Chapter 927 Arrangement (one more)
As the royal family of the elves, the royal city of the elves has been hit, and there have been rebellions and rebellions. The other elves will naturally send people to express their condolences and provide some help to the royal family of the elves.

Although the elves have split into many branches, they are united in the same spirit. Although there are some frictions, they are still very united.

Even the elves of the forest who took refuge in Ling Huohuo couldn't get rid of the label of the elves, so they naturally sent people over.

No matter how you look at it, this turmoil is not simple, especially the giant eye at the end, which directly raised the severity of this incident by more than one level.

The other elves sent people over, and they also had the purpose of jointly investigating and discussing the truth of this incident.

The elves are very strong, especially the sun elves, one of the royal families, are stronger.

But this incident did not have a chance for the sun elves to react, and in the end they were seriously injured and completely put on the line.

Although the elves claim to be peace-loving, the elves are not easy to mess with.

Although he hasn't said anything to the outside world now, he is definitely angry inside.

Now that other elves have come to the king city of the sun elves, things will definitely not be so simple.

However, Ling Huohuo estimated that for this time, the elves may also need to consider the thoughts of the devil and the brave.

After all, the Demon King and the Brave have become two big mountains that weigh on the players and local forces.

The other elves sent at least one elder. After all, it was about the Sun elves, one of the royal families of the elves, and it happened near the royal city of the Sun elves.

However, the elves of the forest only sent a small team.

Although it doesn't seem to respect the Sun Elf royal family very much, it also shows an attitude - our forest elves have nothing to do with your elves.

When the elves of the forest turned to Ling Huohuo's forces, they had already shown that they had departed from the elves.

All other elves are respected by the three royal families.

In fact, just like what was said before, the forest elves were arranged to enter the primitive wild forest and stay away from the outside world. Although it was said to be for the mainland, there was a knot in the forest elves' heart.

This is an exile in disguise!
That's why, as soon as Ling Huohuo was drawn over, he agreed to join Ling Huohuo's forces.

Now the elves of the forest are equivalent to betrayal to the elves, but none of the elves have publicly stated that the elves of the forest have betrayed the elves, even the elves of the forest have not publicly expressed it, but other elves have already The spirit of the forest has become unwelcoming.

At this time, the elves of the forest are in such an awkward position.

In fact, the reason why the elves did not say that the elves of the forest are traitors is relatively easy to understand. After all, although the elves of the forest have been in the primitive wild forest, the elves of the forest are still a big clan in the elves before and now, so they just give up , It really made the elves feel very hurt.

What's more, there are scattered forest elves in the outside world, which are part of the power of the elves. If they openly abandon the forest elves, it will be very hurt to the elves themselves.

As for why the elves of the forest did not publicly express their separation from the elves, it is because of this, which can bring greater benefits from the elves!

Especially from the three royal families.

The royal family always has more things to consider. In order to maintain the stability of the elves and win over the elves of the forest, the three royal families must pay a certain price.

This is the whole reason why the elves of the forest and the elves seem to be at odds with each other.

For this matter, the elves of the forest in the future city did not want to send people.

Leaving aside the embarrassing status at this time, the forest elves and the elves have been out of touch for a long time now, and it is difficult to have common topics with other elves.

It is almost equivalent to the gap between players who use smartphones to play King of Glory and players who use card machines to play stand-alone Bomberman.

The elves of the forest in the future city obviously belong to the latter.

It was also recently that the elves of the forest began to contact the outside world, but they didn't have much sense of belonging to the outside world.

The reason why the forest elves of the future city came here was really arranged by Ling Huohuo.

The reason why only one team was sent was not only to show that the forest elves did not want to have too much entanglement with other elves, but also had a purpose - to paddle!
Don't underestimate these two words. Although paddling can't do anything, it can't deny its existence!
Once something happens in the Sun Elf King City, Ling Huohuo can take the opportunity to use this team as an excuse to ask Future City to send reinforcements.

Ling Huohuo felt that it was a bit laborious for him to do things alone, but if he brought someone over to help, things would be very promising.

Moreover, if the source of the wood is successfully obtained this time, then with the help of the source of the wood, the elves of the forest may be able to go one step further, continue to evolve, and become the new royal family of the elves!

At that time, the elves of the forest are fully capable of standing on their own.

Ling Huohuo felt that this matter was very promising.

However, it is impossible for the team sent by the forest elves to simply paddle.

On the bright side, the spirits of the forest can serve as Ling Huohuo's eyes and ears in the dark, providing Ling Huohuo with some rare information.

Watching the forest elves enter the Sun Elf King City, although most of the other elves were very indifferent, but nothing happened, Ling Huohuo nodded, then turned and left.

The real eye is already in place, and it is only a matter of someone starting a group.

However, Ling Huohuo's arrangement is not only this one step, the elves of the forest can only be regarded as a hidden idle move.


Ling Huohuo still maintained his own rhythm, but in fact Ling Huohuo brought the rhythm of other forces.

Now there are many people and forces who are eyeing Ling Huohuo, and if they want to win over Ling Huohuo, they must follow Ling Huohuo's rhythm, otherwise, it is very likely that Ling Huohuo will switch to the enemy. Wonderful.

Although Ling Huohuo was steady like an old dog, the others couldn't.

Because Ling Huohuo looks like he doesn't notice his own value at all, he still just goes out for a walk every day, and reads books in the library management at other times, doesn't reply to private messages, doesn't seem to read posts, other things People also don't know Ling Huohuo's true identity, making it impossible for others to start, and it is difficult to find an opportunity to contact.

Two days later, some forces finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to send people to test, but the testers were small pawns who didn't know how many lines away.

On this day, Ling Huohuo left his residence and came to the temple to pray.

Because of his great demeanor in the previous incidents, Ling Huohuo's status in the temple has also risen sharply. Ling Huohuo can feel that the respect of those Japanese elves and natives for him is from the heart, even if the elders of Saudi Arabia treat Ling Huo The attitude of the fire is also much better.

There are also more people following Ling Huohuo to praise the sun——

"My day!"

"My day!"

"My day!"


(End of this chapter)

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