The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 929 The emperor has passed away

Chapter 929 Your Majesty, Passed Away (Part [-])
For approaching Ling Huohuo, other forces have not given up.

After Qingfeng Yuyang, another girl came to approach Ling Huohuo. This girl... had big breasts.

Then an arrow suddenly hit the girl's big chest, taking away all the girl's blood.

And Ling Huohuo, who escaped an assassination, wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist, mourned for 30 seconds for the big-breasted girl, and then picked up the big-breasted girl's drop.

During this period of time, there were one or two assassinations of Ling Huohuo every day on average.

But Ling Huohuo is still alive and well.

The assassination incident also caused commotion in the Sun Elf King City and the player circle.

Although this is not the first time that an NPC has sent out a mission to assassinate other players, but this is the first time it has been made so much fanfare, and it has also affected other players.

Nowadays, many players near the Sun Elf King City have set their sights on Ling Huohuo, an elder who was previously invisible, and there are also many theory emperors and analysis emperors who have begun to analyze Ling Huohuo's assassination mission. The things he analyzed were clear and straight, if it wasn't for the fact that Ling Huohuo personally arranged this mission, he would have almost believed it.

However, these analyzes are not useless at all, and some of the conspiracy theories also made Ling Huohuo have some associations-association with the situation of the elves in Japan recently!

Today, the Elven King City is already troubled, and among all things, the devil and the brave are the top existence, their meeting is undoubtedly the most important thing, but it has not been announced yet, and only a few players know about it.

The lowest level is the players, who secretly confront each other according to the orders of the Demon King and the Hero.

As for the middle layer, it is the royal family of the sun elves. The royal family of the sun elves is sandwiched between the devil, the brave, and the players, and their actions will affect both of them.

As for the matter of the royal family of the elves, Ling Huohuo has not figured it out for the time being, and also wants to know very much.

Regarding the Sun Elf royal family, Ling Huohuo can feel that they definitely have a situation. Not only is the Sun Elf royal family's ambiguous attitude, but also the Sun Elf royal family is involved in many aspects, one of which is the origin of the wood, which is also Ling Huohuo's goal!
The analyzes of the emperor are helpful to Ling Huohuo's speculation about the royal family of the elves, and Ling Huohuo can take some precautions based on these gaps.

Ling Huohuo is the head of the Sun Elf clan, and his position in the Sun Elf clan is as light as light. Although he has no real power, his own identity cannot be ignored, and because of Ling Huohuo's displayed strength, he is in the player's hands. has also become a topic of the moment.

Because now Ling Huohuo occupies a certain position in both the player and the sun elves, Ling Huohuo intends to use himself as a bait to connect the two parties and form a vortex centered on him.

Facts have proved that Ling Huohuo's arrangement is indeed very effective.

Today, the city guards of the Elf King City also began to protect Ling Huohuo.

Moreover, the Sun Elf royal family also attaches great importance to the fact that someone blatantly assassinated the Sun Elf elder in the royal city.

This is an open provocation to the Japanese elves!
No matter what plans the Sun Elf royal family had themselves, they had to allocate some energy to deal with this matter.

Catch the assassin and track down the mastermind behind it.

Ling Huohuo also asked the ghosts of the void to release some clues at the right time, just hanging the sun elves like this, preventing the sun elves from getting away, and distracting the energy of the sun elves.

In the eventful autumn of the Sun Elf royal family, all kinds of ghosts and snake gods began to show their heads, which made the Sun Elf royal family have to get busy.

And this is what Ling Huohuo wants to see.

When the elves were so busy back then that they were in a hurry and lacked energy, they would definitely show their feet. At that time, damn it, bah, it was then that they could start planning for the origin of wood!

In the past two days, Ling Huohuo also began to consider whether to bring Guo Xiaoyu to the Sun Elf King City.

Guo Xiaoyu is the child of luck, with her help things will be much easier, although Ling Huohuo can't say where it is easy to handle, all in all, luck should be better.

Moreover, Guo Xiaoyu's power is of the wood attribute, so there might be surprises.

However, before Ling Huohuo contacted Guo Xiaoyu, Guo Xiaoyu came to the Sun Elf King City by himself, and Lu Sisi also came at the same time.

The reason is that they received a hidden mission, and the final reward was an artifact!
Ling Huohuo felt very speechless about this.

When did artifacts become so worthless?
And Ling Huohuo probably understood where Guo Xiaoyu's artifacts came from.

It's all about doing tasks!
Ling Huohuo had a general understanding of Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi's mission.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, they received this mission from the evil camp.

That's right, the players of the justice camp received a task of rewarding artifacts from the NPC of the evil camp.

If the players of the evil camp heard this, they would definitely cry and pass out in the toilet.

The mission was issued by the dark elves.

There are also good and bad among the elves.

Some elves live in the lawful camp, some live in the evil camp, and a few elves belong to the neutral camp.

The dark elves are the elves belonging to the evil camp!

The task of Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi is to bring back the relic of a strong Dark Elf who was killed by a strong Sun Elf.

This is an object-finding task, not easy, but not difficult either.

Fortunately, Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi already have a complete plan.

The dark elf spies assigned to the Sun Elf King City will also provide assistance to the two.

Ling Huohuo saw an opportunity from here.

The spies of the dark elves might be able to do something for him.

It can also be used for public and private purposes...probably.

In return, Ling Huohuo could also help Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi find the relic in due course.

Although Ling Huohuo got online with Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi, he had never touched him in the game, and he still looked like a stranger.

While Ling Huohuo was waiting for his arrangement to bring benefits, an accident...happened.


It was another day, and there was not much time left before the meeting between the brave man and the demon king. The other elves did not leave, but instead sent more people. The security is also stricter.

It looks like a storm is coming.

Many players also felt that the atmosphere was not right.

It is difficult for those who assassinate Ling Huohuo to have a chance to attack, and those forces that want to contact Ling Huohuo have temporarily died down. After all, the people I sent have been blocked by Ling Huohuo, and no one can stand it. .

What's more, it's obvious that more important things are going to happen recently, and Ling Huohuo's matter can be put aside.

Ling Huohuo had a rare two days of peace and stability, and even the kite that often appeared around her hadn't appeared for a few days.

And it was also at this time that a piece of news spread in the Sun Elf King City——

Your majesty is dead, bah, no, it's——

Sun Elf King, dead!

Ling Huohuo:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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