The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 932 I am the father you will never get

Chapter 932 I'm the Dad You'll Never Get (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo looked back and found that Ling Zhuo was looking at him, the meaning in his eyes was obvious——Boss, I think...

Ling Huohuo nodded, indicating everything O and a few K!

The discussion was still going on, and it was getting more and more intense. If it wasn't for the wrong place, Ling Huohuo felt that this group of people could even fight.

Xiao Mo did not back down either.

As a bystander, Xiao Mo is also a genius!
Although Xiao Mo didn't say anything beneficial to himself, he didn't let others catch his braid.

However, some people came prepared, investigated Xiao Mo, and brought up the matter of Xiao Mo slaughtering most of his own family.

And later on, I don't know who pointed out that Xiao Mo is the enemy of the King of Life and Death Pillar.

The painting style on the field suddenly changed.

Xiao Mo fell into a disadvantage.

"For me, Xiao Mo should be executed on the spot, and the little girl behind him should also be executed!" General Kaszhu, who had the upper hand, said with a smile.

With the backing of the Pillar of Life and Death, General Casszhu is very proud, and some generals will not continue to stand on Xiao Mo's side at the risk of offending the Pillar of Life and Death.

The only ones who support Xiao Mo now are those pillar general groups who are really with Xiao Mo, but there are only a few dozen of them.

General Kaszhu's words made Xiao Mo and Ling Xian'er's faces unhappy.

Xiao Mo glanced at Ling Xian'er apologetically, Ling Xian'er was also present at the time, and came to cheer for Xiao Mo as a friend, but he didn't expect to be involved.

Ling Xian'er shook her head, then narrowed her eyes and thought about it.

Only Ling Xian'er knew that her arrival was not that simple, and her purpose was not just to cheer for Xiao Mo, but now it seemed that she had to consider some things.

However, at this time, something happened that no one expected.

Just as Xiao Mo's supporters were about to make a final struggle for Xiao Mo, a cup flew towards General Kaszhu.

General Kaszhu naturally wouldn't be hit by the cup, but easily smashed the cup, but General Kaszhu's expression was not very good.

Being hit with a glass is not a wonderful experience, it is a challenge to oneself.

"Who is it?" Cass glared at the generals who supported Xiao Mo, but the generals who supported Xiao Mo also looked at each other in blank dismay. They couldn't do this kind of thing like throwing cups on the negotiating table!

"It's me!" A clear voice came.

Everyone looked at the person who spoke.

The pupils of Ling Xian'er and Xiao Mo shrank suddenly.

Especially Ling Xian'er, with an unbelievable look on her delicate face.

"It's a lie, which one"

Ling Xian'er suddenly panicked, it's over, her brother found her... wait!Why is my brother sitting there?
Although Ling Xian'er realized something, she couldn't believe it.

That ordinary brother of mine turned out to be a pillar general? ! !
"Ling Xian'er, your brother..." Xiao Mo looked at Ling Xian'er, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

He naturally knew Ling Zhuo, because he suspected that something was going on with Ling Xian'er, he even came to him on purpose, but who would have thought that he was actually a pillar general? ? ?

"I do not know!"

Ling Xian'er hurriedly looked around, she didn't care about other people just now, now she wants to see if there are any acquaintances.

Sure enough, Ling Xian'er soon saw two familiar faces...

Ling Huohuo, Yi Yi...

What's wrong with this world?
Ling Xian'er suddenly felt that she was a joke.

In the past, Ling Xian'er always felt that Zhu Jiang was too far away from her, and she never paid attention to it, but now it seems that Zhu Jiang is by her side!

After successfully pretending to be aggressive in front of Ling Xian'er and Xiao Mo, causing tens of thousands of points of critical damage to them, Ling Zhuo looked at General Kaszhu.

At this time, Ling Zhuo was crossing his legs, looking extremely presumptuous, not at all like his usual honest person.

"What's the matter if I hit you?" Ling Zhuo spoke again, full of gunpowder.

"What's wrong with this person? Did he take gunpowder?" Someone murmured softly.

Cass recognized Ling Zhuo as a general who had always been neutral, which made him frown, and things were not easy to handle.

When it comes to neutral characters, if one is not good, it is likely to push the other party to hostile forces.

"What do you mean?" Cass asked, but his tone was still tough, showing no sign of weakness.

"Oh, that little girl is my sister, what do you mean by me?" Ling Zhuo sneered, looking at Cass with an unkind expression.

The pillar generals began to mutter in low voices, looking at Ling Xian'er and Ling Zhuo below from time to time.

Ling Xian'er twitched the corners of her mouth.

Xiao Mo is also a little embarrassed, that is to say, why don't you just watch if it doesn't involve Ling Xian'er?
I... endured it!
After all, Ling Zhuo is Ling Xian'er's elder brother, so he still has to give this face, and Ling Zhuo is still a general, and his strength is definitely not weak. Although Xiao Mo has confidence in his own strength, he still doesn't want to fight with other generals casually.

Originally, Xiao Mo's plan was to challenge Cass when things got too far, and then defeat or kill Cass, and speak with strength, but now it seems that the plan has changed.

But hearing Ling Zhuo's words, Cass' expression turned ugly.

Who would have thought that his words would offend Ling Zhuo, the key point is who would have known that that woman was your sister!

Cass took a deep breath.

"Sorry, I was reckless, so I won't pursue the matter about that little girl anymore," Cass said.

However, this time, before Ling Zhuo could reply, another voice sounded.

"Hehe, I think that General Kaszhu's aggressive appearance has the demeanor of losing the general. Let's not talk about who he is targeting, but the good general meeting turned into a war of words between you. It's really a loss of points." .”

This time it was Yi Yi who spoke, looking at the newspaper he had taken out from somewhere, he seemed to be speaking casually, with an extremely pretentious appearance.

Everyone can see that this is also a pillar general who has been neutral before.

Why would the neutral column suddenly sound?
However, Yi Yi's map gun made many people look bad, because they were all one of the people who lost points just now!

When someone wanted to refute, a third voice sounded.

"Now that there is a lack of one, it would be good to kill that person to succeed. Such a simple thing requires so many troubles." Ling Huohuo fiddled with the phone without even raising his eyes.

"I still have something to do, you guys end it quickly."

Ling Huohuo frowned, looking unhappy.

In fact, Ling Huohuo was really in a hurry, because the news came from the ghosts in the void just now-the Demon King's army has taken action!

Is this worth it? ? ?

Xiong Xinxin also put down her earphones and looked at Ling Huohuo.

Before coming, the demon general reminded her to pay attention to this person!

"Who do you think you are?" Someone shouted angrily at Ling Huo.

"I am you……"

Ling Huohuo looked at the person who made the sound.

"The father who will never get it!"

There was a moment of silence in the conference room.

Ling Zhuo and Yi Yi secretly applauded.

6 Ah, old iron.

(End of this chapter)

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