mind.

Although there are a few players who have become elders, they are definitely not as powerful as Ling Huohuo!

Although it is difficult to copy Ling Huohuo, isn't there one in front of you?

It was shown in the information that Ling Huohuo's circle was very small, and he had no affiliated forces at all!
Many players had Ling Huohuo's crooked thoughts.

Those forces that had long been eyeing Ling Huohuo also became nervous.

Although the previous purpose of these forces was not to bring Ling Huohuo into obscurity, it is not too late to add the purpose to bring Ling Huohuo to power!
It's a pity that no one knows the identity of Ling Huohuo's trumpet in real life, otherwise someone will come to the door directly.

And after a day passed, when Ling Huohuo went online again, he found that his mailbox was about to explode.

After clicking on it, they were all letters to woo, and the conditions offered were dazzling.

What is the position of vice president, there is a young lady who warms the bed, the annual salary is one million, etc...

Ling Huohuo also found the solicitation letter of the future club inside.

Opening it curiously, I found that the remuneration inside is really good. The annual salary is [-] million yuan, and the other remuneration is also very good.

Ling Huohuo nodded in satisfaction, then stuffed the letter into the recycle bin, and clicked to empty the recycle bin.

Ling Huohuo didn't continue to read the solicitation letter, but tidied up her clothes and went out again.

Although he knew that there would be more people staring at him, it was impossible for Ling Huohuo to disrupt his daily life because of those flies.

What's more, Ling Huohuo still has something to do today.


Today's Sun Elf King's City looks a little different. The city guards have stepped up their patrols, while the gate of the King's City is wide open. There are officials waiting at the door, as if preparing to welcome someone.

Soon, several groups of people appeared in the distance.

Some players have sharp eyes and can see who is coming.

"It's the star elves!"

"Over there, the moon elves are also here."

"The flame elves are also here."

"There are also wind elves."

"Wait, what kind of elf is that green elf over there?"

"Let me see, huh? I don't think I've seen an elf dressed like this before."

"I remembered, this is the elf of the forest!" Someone exclaimed.

"The elf of the forest? What kind of elf is that?"

"The elves of the forest are very rare on the mainland. It is said that they belong to the forest elves, but there are many forest elves in one place."


"Primitive wasteland, future city!"


Obviously, many people know about the primitive wasteland and the future city, but not everyone has been there.

"Why did the elves of the forest appear here?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"That's right, and why did other elves come to the royal city of the elves?"


People on the city wall and at the city gate were talking about it.

And Ling Huohuo stood at the gate of the city and watched the team of forest elves coming, showing a mysterious smile.

(End of this chapter)

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