Chapter 928 With Rhythm (Part [-])

When Ling Huohuo had just finished a day of early morning prayer and was about to leave the temple, a man with a gentle smile came to Ling Huohuo.

This is a player.

"Elder Burning Tea, I am Chi Shi Wushuang, the president of the Scarlet Guild. Can we chat? Of course, I won't waste your time too much."

"No." Ling Huohuo said.

Chi Hong Wushuang's expression froze.

"You're not a girl, what should I talk to you about?"

After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo bypassed Chi Se Wu Shuang on his own.

Scarlet Wushuang sighed, and then sent a message to someone, describing what happened just now, then he thought about it, and added another sentence at the end.

"It is recommended to change to a girl before making contact."


The corner of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up as he walked out of the temple.

Can't help it?
Looks like planning is about to start.

Ling Huohuo's fingers trembled twice, and figures in the void became busy.


Another day, this time, a good-looking girl stopped Ling Huohuo in front of the temple.

"Elder Burning Tea, I am Qingfeng Yuyang, the president of Fengyu Guild, can we chat? Of course, I won't waste your time too much."

The same rhetoric, but compared to Chi Shiwushuang, Qingfeng Yuyang blinked at Ling Huohuo after finishing speaking, referred to as "discharge".

Ling Huohuo really showed hesitation, and Qingfeng Yuyang's eyes flashed with joy.

But when Ling Huohuo was about to speak, he suddenly became panicked.


Ling Huohuo hurriedly pulled Qingfeng Yuyang aside, but a sword qi slashed at the position where Ling Huohuo and Qingfeng Yuyang were standing just now.

Qingfeng Yuyang's expression changed, someone was attacking in the royal city?Are you attacking yourself or burning tea?

However, Qingfeng Yuyang's eyes lit up, this is an opportunity to get closer to Ling Huohuo.

"Elder Burning Tea, please stand behind me, I will protect you!"

Qingfeng Yuyang showed a brave look, protecting Ling Huohuo behind him, and then... there was no more.

A long sword pierced Qingfeng Yuyang's body, seriously injuring Qingfeng Yuyang.

After many updates, now, in the city of "The Lost World", there is no setting of attack without injury.

Qingfeng Yuyang can see that the attacker is a player, but why is there such a big gap.

When the masked assassin saw that his attack was blocked by Qingfeng Yuyang, a trace of anger appeared on his face, but at this time the city guards had already arrived, so he had no choice but to evacuate.

However, the assassin escaped into the void strangely and disappeared, leaving the city guards in vain.

The city guards had no choice but to protect Ling Huohuo in the middle, in case there were assassins.

Ling Huohuo's current position in Wangcheng is not simple, and he must not let accidents happen easily!

Seeing that she stopped the assassin, Qingfeng Yuyang felt that her contact with Ling Huohuo should be stable, but suddenly, she found that her blood volume was dropping rapidly, and her body was getting worse and worse. weak!

"What's the situation? Not good, there is poison on the sword!"

Qingfeng Yuyang drank two bottles of medicine in a hurry, but it didn't help at all, and finally fell to the ground due to weakness.

Qingfeng Yuyang looked at Ling Huohuo hard while still having some blood, and Ling Huohuo seemed to have just walked out of the guards of the city guards, standing beside Qingfeng Yuyang, looking at it with some regret The breeze is blowing.

"Unfortunately, it's just that the chest is a little smaller."


Qingfeng Yuyang died, and many things exploded.

Ling Huohuo helped Qingfeng Yuyang pick up all the things, and then rarely expressed in the post bar that he hoped that Qingfeng Yuyang would go to him to pick up the dropped things, but he could only pick them up by himself.

The dead Qingfeng Yuyang was overjoyed when he saw Ling Huohuo's active contact. Although he died once, the mission should be completed.

Qingfeng Yuyang found that he could not be resurrected.

Qingfeng Yuyang's expression changed, and it was finally confirmed that she really couldn't be resurrected.

It is not uncommon to be unable to revive. If you are killed by some special skills and attacks or die in some special places, you will be unable to revive. In this state, you cannot send messages online by any means, which is the most serious death penalty. , which is a very common means of hitting some people in the game.

But as long as the cooling time is over, it can be revived again.

Qingfeng Yuyang glanced at the resurrection time - 30 days!

Qingfeng Yuyang estimated that when he was resurrected and went online again, it would be a mystery whether Rancha would recognize him.

As for contacting through other channels, sorry, Qingfeng Yuyang does not have other contact methods for Ling Huohuo.

Even Ling Huohuo's post has been set to be unable to comment, and Ling Huohuo's private message has long been set to reject all messages. After all, there are many people who privately believe in Ling Huohuo, so Ling Huohuo has blocked it for a long time. everyone.

Qingfeng Yuyang went offline angrily.

And Ling Huohuo happily put Qingfeng Yuyang's drop into his small treasury. Although Qingfeng Yuyang's drop was not very rich, it was picked up for nothing, which made Ling Huohuo feel very good .

That's right, Ling Huohuo didn't plan to return these things!
This assassination was actually arranged by Ling Huohuo!

The Void Hundred Ghosts pretended to be some mysterious NPCs, and issued missions to assassinate Ling Huohuo for some special players. The rewards were generous, which made many players tempted, and they also provided special venom and equipment.

As long as the venom is applied to the weapon, as long as it injures another player once, it can cause the opponent to lose blood for 30 seconds, and it is difficult to clear this state, and at the same time, the blood cannot be recovered.

Players killed by this venom will be punished by being unable to revive for 30 days.

The reason why this venom is so powerful is because the material of this venom includes the power of the void!
At the same time, this venom also has a special attribute, that is, if it is used too much, it will destroy the weapon.

The other piece of equipment is the jumping ring used to escape. It can sneak into the void and escape for a short time. It is just a one-time mission item. The reason why this item is provided is to prevent the players who came to assassinate Ling Huohuo from being arrested. In case these players are willing to come The players who assassinated Ling Huohuo were caught by the city guards, so Ling Huohuo's plan could not proceed.

As for the possibility of Ling Huohuo's successful assassination, Ling Huohuo said that his position is coquettish enough, and he has more than one skill to remove the effect of this venom.

The reason why Ling Huohuo arranged this way also has his own reasons.

Ling Huohuo prefers to be active rather than passive, and now Ling Huohuo is taking the rhythm!

With the arrival of waves of assassinations in the future, his assassination will definitely attract the attention of the Sun Elf royal family and other forces, and this attention will never be simply ignored.

Ling Huohuo is leading a rhythmic vortex with him as the center!
 It will be updated in two days

(End of this chapter)

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