The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 930 I like good-looking ones

Chapter 930 I Like Good-looking Ones (Part [-])
On the day of the funeral, the entire Sun Elf tribe and the natives saw each other off on both sides of the road.

The body of the Sun Elf King lay in a light coffin, peaceful and serene.

The coffin is made of the branches of the sun tree. It is golden, noble and dazzling. There are various petals and leaves in the coffin, which set off the nobility of the king and reflect the nature.

The natives on both sides of the road knelt on the ground, respectfully sending their king off for the last time.

The entire Sun Elf King City fell into grief.

The remains of the Sun Elf King will make a final round of inspection in the royal city, and then be sent to the ancestral land for burial.

Looking at the body of the Sun Elf King in the coffin, Ling Huohuo frowned.

This is indeed the Sun Elf King, but... why did the Sun Elf King die?

Didn't you still give yourself a reward alive and kicking in the past two days?
The news announced by the royal family is that the Sun Elf King paid a huge price when he quelled the rebellion before, so he lost his life.

But Ling Huohuo has 1 unbelievers.

After that, he met the Sun Elf King and knew about the Sun Elf King's situation. The death of the Sun Elf had absolutely nothing to do with the rebellion!
And according to the news from the ghosts in the void, the Sun Elf King died suddenly!
Sudden sudden death, which is very intriguing.

Why did the Sun Elf King die suddenly?
If it weren't for the situation, Ling Huohuo would definitely check the body of the Sun Elf King.

But now that the Sun Elf King has played GG, Ling Huohuo has nothing to do.

And with the death of the Sun Elf King, the Sun Elf King City will become more chaotic and turbulent, which will also have an impact on Ling Huohuo's plan.


On the third day after the Elf King died, Ling Huohuo made himself a cup of tea at home.

The reason why Ling Huohuo didn't enter the game was because he received a notice of the general meeting, and he wanted to hold the general meeting temporarily.

As for why, I heard that someone killed Zhu Jiang!
If in the past, the Zhujiang was killed by someone, it was very simple, the person who killed the Zhujiang replaced him as the Zhujiang.

At first, Ling Huohuo thought it would be the same now, but it turns out that the times have changed and the rules of the game have also changed.

If there is a vacancy in the post, it is no longer just to be replaced by a powerful person. Instead, it needs to be discussed at the meeting of the post, and finally a candidate to fill it is determined. If there is no good candidate, the position of the post will be vacated.

The reason why the Zhujiang meeting is held to determine the candidates is to prevent people from the X organization from mixing in, and it is also necessary to determine whether the Zhujiang has the responsibility of the Zhujiang. If the villain becomes the Zhujiang, it will cause great harm.

And at a deeper level, the system of selecting candidates at the Zhujiang meeting is the product of power struggle!
The power struggle refers to the struggle between the pillar kings!

When the strength is not detached, the only way to win interests for oneself is through fighting.

And where there are people, the situation of attracting interests will not disappear!
Although the pillar king and pillar general system has just been established, some dirty things have already appeared.

In fact, dirty is only relative.

No matter who becomes the pillar king or the pillar general, it is ultimately for the purpose of stabilizing the social order. The cake in it is only related.

Ling Huohuo must go to the meeting of pillar generals.

It has nothing to do with Ling Huohuo's will, but for the rules.

The Zhujiang meeting is an important means to stabilize the world order. If Ling Huohuo breaks it first, it may cause serious consequences.

Ling Huohuo hadn't paid attention to Zhuwang and Zhujiang's affairs for a long time. Before going to the meeting, Ling Huohuo deliberately contacted Yi Yi to learn about Zhuwang and Zhujiang's current affairs.

The reason why I didn't ask Ling Zhuo, who is also a pillar general, is that you may not believe it, but Ling Zhuo has already indulged in university life...

As for Yi Han, Ling Huohuo was not familiar with him, and Yi Han was also one of the people who shared the benefits.

Today's power struggle is mainly based on the struggle between the pillar kings.

Although the pillar kings have no real power, it does not prevent them from wooing the pillar generals to bring more benefits to themselves.

In this way, the eight major interest groups with the eight pillar kings as the core and the middle faction without affiliation have been formed.

Yi Yi belongs to the centrist faction. He is living a stable life now, and other forces have not yet found Yi Yi.

As for Ling Zhuo, no one was looking for him, and so was Ling Huohuo.

Because they did not reach out for their interests, they rarely appeared, and they seemed to be marginalized people.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo were happy and peaceful.

After understanding the general situation, Ling Huohuo was ready to leave and made arrangements at the same time.

This time Ling Huohuo brought Zhou Zi and Molong along.

After leaving for two short days, the matter of the Sun Elf King City was temporarily handed over to the Void Hundred Ghosts. At the same time, Ling Huohuo asked Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi to help him keep an eye on the matter of the King City.

Watching Ling Huohuo leave, Ling Tian showed an imperceptible smile.

Ling Huohuo was dismissed, so he could hurry up and carry out his plan.

This time, he arranged a special event for Ling Huohuo, and he should be able to delay Ling Huohuo for at least a week, which is enough for him to complete the negotiation with the brave.

Li Yinman frowned imperceptibly.

Ling Huohuo left, and I don't know how long it will take to come back. It seems that the matter of asking Ling Huohuo for help can only be temporarily put on hold.

However, although Ling Huohuo has left, aren't Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi still there?

Maybe it may also become your own help!

Ling Huohuo arrived at the island where the meeting was held in the afternoon.

When Ling Huohuo got off the plane with Zhou Zi and Molong, before he had time to look around, a figure greeted him.

It was Ling Zhuo, still holding the social turtle in his arms.

"Boss, long time no see!"

Ling Zhuo smiled at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo took a look at Ling Zhuo, and now Ling Zhuo already has eighth-level strength.

The exercises given to Ling Huohuo by the Demon King Army and the spar given to Ling Zhuo were not simple things. They laid a strong foundation for Ling Zhuo, allowing Ling Zhuo's strength to inflate like a balloon.

Of course, the help of the social turtle is also indispensable.

Water-attribute transcendents embrace the essence of water every day, and it's hard not to be strong.

And only Ling Zhuo could receive such treatment.

The identity of Zhujiang made Ling Zhuo's life very nourishing. Although Ling Zhuo didn't tell others about his identity as Zhujiang, and didn't do anything with his identity, some people who knew his identity would take the initiative to give him convenience.

After all, there are many licking dogs in the world.

Ling Huohuo patted Ling Zhuo's shoulder.

"I've grown taller and gained weight. How's life in college? Have you found a girlfriend?"

Ling Zhuo smiled.

"College life is good, but I don't have a girlfriend yet." Ling Zhuo smiled a little embarrassedly, "But I believe there will be one sooner or later, and I will definitely find someone I like."

Ling Huohuo nodded and asked curiously

"What do you like?"

"It's beautiful!" Ling Zhuo said without hesitation.


"Then look aside, what do you want?"

"Sorry, I can't let go!" Ling Zhuo's answer was extremely firm, showing that he was a man with principles.


(End of this chapter)

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