The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 931 Watching Movies Openly, Loud Voice

Chapter 931 Openly Watching Movies, Loud Voice (One More)
There are not too many links, and the meeting starts directly.

We are all busy people and we don't have time to waste.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo entered the conference room, while Zhou Zi and Molong waited outside, as did the social turtle.

In the huge conference room, Ling Huohuo sat in his seat and did not communicate with other people.

However, Ling Huohuo noticed that the seats in the conference room had changed a little, and some people had already started to exchange pleasantries, which did not exist before.

"Is it an interest group?" Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes and finally shook his head.

This kind of interest group is indeed very useful for small things, but it is difficult to be of much help when it comes to big things, especially for Ling Huohuo's help is too small.

The eight pillar kings did not come, that is to say, this meeting will be decided by the pillar generals.

There are 88 pillar generals and 88 seats, but at this time one seat is vacant, which is the dead pillar general.

At this time, a woman came in, and the pillar generals stopped talking, but stared at the woman.

The woman ignored the generals, but stood in the middle of the conference room and looked around.

"I'll be the host of this pillar general meeting. My name is Xiong Xinxin, and I'm from the Demon King's Army." Xiong Xinxin briefly introduced himself.

Most of them knew that someone would be hosting, or knew Xiong Xinxin, but they didn't make a sound.

It is not uncommon for the Pillar Generals to come into contact with the Demon King's Army. Naturally, they also know some characters in the Demon King's Army, and Xiong Xinxin is one of the people who often comes into contact with the Pillar Generals.

Xiong Xinxin's life is also very good recently. The treatment of the Demon King's Army is really good, and their treatment is especially good for the first wave of people who joined the Demon King's Army.

Xiong Xinxin is now a civilian in the Demon King's Army. Apart from helping the Demon King's Army with some things, she is practicing on her own, or playing games, and doing things she likes.

This life is beautiful.

Today's presiding meeting is also Xiong Xinxin's notification from the Demon King's Army, asking her to preside over the Pillar General meeting.

Xiong Xinxin didn't have any objections. Anyway, her arrival was just a formality, and she had no interest in these pillar generals.

"I won't interfere with your activities, I'm only in charge of hosting this meeting." Xiong Xinxin said, and then looked around, making sure that all 87 pillar generals had come, and then nodded.

"Then, this Pillar General meeting, let's begin!"

"let's start."

"Then let's get started."

"it is good."


After confirming that the pillars were all ready, Xiong Xinxin clapped her hands.

"This time the pillar general meeting will determine whether the new pillar general is qualified and has the ability to succeed the pillar general. Now bring the new pillar general up."

The door opened, and a boy and a girl walked into the conference room.

Although two people came in, no one objected.

"The new post will be that boy, and that girl is his companion." Xiong Xinxin explained.

Who is the candidate for the new pillar general?

Most people are a little surprised to see the teenager.

"very young."

Ling Huohuo also thought so at first, but soon he almost blurted out the basis of "fuck".

Because that boy's name is - Xiao Mo.

But that's not the point, the point is the girl next to Xiao Mo, her name is Ling Xian'er, she has a brother named Ling Zhuo, who is now Ling Huohuo's number one younger brother.

Like Ling Huohuo, Yi Yi also knew Xiao Mo and Ling Xian'er.

As for Ling Zhuo, his mouth was already wide open, and he was about to stand up without even thinking about it, but he stopped abruptly.

It's not been a day or two since Ling Zhuo became a Zhujiang. Although he hasn't paid much attention to the affairs in Zhujiang's circle, Ling Zhuo also knows that he can't show anything easily at this time.

But Ling Zhuo was a little confused.

I am the judge and my sister is the judged. This feeling is a bit strange.

Fortunately, Ling Zhuo knew that the person involved was not his sister, but Xiao Mo.

But this made Ling Zhuo look at Xiao Mo even more unhappy.

Ling Huohuo also looked at Ling Zhuo, and nodded when he saw that Ling Zhuo's expression changed a few times, but he didn't show his head.

Little brother has grown up.

If the table is turned over at this time, not only Ling Zhuo, but everyone related to Ling Zhuo will be in a bad situation.

It is okay to flip the table, but it needs to be divided into people and methods.

Xiao Mo and Ling Xian'er stood in the center of the conference room.

Although the expressions of the two looked a little unnatural, they were still able to stand there steadily, which proved that the two of them were still in a very good state of mind.

This made Ling Huo take a high look at the two of them.

Ling Huohuo discovered that Xiao Mo was only at the seventh level, and Ling Xianer... Ling Huohuo discovered that he couldn't see through Ling Xianer's strength!

No, it should be said that Ling Huohuo never saw through Ling Xian'er!
It was beyond Ling Huohuo's expectation that Ling Xian'er could stand here.

"Sister Ling Zhuo hides so deeply." Ling Huohuo sighed.

However, on the other hand, isn't Ling Zhuo the one who hides deeply from his sister?No, it should be said that it is hidden deeper!
Ling Zhuo might be the only Zhujiang who came to the meeting in rush for the weekend.

Ling Huohuo couldn't even do such a tricky thing.

Soon, Xiong Xinxin introduced the two of them, and then backed away.

"Pillar generals are invited to discuss and vote, and you can also question Xiao Mo, and Xiao Mo can also express his thoughts."

After finishing speaking, Xiong Xinxin sat on the chair prepared in advance, turned on the computer, put on the earphones, made herself a cup of wolfberry tea, took a sip, and started watching the drama.

Xiao Mo and Ling Xian'er, who were very close to her, saw Xiong Xinxin's set of operations, and couldn't help but get black lines.

Eldest sister, is this the highest meeting of ours?Can you be more serious?
Regarding Xiong Xinxin's casual attitude, the generals did not express anything, because their attention was all on Xiao Mo and Ling Xian'er.

"Xiao Mo, you are guilty!" An old man stood up and shouted at Xiao Mo.

"What's my fault?" Xiao Mo puffed up his chest, took a step forward, and looked at the old man without showing any weakness.

"Heh, you sneaked up on Saidinda, endangered the general, and contradicted the majesty of the general. Don't you feel guilty?"

"Hehe, he is not strong enough, and he died at my hands, that's all. As for the sneak attack, it is even more ridiculous. What evidence do you have to prove that I did a sneak attack?" Xiao Mo showed a tough attitude that was not at all similar to his usual one.

Ling Huohuo curled his lips. Although he looked tough, Xiao Mo was also a smooth person. His answer was to kick the ball back in a different direction.

"What General Kaszu said is a bit exaggerated." A general sat on the chair and said, "The competition for the generals is based on strength. If you lose or die, who can you blame? This is not the same as the generals. Dignity is irrelevant."

"you said……"

The Zhu generals quarreled, and Xiao Mo was also arguing with reason. As for Ling Xian'er, she didn't speak. There is no room for her to speak here.

Ling Huohuo could roughly tell that some people on the field thought that Xiao Mo should be killed to maintain the dignity of the pillar general. These people should be because Xiao Mo touched their interests.

There are also some people who are in Paul Xiaomo for various reasons.

Some are related to Xiao Mo, while some have conflicts of interest with those who attack Xiao Mo.

As for the last group of people, they are neutral. Most of them are watching jokes or doing their own things. For example, Ling Huohuo saw a guy who imitated Xiong Xinxin to openly watch movies and even broadcast them.

This is also a talent.

He was watching porn after all.

(End of this chapter)

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